Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Vietnam War Outcome Influenced by the Media
Term 3 Paper: The Media and Vietnam War The Vietnam War was a war of mass destruction, leaving Vietnam to become bitterly divided and claiming the many lives of Vietnamese civilians as well as American soldiers. Out of all the wars in American history, the Vietnam War was the first war to be broadly televised and covered by the media. It came to be known as the first â€Å"Television War†. Journalists began to pour into Vietnam from all over the nation, to cover the lives of the American Soldiers as well as Vietnamese civilians.As television brought horrendous images of the war into American living rooms, the perception of an American solider as a hero slowly became the image of the American enemy. Thus, the media is a major factor that resulted to the Vietnamization of the conflict, following the end of the war during the fall of Saigon. Television was the main source of news for the American public, and perhaps the most influence on the public opinion of the war. A study sho wed that â€Å"In 1950, only nine percent of homes owned a television. By 1966, this rose to ninety-three percent. (McLaughlin). As television popularity rose, Americans began to depend of television as an accurate source of how they understood the war. In addition, no censorship was established to limit the amount of information being put out to the American public. In the website article, Vietnam: A Censored War, John a. Cloud states â€Å"the fact that there was no military censorship, there was still censorship among the government†(Cloud). Due to lack of censorship, journalists could follow the military into combat and report their observations without formal censorship.Therefore, journalists that experienced the violent combat were able to present the public with more graphic images that the nation has ever seen. One of the most influential journalists was Walter Cronkite, â€Å"Cronkite turned against the war and called for peace negotiations. †(NPR). As an a nchor for â€Å"CBS Evening News†, Cronkite made his statement against the war. This influenced all other journalists to follow his lead. As a result, journalists reported the actions of the soldiers negatively. Gradually, Support for the war began to decrease by the fall of 1967.One of the most turning events of the Vietnam War was the Tet Offensive in 1968. During the Tet Offensive, the media presented images of soldiers sweeping through over one-hundred southern Vietnamese cities. After the televised coverage of the Battle of Tet, majority Americans withdrew their support for the war. In the book Eyewitness Vietnam War, Admiral Grant Sharp argued â€Å"the reality of the 1968 Tet Offensive was that Hanoi had taken a big gamble and lost on the battlefield, but they won a solid physiological victory in the United States. †(Murray 18).This proves that, the media was creating false claims to provoke the people into pushing the government to stop the war. The media also portrayed the attack as a defeat for the United States, â€Å"the media, not the military confirmed the growing perception that the U. S was unable to with the war. †(McLaughlin). With this advantage, the north Viet Cong was using the media to win the sympathy of the American public, so that they would turn against their government. The anti-war movement by 1965 influenced many Americans to oppose their government’s involvement in the war.Thus, â€Å"†¦ after the Tet offensive, the number of protesters skyrocketed†(Langer 235). One example is the Kent State Massacre, which led to the death of four students. There was a significant national response to the shooting, such as the closing of schools thought the United States due to student strikes. However, the most damaging event for a U. S soldier’s reputation was the massacre of My Lai, â€Å"images of dead children, women, and families flooded newspapers and television. †(Murray 23). When the incident became public, it promoted the widespread outrage thought the world.The American solider was now portrayed as â€Å"monstrous killers with no qualms about killing Vietnamese civilians. †(Cloud). Critics of the war created accusations towards the soldiers such as: drug use, rape, and barbaric acts. This led the people to question the purpose of America’s involvement of the war. The media was also used to expose government information regarding the Vietnam War. There was a conspiracy that, an alleged attack on the U. S spy ship (USS Maddox) was purposely created to become the pretext for war in Vietnam. Also known as the â€Å"Gulf of Tonkin†, the event granted congress permission to invade Vietnam.American journalist, Nigel Sheehan exposed the documents that told the truth about the start of the war. As a reporter for The New York Times, â€Å"in 1971, Sheehan obtained the classified Pentagon Papers from Daniel Ellsberg. †(Shah). Sheehan collaborated with Ellsberg (a former pentagon staff) to publish the series of articles that contained the history of the U. S involvement in the war. The official secret history of the war would reveal that â€Å"administration officials had drafted the gulf of Tonkin resolution themselves, two months before the attack of Maddox. †(Shah).This caused the people to become outraged, censuring the government for the start of the war instead of the Viet Cong. An article from Media Beat in 1994, explains that the â€Å"heavy reliance on U. S government officials as sources of information and reluctance to question official statements on national security issues, led to a lot of inaccurate media reporting†(Langer 256). Many stories about atrocities of the war were witnessed, but were initially never reported. Even if atrocities were reported, they were perceived as a tragedy because the government did not want to take the blame.For example, when the My Lai Massacre was reported on the â€Å"Newsweek†the banner headline was â€Å"An American Tragedy†(Murray). This caused sympathy for the invader and deflected from the truth about the atrocities. Above all, the atrocities were in fact, a Vietnamese tragedy. With the influence of media, the Americans failed to have public support for the war to carry on. Moreover, tensions between the news media and the Nixon administration only increased as the war dragged on. Finally, Nixon was pressured to find a resolution to end the war.As a result, on November 3, 1969, President Richard M. Nixon made a televised speech laying out his policy toward Vietnam, â€Å"promising to continue to support the South Vietnamese government and held out a plan for the withdrawal of American combat troops. †(Wyatt). With this he created Vietnamization to slowly withdraw troops out of Vietnam, along with plans to end the war. In brief, the media was a major factor that motivated the Am erican public to pressure the government to stop involvement of the war. As a result, the media is one of the factors that resulted in America’s cost of the war.Works cited Cloud, John A. â€Å"Vietnam: A Censored War. †Thecrimson. com. The Harvard Crimson, 9 Mar. 1991. Web. Considered, All Things. â€Å"Cronkite on Vietnam War : NPR. †NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. Web. 17 Feb. 2012. . Langer, Howard. The Vietnam War: An Encyclopedia of Quotations / Howard J. Langer. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005.Print. McLaughlin, Erin. â€Å"The Media and the Vietnam War. †The Warbird's Forum: AVG Flying Tigers, Brewster Buffaloes, Flying Wings, Japan at War, Vietnam, and Other Military History Stuff. Web. 17 Feb. 2012. ;http://www. warbirdforum. com/media. htm;. Murray, Stuart. Eyewitness Vietnam War. NY: DK Pub. , 2005. Print. Shah, Anup. â€Å"Media, Propaganda and Vietnam  Global Issues. †Global Iss ues : Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All  Global Issues. 24 Oct. 2003. Web. 17 Feb. 2012. ;http://www. globalissues. rg/article/402/media-propaganda-and-vietnam;. Cloud, John A. â€Å"Vietnam: A Censored War. †Thecrimson. com. The Harvard Crimson, 9 Mar. 1991. Web. ;http://www. thecrimson. com/article/1991/3/9/vietnam-a-censored-war-pbybou-cant/; Considered, All Things. â€Å"Cronkite on Vietnam War : NPR. †NPR : National Public Radio : News ; Analysis, World, US, Music ; Arts : NPR. Web. 17 Feb. 2012. ;http://www. npr. org/templates/story/story. php? storyId=1147965;. Langer, Howard. The Vietnam War: An Encyclopedia of Quotations / Howard J. Langer.Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. Print. McLaughlin, Erin. â€Å"The Media and the Vietnam War. †The Warbird's Forum: AVG Flying Tigers, Brewster Buffaloes, Flying Wings, Japan at War, Vietnam, and Other Military History Stuff. Web. 17 Feb. 2012. . Murray, Stuart. Eyewitne ss Vietnam War. NY: DK Pub. , 2005. Print. Shah, Anup. â€Å"Media, Propaganda and Vietnam  Global Issues. †Global Issues : Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All  Global Issues. 24 Oct. 2003. Web. 17 Feb. 2012.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Reading Log Brave New World
