Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Reading Log Brave New World
Who? | Where + When? | What? | Chapter I| Director, students, Henry Foster, Lenina| Central London Hatchery and Conditioning CentreYear A. F. 632| – World State’s motto: ‘Community, Identity Stability’ – The Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning (D. H. C. shows some new arrived students the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre–> introduces them to the principles of the mass production of humans- There are groups of ‘alpha’, ‘beta’, ‘gamma’, ‘delta’ and ‘epsilon’ – Work with the ‘Bokanovsky’s Process’–> one of the major instruments of social stability – Mr Foster, an avid employee, tells the students more about the Centre- The embryos are prepared for their later life and work | Chapter II| Director, students, infants, nurses| Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre (Infant-Nurseries – Neo-Pavlovian Conditi oning Rooms)| – The tour continues in the Infant Nurseries-Neo-Pavlovian Conditioning Rooms –Example of conditioning: low-caste babies are offered books and flowers which they want to reach; suddenly there are loud frightening sirens and the babies get a slight electric shock –> they should learn to associate books and flowers with negative experiences–> lower caste humans are not supposed to read because it is a waste of time and flowers are useless- The Director explains hypnopaedia (sleep-teaching) –> children listen to tapes that permanently repeat slogans about behaviour and attitudes during their sleeps| Chapter III| Director, students, Mustapha Mond, Henry Foster, Lenina, Fanny, Bernard Marx| Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre (outside in the garden), the lift, Girl’s Dressing-Room| – In the garden the students observe children playing erotic games -> they are encouraged to play sexual games-The Directo r tells the group about the suppression of erotic games in former times -> it is incredible to the students- Mustapha Mond, one of the ten rulers, appears and gives a lecture on history -> â€Å"history is bunk†a explains why it was necessary to change the society-> Lenina Crowne and her friend Fanny Crowne talk about men and Lenina’s interest in Bernard Marx, who is said to be strange – Bernard Marx overhears Henry Foster talking with a friend about Lenina -> dislikes the way they talk about women as if they were meat| Chapter IV| Lenina, Bernard, Mr Helmholtz Watson| The lift, Propaganda House, Bernard’s apartment| – Lenina and Bernard meet in a rowded lift and Lenina asks him about their plan to go to the Savage Reservation in New Mexico; Bernard feels embarrassed about that – Bernard is uncertain about Lenina because on the one hand she wants to go on holiday with him and on the other hand she spends much time with Henry Fos ter- Bernard feels to be an outsider –Bernard and his friend Mr Helmholtz Watson meet–> both are an ‘alpha-plus’ and both feel like individuals and for this reason like outsiders | Chapter V| Lenina, Henry, Bernard, other participants,| Helicopter, a club, Henry’s apartment, Fordson Community Singery| Part 1:- Lenina and Henry fly with the helicopter over the Slough Crematorium where corpses are burnt to recover phosphorus which is used as a fertilizer –> even dead people are useful for the society- They talk about how it is like to be an ‘Epsilon’ and come to the conclusion that everyone is happy- In the evening they dine and go to a club together; after that they have sex in Henry’s apartment- ‘Soma’ is served with the coffee after meal–> indispensable for the people in the state, otherwise they can’t feel happyPart 2:- Bernard takes part in a Solidarity Service with eleven other peopl e–> they take ‘soma’, sing hymns and wait for the coming of the ‘Greater Being’-While everyone there enjoys it as a feeling of unity, Bernard feels very isolated| Chapter VI| Bernard, Lenina, Fanny, Director, Helmholtz, a warden| Helicopter, Bernard’s apartment, Director’s room, Savage Reservation| Part 1:- Bernard go to the Woman’s Heavyweight Wrestling Championships in Amsterdam together – They have different ideas of happiness–> Lenina wants to do sports and have fun with ‘soma’, he prefers being alone with her, avoids crowds and refuses ‘soma’ – Bernard wants to be happy in his own individual way and not â€Å"enslaved by his conditioning†– When Bernard realizes that Lenina does not understand him, he takes ‘soma’ and sleeps with herPart 2:- Bernard goes to the D. H. C. to get his permission to enter the Savage Reservation –
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