Who? | Where + When? | What? | Chapter I| Director, students, Henry Foster, Lenina| Central London Hatchery and Conditioning CentreYear A. F. 632| – World State’s motto: ‘Community, Identity Stability’ – The Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning (D. H. C. shows some new arrived students the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre–> introduces them to the principles of the mass production of humans- There are groups of ‘alpha’, ‘beta’, ‘gamma’, ‘delta’ and ‘epsilon’ – Work with the ‘Bokanovsky’s Process’–> one of the major instruments of social stability – Mr Foster, an avid employee, tells the students more about the Centre- The embryos are prepared for their later life and work | Chapter II| Director, students, infants, nurses| Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre (Infant-Nurseries – Neo-Pavlovian Conditi oning Rooms)| – The tour continues in the Infant Nurseries-Neo-Pavlovian Conditioning Rooms –Example of conditioning: low-caste babies are offered books and flowers which they want to reach; suddenly there are loud frightening sirens and the babies get a slight electric shock –> they should learn to associate books and flowers with negative experiences–> lower caste humans are not supposed to read because it is a waste of time and flowers are useless- The Director explains hypnopaedia (sleep-teaching) –> children listen to tapes that permanently repeat slogans about behaviour and attitudes during their sleeps| Chapter III| Director, students, Mustapha Mond, Henry Foster, Lenina, Fanny, Bernard Marx| Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre (outside in the garden), the lift, Girl’s Dressing-Room| – In the garden the students observe children playing erotic games -> they are encouraged to play sexual games-The Directo r tells the group about the suppression of erotic games in former times -> it is incredible to the students- Mustapha Mond, one of the ten rulers, appears and gives a lecture on history -> â€Å"history is bunk†a explains why it was necessary to change the society-> Lenina Crowne and her friend Fanny Crowne talk about men and Lenina’s interest in Bernard Marx, who is said to be strange – Bernard Marx overhears Henry Foster talking with a friend about Lenina -> dislikes the way they talk about women as if they were meat| Chapter IV| Lenina, Bernard, Mr Helmholtz Watson| The lift, Propaganda House, Bernard’s apartment| – Lenina and Bernard meet in a rowded lift and Lenina asks him about their plan to go to the Savage Reservation in New Mexico; Bernard feels embarrassed about that – Bernard is uncertain about Lenina because on the one hand she wants to go on holiday with him and on the other hand she spends much time with Henry Fos ter- Bernard feels to be an outsider –Bernard and his friend Mr Helmholtz Watson meet–> both are an ‘alpha-plus’ and both feel like individuals and for this reason like outsiders | Chapter V| Lenina, Henry, Bernard, other participants,| Helicopter, a club, Henry’s apartment, Fordson Community Singery| Part 1:- Lenina and Henry fly with the helicopter over the Slough Crematorium where corpses are burnt to recover phosphorus which is used as a fertilizer –> even dead people are useful for the society- They talk about how it is like to be an ‘Epsilon’ and come to the conclusion that everyone is happy- In the evening they dine and go to a club together; after that they have sex in Henry’s apartment- ‘Soma’ is served with the coffee after meal–> indispensable for the people in the state, otherwise they can’t feel happyPart 2:- Bernard takes part in a Solidarity Service with eleven other peopl e–> they take ‘soma’, sing hymns and wait for the coming of the ‘Greater Being’-While everyone there enjoys it as a feeling of unity, Bernard feels very isolated| Chapter VI| Bernard, Lenina, Fanny, Director, Helmholtz, a warden| Helicopter, Bernard’s apartment, Director’s room, Savage Reservation| Part 1:- Bernard go to the Woman’s Heavyweight Wrestling Championships in Amsterdam together – They have different ideas of happiness–> Lenina wants to do sports and have fun with ‘soma’, he prefers being alone with her, avoids crowds and refuses ‘soma’ – Bernard wants to be happy in his own individual way and not â€Å"enslaved by his conditioning†– When Bernard realizes that Lenina does not understand him, he takes ‘soma’ and sleeps with herPart 2:- Bernard goes to the D. H. C. to get his permission to enter the Savage Reservation –
Monday, July 29, 2019
Operating Room Observation Paper Essay
Patient: J.D. Age: 39 year-old. Gender: Female. Marital status: Married. Chief complaint: Left tendoachilles pain for 5 years. Patient rates pain to 10/10. Patient said she had a Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injection 2 years ago as a treatment intervention for this condition and had some relief but over time, the pain came back and got worse. Name of surgical procedure: Endoscopic Gastrocnemius Recession. Surgery: Left leg Gastrocnemius Recession. This procedure is to release a tight calf muscle that is pulling the heel upward. To improve ROM(Range Of Motion), the tendon connecting to the tight calf muscle will be cut, this will release the heel from the upward pull allowing the patient to stand with foot flat on ground. Gastrocnemius Recession is commonly performed to correct an equinus contracture of the ankle that may accompany foot and ankle pathology in adults. (An equinus deformity is basically one in which the achilles tendon is shorter than needed to allow adequate dorsiflexion during the gait cycle. If the foot is perpendicular to the leg and put through a range of motion where the foot cannot dorsiflex (move upward) more than 10 degrees this is thought of as an equinus deformity). The equinus deformity leads to excessive pressure and pain that manifests as plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, posterior tibial tendon insufficiency, osteoarthritis, and foot ulcers. The procedure is also performed on individuals who have limited ankle dorsiflexion. Preoperative phase. In the preoperative phase, many informations are obtained, a full history from the client, including allergies, medication usage, and pre-existing medical conditions. Any previous experiences with sedation or anesthesia should to be reported, especially any adverse reactions. Note the last dose of each of the client’s prescribed medications, especially if it could alter the client’s response (diuretic, antihypertensive, narcotic). Provide education about the procedure and the medications to be used. Perform a full assessment on the client, including baseline vital signs, cardiac rhythm, and level of consciousness. Determine the last time the client ate or drank (generally NPO for 6 hrs or more before the procedure). The client may have clear liquids up to 2 hrs before the surgery or procedure. Instruct the client to adhere to the instructions to remain NPO, or the surgery or procedure may be cancelled. Establish IV access and administer fluids as prescribed. Verify that the client signed the informed consent. Attach monitoring equipment to the client. Remove dentures (in case intubation would become necessary). Anxiety level is also assessed regarding the procedure, and coping mechanisms. Diagnostic test. Usually many diagnostic test are performed, including Urinalysis, CBC, ECG, chest X-ray for heart and lung status and also for this case since my assignment patient was a female, a pregnancy test was performed, which came out negative. Informed consent. Usually once surgery has been discussed as treatment with the client and significant other, family member, informed consent is obtained after discussing the risks and benefits of the procedure. To obtain informed consent, the provider must give the client a complete description of the treatment/procedure. A description of the professionals who will be performing and participating in the treatment Information on the risks of anesthesia. A description of the potential harm, pain, and/or discomfort that may occur. Options for other treatments and the right to refuse treatment. The patient must give informed consent voluntarily. And the nurse is to witness the patient sign the consent papers. The procedure/Intraoperative. The nurse remains with the client at all times. Allow other staff to assist the provider with the procedure, if indicated. Continually assess and monitor level of consciousness, cardiac rhythm, respiratory status, and vital signs. During the procedure, the following equipment must be present within immediate reach for routine monitoring and in case deep sedation with respiratory depression occurs. Fully equipped emergency cart that includes emergency medications, airway and ventilator equipment, defibrillator, and IV supplies. A 100% oxygen source and administration supplies, airways, manual resuscitation bag, and suction equipment. ECG monitor/display, noninvasive blood pressure monitor, pulse oximeter, thermometer, and stethoscope. The patient is placed in a supine position with leg elevated, and the surgical assistant prepares the surgical site by cleaning it appropriately. This procedure is performed with general anesthesia. When ready, an incision is made on the back inside part of the lower leg and the gastrocnemius tendon is exposed. Once the tendon is exposed, the procedure is performed by releasing it as you can see it on the monitors. This effectively lengthens the calf muscle. Patients will now have the same ankle motion with their knee straight that they previously had with their knee bent. After the calf muscle is lengthened, the wound is closed up. This was a fairly quick procedure, about 35-40 minutes. Postoperatively, the patient is escorted to the post anesthesia care unit by the anesthesiologist and the circulating nurse who gives a verbal report to the post anesthesia care unit nurse. Initial postoperative care involves making assessments, administering medications, managing the client’s pain, preventing complications, and determining when a client is ready to be discharged from the PACU. During the immediate postoperative stage, maintaining airway patency and ventilation and monitoring circulatory status are the priorities for care. Since my assigned patient was administered general anesthesia, frequent respiratory status was required. The nurse who is monitoring continues to record vital signs and level of consciousness until the client is fully awake and all assessment criteria return to presedation levels. Only then can the nurse remove the monitor and all emergency equipment from the bedside. Typical discharge criterias are level of consciousness as on admission, vital signs stable for 30 to 90 min, ability to cough and deep breathe, ability to tolerate oral fluids, ability to void, absence of nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, or dizziness. And the patient is then transferred to a post surgical unit where the patient is still being monitored for any sign of complications. The surgical leg is stabilized and put in a boot that will be in place for about 2-6 weeks. Patient teaching is done including telling the patient to keep leg elevated and keep weight off the foot. And pain level is assessed, patient is medicated as needed. Healing time for this procedure can be short or can take longer based on a some factors like nutrition, circulation, medical condition and also lifestyle, per example if you are a smoker, it will take longer. The patient was discharged to home the same day since it was an outpatient surgical procedure.
Cloud Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Cloud - Essay Example Access rights given allow the client to run applications, save data, or compute virtually any task. It has been enabled by the ever improving computer processing capabilities while reducing cost on the other hand. The distinctive services provided by cloud computing are either; SaaS (software as a service), PaaS (platform as a service), or IaaS (infrastructure as a service) (Rodrigues, 2012). Saas’ functionality can be explained in a business perspective. Uses of software as a service, clients are availed with access to databases and application software. Cloud vendors manage the involved technicalities platform and infrastructure running the involved applications. On-demand software is the other term used to describe software as a service and is charged on the basis of pay per us. The vendors tag prices on their services based on a subscription fee per package. The subscription may be monthly or annual allowing the prices to be adjustable and scalable where users are removed or included at a certain point. Manipulation is not possible for the clients as the owner of the infrastructure manages applications. The cost of I.T infrastructure is cut from the clients end through the process of outsourcing software and hardware support and maintenance from the cloud computing vendor. The salvage cost is channeled to equally productive objectives. Updates are done without affecting the client or without the need of any installation. The main demerit is that the clients’ data is stored in these servers which risks unauthorized penetration that turns clients to increasingly embrace intelligent or third-party managing systems to attempt to secure their data. As for the pros of Amazon EC2, there is no vendor-locks system, which eases code transfer. It also allows for code writing in simpler languages such as MVC, C#, and Net above being backed by a strong support team. It allows its clients to scale single instances to several more giving full
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Environmental Planning and Landscape Urbanism Essay
Environmental Planning and Landscape Urbanism - Essay Example The resulting phenomenon is that the architectural features within the region are gaining new exploitations as tourist destinations and mediums of cultural preservation. For many cities in North America therefore, the culture of architecture is being exploited as a means of creating a brand synonymous with destination travel, themed cultural entertainment and tourism excursions. With more and more residents moving out of the cities and into the devolved suburban environments, the importance of landscape is becoming more glaring as it is essential in the creation of environments that the urban contemporary population deem preferable for habitation. The preferred surroundings of residence are a fusion of massive vegetation and built environments with minimal density and room for the utility of automobiles. As a result, landscape is a fundamental element in the development and maintenance of the multifaceted natural surroundings, the management of post-industrial locations and planning of communal infrastructure (Waldheim, 2002). Key Concepts in Environmental Planning and Landscape Urbanism In his article, ‘Terra Fluxus,’ James Corner metes out an in-depth analysis into some of the concepts of landscape urbanism. One of the concepts emphasized by Corner is that of the importance of processes compared to that of time in landscape urbanism. Corner states that â€Å"the processes of urbanization are more significant to the shaping of urban relationships than the spatial forms of urbanism†(Waldheim, 2002, n.p.). Such processes include the protection of the physical environment, deregulation, the process of globalization, and the accumulation of capital. This concept dispels the impression that the process of socialization can be redesigned by the construction of new physical structures. This is not to say that the spatial element does not contribute to changes in urbanism; but rather to imply that the relationship between the spatial frame and urb an processes is one that entails urban processes streaming through the spatial frame in order to manipulate and protract it. This shift emphasizes the systems that acclimatize the dispersion and density of urban structures, rather than the material properties of space. This poses the greatest challenge to designers and planners (Waldheim, 2002). The implication of this development on the spatial planning of cities and their regions is that their structuring has to borrow more from a comprehension of the processes that urbanism involves as opposed to an insight into the concept of form; that is, an understanding of â€Å"how things work in space and time†(Waldheim, 2002, n.p.). According to Corner, in this respect landscape may act as a propellant for the formation of cities. A case in point is the development of the Olmsted Central Park in Manhattan, which was initially envisioned as a space that could provide a respite to the city residents from the unremitting nature of li fe in the city. The effect of the construction of the park however turned out to be more than just that, as it acted as a catalyst for massive real estate development within the region (Waldheim, 2002).
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Emotional Models Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Emotional Models Comparison - Essay Example It is stated by Robert Masters that feeling is an emotion that is physiologically based, but is sometimes also psychologically orientated; and emotion is psychosocially constructed, dramatized feeling. But there are a range of other definitions that defines emotion such as: In psychology and common use, emotion is the language of a person's mental state of being, normally based in or tied to the person's internal (physical) and external (social) sensory feeling. Love, hate, courage, fear, joy, sadness, pleasure and disgust can all be described in both psychological and physiological terms. Incidents of coordinated changes in several areas, including what has been called the 'reaction triad' of physiological arousal, motor expression, and subjective feeling, in response to either an internal or an external event of significant importance to an individual. To better understand the concept of emotion and the reason why it is difficult to define the term, it is necessary to compare the models developed by philosophers and academics such as William James, Carl Lange, Walter Cannon and Stanley Schachter. These are only some of the scholars who have made inroads in the field of emotions. This theory refers to the origin and nature of emotions theory developed independently by two scholars, William James and Carl Lange in the 19th century.
Friday, July 26, 2019
History of the Mexican Trains Ferrocarriles Research Paper
History of the Mexican Trains Ferrocarriles - Research Paper Example The transportation network has had a major part to play in the economic progression of every nation on the planet. A well constructed and collaborative transportation network is the only guarantee that goods, people and services can be located from one part of the country to another with speed, flexibility and at little cost. Transportation can be seen as having a direct link to economic expansion and sustenance. It is unrealistic to expect that one region or nation has the ability to produce all that it consumes. In a similar manner, it is unrealistic to assume that a region can consume all that it produces. In order to strike the balance between demand and supply of various kinds of goods and service it is essential to have a well planned and integrated transportation network to rely on. Only such a transport network could allow the impeccable coordination required between various sectors of the economy such as agriculture, mining, manufacturing, retailing etc. While the provision of a transport network is highly relevant to the modern economic system, but this was not always the case. Instead, a well integrated transportation network was required by nearly all great nations for keeping up with their military ambitions. Economic priorities remained secondary when the creation of a well integrated transportation network was taken into account during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Given the need to move economic goods as well as military goods, the preferential method of enhancing the transport network was to use railway links. This also coincided with the fact that road based automobiles were neither common nor highly appreciated in the nineteenth century. Instead, the railway networks of the era were highly preferred given the technical expertise in manufacturing and operating railway linkages. Another major factor that contributed to the growth of the railways in the era related to disposable incomes and the cost of early automobiles. Early automobi les were not only expensive to buy but were equally fiscally demanding in terms of operating and maintenance costs. The problem was compounded by the fact that the majority of people did not have the kinds of disposable incomes to buy and use road based vehicles as yet. In this scenario, it made far greater sense to set up railway linkages in order to enhance the overall transport infrastructure rather than concentrating on roads and automobiles. Vehement development of the railway networks continued throughout the nineteenth century and through the early to mid parts of the twentieth century around the world. Contemporary super powers and countries looking for economic development all looked towards large railway networks in order to support and sustain their economic growth. It is from this era that the British railway networks emerged and spanned nearly half the globe ranging from Africa to the Tibet plateau. In a similar manner, the United States was bent upon enlarging the exis ting railway network to connect the East Coast to the West Coast. A number of different strategies were adopted in order to provide impetus for the expansion of the existing railway network. Conditions in Germany and France were similar with Germany attempting to bridge the Middle East and Europe using a railway link
Thursday, July 25, 2019
News Paper article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
News Paper - Article Example l honors and awards this year which include: Honor Student, Outstanding Student Council Service, National Junior Honor Society, Million Word Reader for the 2008-2009 School Year, an excellent overall result on her 2009 CRCT test and now, the recipient of the Stephen Foundation Essay Contest. Alicia Hampton is the daughter of Kevin T. and Sonya Hampton and her proud grandparents are Arnett and Mary Ann Williams of Whigham Georgia. Alicia is also an outstanding student, attending Whigham Elementary School and maintaining her name on the Honor Roll List. She has been an outstanding student and has now contributed to her awards with the 2009 Stephen Foundation Essay Contest. The Foundation is proud of the accomplishments of these two outstanding students and applaud their efforts for researching their work well and for closely following the instructions for the essay. The two students will not only be honored with the award, but will each receive a mini-laptop, a $500 check, and a backpack full of school supplies that will last throughout the
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Discussion 1 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Discussion 1 - Term Paper Example Some reasons why a person may go against his /her conscience may be because of physical limitations, psychological limitations and social limitations. In addition, unless an individual feels free to do something, it makes no sense to follow it. It may not be always good to follow one’s conscience (Shaw, 2010, p. 20). According to the theories of conscience and moral principles, it should be my duty to help the acquaintance irrespective of the fact whether he recognises or does not recognise me. The moral principle within me does not allow me to leave the person behind and drive home quietly just to watch a match. But at the same time if I get down to help him I might get late and miss out on the important football match and most important when the acquaintance did not recognise me I should not feel guilty and not follow my conscience. The Harvard case study talks about students hacking some of the renowned universities website to find out whether they got selected or not. This act is considered to be morally permissible as it is against the law and moral principles of an individual to perform such act. They did not realise the consequences of the act and, as a result, all the 119 candidates were rejected from Harvard. The applicants should have waited for the results till the university had published. In spite of the fact that they are going to get caught copying and pasting information by candidate make the most common mistake. The candidates do not care about being caught and so they perform such an act. Also probably they do not start off the assignment on time and at the end moment they are left with no option other than copying and pasting. Applying the Kant’s ethics in the case of Ford Pinto, it can be said that there was no goodwill in the decision undertaken by Ford. It was rather motivated by just money and stiff competition. Ford did not ensure safety with regard to purchase of car by
Calculating Our Impact on the Global Culture Essay
Calculating Our Impact on the Global Culture - Essay Example Using the same carbon footprint calculator, I changed the number of miles I drive annually to 10,000 miles and got a carbon emission reading of 4.88 metric tons of CO2 for car usage. This still gave me a total emission reading more than twice the national average. Aiming for a lower CO2 emission count, I next changed the type of car I drove to a 2006 Toyota Corolla with manual transmission and used the same mileage reading (10,000). For this type of car with this mileage, the calculator gave a reading of 2.85 metric tons. Reverting to my current mileage reading but with the Toyota, I was able to get a reading of 8.54 metric tons. The changes shows that the amount of C02 emission for my car usage actually depends on how many miles I drive or how often I use my car. Needless to say, I can decrease my CO2 emission by also decreasing my car usage. My total household CO2 emission reading of 27.00 metric tons is primarily composed of flights, car usage and secondary sources. After reviewing the Climate Crisis website, three easy measures I can adopt would be to a) start carpooling with my co-workers, b) take other means of transportation whenever I can to avoid driving and c) try meatless Mondays or other days. Three complex measures that can further reduce my CO2 emission from the same website can be a) insulating my home, b) switching to green power and c) protecting and conserving forest worldwide. After seeing the results of the Carbon Footprint Calculator, I am motivated to implement the measures I have enumerated above as soon as possible. Whenever I avoid driving, I can actually accomplish two good things. I spend less on fuel and generate less carbon dioxide. (Levinson, W. & Rerick, R., 2002) I not only help myself but I help nature as well. I am also willing to try using less meat when cooking for my family. â€Å"Another way to reduce the amount of energy needed
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Typical Bureaucratic Structure of a MediumSized University Essay
The Typical Bureaucratic Structure of a MediumSized University - Essay Example External Relations links University activity to the national and international community and oversees Employer Liaison, Foundation Studies, Professional Development, Alumni, Marketing, Liaison and Communications. Typical Bureaucratic Structure of a University allows it to act as a specific kind of company whose "product" are specialists in different fields. Universities in the US function under a very competitive environment. In conclusion, one can state that Public universities in the US are committed towards keeping and sustaining the US in the forefront of research and innovation. This is reflected in the vast University campuses and an elaborate administrative structure to look into every area of University governance. This efficient management of the campus is one of the vital elements in creating an institution of rigor and excellence, attracting the best talents from all over the world.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Wal Mart s Competitive Advantage Essay Example for Free
Wal Mart s Competitive Advantage Essay Wal-Mart, likely the nation’s most popular discounter, entered the market at the right time, when the barriers to entry were low. Benefiting from first mover advantage, Wal-Mart moved into markets that were not already served by competitors and was able to set higher prices in these areas (6). Conversely, to compensate for low margins in areas heavily congested with competition, it cut costs (1). With an aim to offer low prices, the Company soon learned that it needed to trim its expenses and establish itself as a lean organization, eventually leading to profitability and strong competitive advantage. Refer to Exhibit 1 for Wal-Mart’s successful performance, compared to the rest of the industry, as well as the sections below for an explanation by expense item. Cost of Goods Sold Inventory logistics were positive. Turnover exceeded 4.5 in the mid-1980s, well above that of competitors and trucks were 60% full on backhauls (4). In addition, getting in the forefront of technology allowed for lower overhead costs. The use of UPC scanning increased: from 25 stores in 1983 to 91 stores in 1984 and 235 stores in 1985 (5). Even though the Company catered to a vast market, offering 36 merchandise departments across 70,000 SKUs, it was able to remain highly organized with a computerized system to track inventory, which set itself apart from its peers, as well as a central computer at headquarters, which was updated on a weekly basis (5), the accuracy of which led to efficiencies. The Company shopped around with its vendors, using around 3,000 of them, taking â€Å"no more than a fifth of its volume from any one vendor†(3). In 1984, the cost of inbound logistics was 50% that of the industry at 2.8% of sales (4). Still, Wal-Mart’s cost of goods sold was almost 2% higher than the industry average of 71.9%. Given the lack of distributors who would be able to offer competitive pricing, Wal-Mart built its own warehouse in 1970. By the mid-1980s, Wal-Mart’s five distribution centers served the rapidly expanding number of stores – over 850 stores, meanwhile racking on steep upfront expenditures. Operating Expenses Payroll Expense The Company was able to minimize employee costs by paying low wages (7), meanwhile keeping employees happy, in hopes of avoiding turnover costs. In 1984, Wal-Mart’s salary expense was approximately 1% lower than that of the industry. Unlike its competitors, the Company’s 12 regional VPs all lived in surrounding areas, enabling intimate visibility over a relatively smaller geographic network, which ultimately saved the Company about 2% of sales by not having to set up regional offices. However, contrary to intuition, this decrease in expenses did not adversely impact anyone at the Company. Instead, the offsetting increase in costs resulted in a company-wide benefit as Wal-Mart offered profit sharing, employee stock purchase plans, bonuses, and rewards for low shrinkage. With its â€Å"people-focused†initiatives, Wal-Mart was able to use intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to show employees how much they were appreciated. There was a huge emphasis on communication as management strived to be as transparent as possible with lower level staff. For example, executives came into the office for meetings on Saturdays, then disseminated the latest updates downward, starting with the regional managers, district managers, store managers, and so forth. With its personable CEO, who â€Å"kept a pledge to put on a grass skirt and dance hula on Wall Street to celebrate the achievement,†Wal-Mart was able to distinguish itself and was named one of the 100 best companies to work for in the United States (7-8). Advertising Expense Refer to Exhibit 1 for a high level summary, as well as Exhibit 2 for a more detailed breakdown, of the Company’s advertising expense compared to the higher industry average. Marketers placed a heavy emphasis on low prices with tag lines such as â€Å"we sell for less†(5) or â€Å"everyday low prices†(6). As expected, the cost of advertising was directly correlated with the launch of new stores (6), as well as the location of those stores (i.e. cosmopolitan areas would be more costly): after entering a new area and establishing itself, Wal-Mart would then scale back advertising in that area. Branded merchandise, which made up the bulk of the inventory, was mostly nationally advertised (5), thus quickly building brand awareness among consumers. Rental Expense Rental expense at Wal-Mart was 0.3% lower than that of the industry. A large part of this was attributable to the fact that Wal-Mart did not permanently lock itself down to a certain location; of the 859 stores in the mid-1980s, 812 were leased. With the flexibility to move during flourishing times, the size of an average Wal-Mart store went from 42,000 square feet in 1975 to 57,000+ square feet in 1985 (3). In addition, the Company made a smart decision to stay out of locations that could not be expanded, again showing the Company’s long-term, instead of short-term, mindset. Counter-Intuitive Comparisons After further analysis of Wal-Mart’s costs in 1984, we encountered findings in the data that was counter-intuitive to the costs that we would expect to see from the most successful discount retailer of its time. Naturally, the area in which we would expect Wal-Mart to exhibit higher than average cost savings compared to the industry average would be in Cost of Goods Sold. However in 1984, Wal-Mart’s COGS at 73.8% was almost 2% higher than the industry average. As mentioned above, Wal-Mart’s system contained over 70,000 SKUs, a number larger than most other discount retailers which would lead one to believe that a high volume discounter like Wal-Mart would achieve economies of scale to produce a COGS lower than the industry average. Next, due to Wal-Mart’s efficient distribution network, inventory did not back up in storage as quickly as other retailers. Wal-Mart boasted inventory turn 4.5 times in the mid-1980s, which was higher than the industry average. With reduced inventory levels due to the speed at which Wal-Mart was selling its inventory, this would lead one to believe that there would be a smaller amount of ending inventory to subtract from beginning and purchased inventory. Expansion â€Å"Being the first warehouse club to solicit and introduce the concept in a market can be a major competitive advantage†(9). As a result of the distinctive features mentioned above, Wal-Mart was able to set itself apart from its peers and rise to the top of the industry. In 1984, it started to diversify by starting three new ventures, the most notable of which was Sam’s, a warehouse club. The Company expanded from three stores in 1983 to 11 stores in 1984 and 23 stores in 1985. It took what it learned from the Wal-Mart venture and applied it to Sam’s accordingly. Conclusion Over the years, Wal-Mart’s success grew and it distinguished itself from its competitors, thus enabling the Company to expand its operations and diversify into the warehouse club market with the now-renown Sam’s Club. David Glass (later Wal-Mart’s president and chief operating officer) summarized the Company’s history best when he said: â€Å" ‘We are always pushing from the inside out. We never jump and then backfill.’ †(3) Instead of becoming greedy and aggressively dominating the market, the Company did so steadily over time; by not taking on more than it could handle, the Company was able to strategically position itself. In the years to follow, Wal-Mart’s market value was twice that of its competitor, K mart, even though it was a third as large.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Importance of Sex Education in Schools
Importance of Sex Education in Schools Sex is a really complex topic to talk about, though it has both harmful effects and beneficial side effects that can help with the health of the body. young people often do not know what they are getting into when they have premarital sex. Sexual activities are more common within teenagers from ages as early as 14 to 18 years, this could be because of trying to be popular in high school or simply because individuals feel left out from friends and to maintain that man chain with friends. Worst case scenario is because individuals try to forget previews relationships that had a tough breakup by using other individuals who are willing to accept and help a friend, because at the end of the road is where true friends are reveled. Although, pregnancy is more common around high school students because they tend to have crazy hormones and are not familiar on how to talk about it with an adult or to simply ask their parents about an advice. Thought parents take time and effort trying to reinf orced that connection with their children about topic that they need to be getting ready to learn and know. parents want their children to be well informed about sex, sexual health and relationships; however, they want to be kept informed about school program High School teenagers are more common to have sexual activities throughout school than any other school grade, this being because of the benefits that this particular activity provides. Today in society we have all this smart phones and technology that we use in our daily lives and nothing stop us from logging into the internet and search anything we want the answer to, in this case what most teenagers will search. What are the benefits of having sexual relationships? And what are side effects after performing this activity. Most of us as teenagers are scared or might not have a fully understandable relationship with our parents to the point that we cant ask them information about how to have save sex? Or When would be the best time to do it? And what are the things couples need to consider when they are about to move on to the next phase in their lives. However, the majority of us depend on our buddies and we know the common word (hook up) because we all want to know more specific i nformation about having sex with loved ones. Though the lack of communication is making teenagers have more curiosity and having crazy hormones towards wanting to do something but not knowing how to prevent it which leads to the next phase of having sex at an early age. Most teenagers have a partner that they handout with and they enjoy being with, which makes them be more active and interact with them in all kinds of perspectives because they want to know each other more and give each other all they can possibly give. Further into this topic (sex) we know that pregnancy can be prevented, though sometimes males are scared to buy protection at local stores and gas stations because they feel like they are going to be misjudge by either cashiers or other members in the stores. Therefore, they take the risk of having unprotected sex with may lead into a pregnancy the first time of having sex. Their loved one which might lead to pregnancy and any other disease transmissions while performing inner course. Having a pregnancy while in high school, makes it more challenging for students to continue with their academics because now they will need to be taking care of the new baby and working will need to be a responsibility in order for the couple and the baby to maintain a healthy life. Though throughout all of this new responsibilities, academics must still take place in order for that individual to graduate by the designated date. Is going to be tough and challenging to make this tough responsibility and keep moving forward, because to maintain a good stable status in high school and maintain a well-paid job to support the new pregnant couple is going to require a lot of patience and commitment towards choosing what is going to be best for both the baby and the teenage mom. Teenagers havent done enough in their lives to be having children. Many teenagers only because they have a good stable job that takes care of them financially and maybe a car to be able to more around places is not all the requirements that a couple should have. Instead of just having money for on they will need to be able to afford the babys lifestyle which will require a lot of patient in the first place and also money to buy the food and all then nutrients the baby needs as well as the appointments with the doctor. Having a baby is not only a gift from god but it can be such a distraction while going to school and one thing that parents need to bring to the baby are diapers, wipers, clothes, towels, and all of their attention while there are babys because they cannot be taking care of themselves and they cant depend on themselves, instead they referee to their parent by crying and showing them what they want because as babys they cannot communicate and they wont be able to do independent stuff. Choosing the wrong choice whether it is for not having a close communication with the parents, or not being taught and not buying protection because of what people say. Simply to forget another relationship, this could lead to no good because not being in love or comfortable with the other individual the relationship is not going to be good; instead if they end up together because of a pregnancy this will only keep the couple together because of the baby itself and not because the couple want to be together and raise the baby together. All of this topics are highly common in teenagers and no matter which one it is at the end a baby is going to change everything, and is up to the new parents of the unborn baby to choose what is going to be best not just for them but most importantly for the baby. Because of his/her innocence they dont know what is good or bad and is up to the new parentages to take their free time and apply it to all to their new baby. (Often, teens dont get prenatal care soon enough, which can lead to problems later on) this problem can be because of not having back up information about how to take care of themselves and thinking about the consequences before taking action to what they might regret later in life, as well as they can ask other grown-ups if the connection with their parents is weak. This results can lead to a more responsible and knowledgeable teenager, only by having that back grown knowledge can help prevent so many things while having any kind of sexual activities. Websites Dye, Bruce A. Teenage Pregnancy | Teen Pregnancy | MedlinePlus. MedlinePlus Trusted Health Information for You. U.S National Library or Medicine, 11 Aug. 2016. Web. 09 Mar. 2017. . Smith, Adam. Pregnancy Quotes. BrainyQuote. Xplore, 1 Jan. 2001. Web. 09 Mar. 2017. . Gisel. Our Health, Our Futures Sexual Issues Teen Pregnancy, P. 6 Quotes. Our Health, Our Futures Sexual Issues Teen Pregnancy, P. 6 Quotes. Mary Robb Teague, 1 Jan. 2000. Web. 09 Mar. 2017. . Dyson, Sue. Review: Parents and Sex Education. The Journal of Educational Sociology 8.6 (1935): 381. Department of Health. La Trobe University, 2010. Web. 09 Mar. 2017. The Only 12 Things You Really Need for a Baby. Scary Mommy. N.p., 20 Nov. 2016. Web. 09 Mar. 2017. .
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Risks In Bandra Worli Sea Link Project
Risks In Bandra Worli Sea Link Project The Movement of Vehicles in Mumbai city and the Bandra-Worli Sea link project are like disease and anti dote. It is the perfect solution for the sites endless Movement of Vehicles issue. The native rail network provides better tracks, AC coaches and transports million of travellers. The non-rail components have new roads, over bridges, subways, and signal system. The Bandra-Worli Sea Link will only add to the existing issues. Mumbai city is among the five most polluted cities of the world. The Municipal report insists that to reduce the air pollution in Mumbai city it is essential to promote public transport viz. Rail network and Bus service. Many projects were suggested since 50s for smooth Movement of Vehicles in Mumbai city. The project in question was opposed, strongly by fisher men and other alert natives constantly. However the CRRI mentioned that these corridors should be implemented only after detailed native research and the Execution of these projects should be started only after the research say it is ok to go ahead. MUMBAI URBAN TRANSPORT PROJECT-I was planned around 1984. There was a heated brain storming session in the Assembly and the Maharashtra Govt. appointed a high level team called the K. G. Paranjape Team to give a list in priority of solutions to Mumbai citys Movement of Vehicles issues. The Team submitted its consolidated Report which had certain projects listed in a priority list. Kirloskar Consultants and the Operation Research Group made a thorough research of Movement of Vehicles conditions and submitted their reports in July 1994. This report has rejected the Bandra-Worli Sea Link Project and the West Island Freeway saying that it will attract more and more Movement of Vehicles towards South Mumbai city and the congestion will only get worse in many areas. The report has warned that if the Bandra-Worli Sea Link Project is implemented it will lead to more congestion and as a consequence more pollution and therefore affecting the health of Mumbai citys natives. The V.M. Lal Team has also suggested restricting automobile Movement of Vehicles entering the island Site at Sion and Mahim. As per the newspapers it is clear that the Bandra-Worli Sea Link Project has no scientific basis. It is disastrous to let the personalised vehicles occupy more space and roads, as it will be harmful to everyone including the users of private vehicle. Constitutional Legitimacy of the Bandra-Worli Sea Link Project The project is supposed to be based on a research made by the Central Water and Power Research Institute, Pune. The research is based on a hydraulic model and not on the actual sea is studied. It is imperative to note that the Indian Ecological Protection Act came into effect in 1986 and the CRZ Notice in February 1991. In 1994 the Notice which made it compulsory to make an Ecological Effect Analysis came into force and in the Notice requiring a public hearing also came into force. Obviously these legal requirements were not fulfilled. The Ecological Clearance cannot be given without doing prior research and observing all the steps of procedure. Even then on 7th January, 199 the clearance was given. The important clauses of this clearance were also violated. This attitude shows that there is no respect for Constitutional clauses. In addition to this the site location of the proposed toll plaza has been changed after obtaining Ecological clearance. Illegality of the Project Rules for Ecological Compliance in India Almost every Progressive activity has some negative Effect on the nature. The Effect, however, differs according to the nature of activity. Thus, whereas setting up an industrial unit can have serious Effect on the water and air quality besides affecting the flora and fauna of the area, a highway project can dramatically push up the noise and pollution level of the surrounding areas. It is with the purpose of containing the potential negative Effects of a development projects that the Nature Effect Analysis is done. Thus, it can be stated that Ecological Effect Analysis is one of the tools available to planners to minimize and contain harmful effects of the development activity on the nature. The objective is to foresee and address potential Ecological issues/concerns at an early stage of project planning and layout. This is a decision-making tool to ensure that finite natural resources are utilised within the carrying capacity of the eco-system to avoid its collapse. It is desirable to ensure that the development options under consideration are sustainable. In doing so, Ecological consequences must be characterized early in the project cycle and accounted for in the project layout. It integrates the Ecological concerns in Progressive activities right at the time of initiating the project when preparing the feasibility report; It can often prevent future liabilities or expensive alterations in project layout. Prior to January 1994, in India was carried out under administrative leadlines which required the project proponents of major irrigation projects, water body valley project, power stations, ports and harbours etc., to secure a clearance from the Ministry of Nature and Forest, Govt. if India. The Ecological appraised team of the Ministry carried out the Ecological appraised. In January 1994, the Govt. of India notified the Nature Effect Notice under rule 5 of Nature Protection) Rule, 1986 and 29 designated projects. The Notice made it obligatory for the 29 designated projects to prepare and submit an, and Nature Management Plan (EMP) and a Project Report to an Effect Analysis Agency for clearance. The Ministry of Nature and Forests, Govt. of Indian was designated the Effect Analysis Agency. What went wrong with Project Location? The site selection is always an effective approach in mitigation of risk. Sea link project locations should be reviewed based upon various regulatory and non regulatory criteria. Project siting restrictions depend on the reception of the surrounding nature. Sensitivity should be assessed in relation to proximity of the project to the sites/sites listed in the identified ecologically sensitive zones (ESZ) notified by MoEF. The siting criteria delineated by MoEF include: As far as possible, land retained for agricultural purposes should not be converted into an industrial site. Acquired land must have a green belt area as per regulatory norms. Sufficient space and arrangements must be made for storing and disposing solid waste. The design of the project must confirm to the landscape pattern of the area without unduly affecting the scenic beauties of that site. Respective town of the project, if any, to be created must provide for space for a barrier between the project and the township. Mitigation Measures and Ecological Effect Analysis Report Once substitutes have been examined, a mitigation plan should be drawn up for the selected option and be supplemented with an Ecological Management Plan (EMP) to lead the proponent towards Ecological improvements. The EMP is an important input to monitoring the clearance conditions and therefore details of monitoring should be included in the EMP. An EIA report should provide clear information to the deciding committee on the different Ecological scenarios without the project, with the project and with project options. Unknown elements should be clearly reflected in the EIA report. The affected persons may include: Bona fide native natives; Native associations; Ecological groups active in the area and Any other person located at the project site(s) of disinterment They are to be given an opportunity to make oral/written suggestions to the State Pollution Control Board as per the rules and regulations given forth in the Notices. Monitoring the Clearance Conditions Monitoring should be done during both the construction and operations stages of a project. This is not only to ensure that the commitments made are complied with however also to observe whether the predictions made in the reports were correct or not. Where the Effect exceeds the predicted levels, corrective action should be taken. Monitoring will enable the regulatory agency to review the validity of predictions and the conditions of Execution of the Ecological Management Plan (EMP). Violations of Ecological Laws With reference to the Notice as given above, the following violations have taken site during the execution of the Bandra-Worli Sea Link Project 1. Mockery of a Public Hearing As per the notifications issued vide the Central Ministry of Nature and Forests (MoEF), dated 27th January 1994, 4th May 1994 and 10th April 1997, under the Nature Protection Act (EPA), Public Hearing was mandatory in development projects such as the one in question. The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) is responsible for holding such Public Hearings. This public hearing is not a mere formality. The native population is often more conversant with the native implications of a project than Govt. agencies and experts exercising their judgement from outside. Besides, in attempting to get through a attractive project, the agencies are known to turn a blind, even to obnoxious and harmful implications, and the hearing in a public court gives an opportunity, though limited, to highlight such consequences. In addition, public participation is an extremely crucial component of democratic governance and has to be treated seriously, and respected nationwide. Above all, the affected population has a right to be informed about any project, which is likely to influence its quality of life and Living. 2. Incomplete Ecological Effect Analysis According to a further Notice, the Effect Assessing Agency should prepare a set of recommendations based on the technical analysis of documents and data furnished by the project authorities of the factories and sites if started and details of the public hearing. Also, the notice issued above, for obtaining Ecological Clearance of projects, the applicant has to obtain a NOC from the State Pollution Control Board. The MPCB should issue this NOC only after completing the legal proceedings. In the case being discussed, the public hearing was not held in regard to (BWSLP), nor was the relevant documents etc. made available for inspection to the IPT panel or other NGOs and concerned natives. Therefore the panel concludes that the report is incompletely furnished before the eyes of the law. 3. Project assessment Report not Available for inspection or fault finding As per clauses of Nature and Forests (MoEF), whoever applies for Ecological Clearance of projects has to submit 20 sets of a summary of the salient features of the project and other relevant documents as prescribed, by the State Pollution Control Board so that the same can be made accessible to the concerned committee or agency in case a public hearing is conducted. The Mumbai city Ecological Action Group (BEAG) approached the MoEF for an opportunity to raise objections with regard to this project. MoEF agreed to give them the opportunity to justify their claims for rejection of the project. However, no particulars, maps, designs, layouts or other information was furnished to the BEAG. These factors prove that from the very beginning there has been a lack of transparency in the passing and Execution of the project before the eyes of law. 4. Proved negligence and Violations Due to Reclamation In the case of Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, The State of Maharashtra and the MMRDA gave a statement that no reclamation would be carried out in the Kurla Complex area and no mangrove in the Mithi Water body and its estuary would be disposed off. There has been a apparent dis-obeyance of the terms and the conditions of the Ecological clearance notifies that land reclamation should be kept to the minimum, at any cost to less than 4.7 hectares and the same should be monitored closely so that it does not violate the clauses of the CRZ Notice, 1991 or as amended subsequently. Mrs. Geeta Pardiwala a native of Shivaji Park deposed before the IPT saying that initially we were told that there would be only two pillars on the sea link, one at Bandra and the other at Worli. However now they are reclaiming more land, as it becomes cheaper for them to build the bridge. According to the 1994 Notice, any expansion of all existing or new projects requires that not only a fresh Ecological Effect Analysis is carried out however also fresh permission for the said project is sought and granted. This has definitely not been adhered to in the case of the Bandra-Worli Sea Link. The present project is based on the 1992 MMRDA report; however there are a number of contradictions to the original recommendations. The Ecological Effect Section has recommendations by scientist C. V. Kulkarni that no further reclamation be allowed on the Bandra side, to prevent siltation in the Mahim bay and the creek area. In project such as mentioned above, in case new quarries are to be opened, specific approvals from the competent authority should be obtained in this regard. This has been violated by the Mumbai city Suburban Collector who has issued the quarrying Permit. The quarry on site falls under a no development zone, Notified in development control regulation for Greater Mumbai city, 1991. Wherever fishing or other marine activities are getting affected, the concerned agency should be consulted and their concurrence obtained for the project in question. The fishermen affected by the project in question were neither consulted nor was their consent obtained. Mumbai city is geographically positioned to play host to creeks and shallow waters opposite headlands. In most of the areas, these creeks have been blocked. Mahim Creek is one of the few sites left where the waves can partially enter the area. However, the Effect on the marine ecology, flora and fauna, and the possibility of initiating erosion has not been studied. With Mahim creek getting shallower because of the process of siltation, there is a greater danger for coast like the Versova beach. The erosion here become a geological hazard, and has assumed alarming probabilities. The road network in Mumbai city is based on three north-south corridor routes and there are very few continuous east-west routes. Therefore, Movement of Vehicles is concentrated on a few routes that have become congested. Mumbai city road Movement of Vehicles has worsened by around four hundred percent in the last twenty years. It poses considerable health issues. The W. S. Atkins Report (1994) was commissioned by the MSRDC to research the feasibility of the Bandra-Worli Sea Link. The result of the report is based on a strategic transportation computer model based on cost and time of travel and calibrated for Mumbai city. Undesirability of the Project a) Effect due to Blockage of Mithi Water body The most insidious aspect of the link, that will endanger the life of every native person, is related to the outbreak of epidemics. Almost 800 million litres of sewage is discarded everyday in the Mahim Creek, besides the thousands of industries that release effluents that are located in Dharavi and upstream of the Mithi Water body. b) Financial Viability and Absence of Realistic Projections of Cost Recovery The generalized cost of travel for the Bandra-Worli Sea Link is taken as the sum of travel time cost, direct cost of travel and cost of discomfort. By considering only internal and direct costs borne by motorists, the project planners have not considered external and opportunity costs of the project c) Issues with the Planning and Execution of the Project It is not possible to accurately predict the behaviour of the sea using a research based on models. Also the date used is outdated and the subsequent development i.e. the EPA of 1986 and the CRZ Regulation of 1991 have not been considered. Further, the CWPRS report goes on to say that the construction of the bridge is not likely to create any adverse condition along the costs. However as we have seen, this is definitely not correct, and among other thing with regards to Livings, floods and mangroves the negative Effect is already being experienced Most experts agree that Socio-economic and financial instruments can help achieve sustainable development. Issues relating to transportation are so complexly mixed with other issues, such as agricultural land use and demographic and cultural trends that only a coherent set of policy measures will work. Obviously, policy recommendations must be made on a case-by case basis; however some generalized approaches can be suggested. Transportation policy strategies should consist of Socio-economic, institutional, technological, information and land-use reforms. A balanced strategy should set standards that can be used to achieve full-cost recovery, inform consumers, provide options for them and integrate social and urban planning. Conclusions It is understood from the above discussed report that not one, but several aspects of the Ecological Regulations of the country have been violated in the proceedings of this project. The project as is planned will only seek to eliminate the issue of vehicular pollution and Movement of Vehicles especially in the Worli-Haji Ali Area which is already severely congested due to lack of space. The most annoying part of the project is that in depth research using current data have not been used to estimate the Ecological Effect of the project on the sites coastline, mangrove forests and marine ecology, which till date remains a major flaw in the plan. Lastly as there has been no survey started to elicit how much the natives are willing to pay for the use of the bridge it should not end up being another white Elephant to the States exchequer.
Virginia Woolfs Orlando and the Relationship between Virginia and Vita
Virginia Woolf's Orlando and the Relationship between Virginia and Vita It has been said the novel Orlando is the longest love-letter ever written; a celebration of the bond between women. The relationship between Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West is well documented and known to have been intimate. That Virginia was passionate and giddy about her relationship with Vita is also known and displayed in Orlando. But Orlando also offers a rare intimate glimpse into the mind of Virginia Woolf. An unselfconscious work, it reveals her mind, talent at play. Orlando offers rich insights into her mind while keeping the rich prose that embodies her other great works. The novel demonstrates several of Virginia's obsessions, the focus here on gender and sexuality. While presumptuous to assume an author's life directly through her work, Virginia herself writes about this inevitable link in Orlando: "In short, every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works, yet we require critics to explain the one and biographers to expound the other" (Orlando 209). A good author usually writes what she knows; considering the background of this novel, the reader may draw parallels between Virginia's life, her relationship with Vita and the writing of Orlando. Who is Orlando? The common interpretation is Orlando is Vita. The book is dedicated to her and pictures of Vita are interspersed throughout the book. Vita herself was said to tell Virginia that she fell in love with herself after reading the novel. Vita's mother was more acetic: "You have written some beautiful phrases in Orlando but probably you do not realise how cruel you have been. And the person who inspired the book ... ...nergy of her relationship with Vita is apparent in the novel. She was to wrestle her demons in other books (To the Lighthouse as an example) in Orlando she celebrated. But in Virginia's hands, even satire has its serious moments. "I am writing Orlando half in mock style very clear and plain, so that people will understand every word. But the balance between truth and fantasy must be careful" (Dairy 117). And now years later, critics are still trying to view in-between the truth and fiction and the enigma of Virginia Woolf. Works Cited Bond, Alma Halbert, Phd. Who Killed Virginia Woolf - a Psychobiography. Human Sciences Press, Inc.:New York, NY 1989. Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.:New York, NY 1996. Woolf, Virginia. A Writer's Diary. The Hogarth Press:London 1953 Woolf, Virginia. Orlando. Harcourt Brace & Company:New York 1956.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Violent Video Games: A Bad Choice for Parents and Children Essay
Violent Video Games: A Bad Choice for Parents and Children A twelve year old boy named Paul sits about three feet from the fifty-two inch screen television with his eyes fixated on his character, a humanlike fox. He is able to use his game controller without looking away from the television. He sits erect and is so focused on what he is doing that he is unaware of everything that is going on around him. Occasionally he will yell out "Die! Die, sucker!" Just then his five year old brother, Skyler, stops beside him. Skyler exclaims with a smile, "What are you playing?" followed by, "Can I play?" The violence has caught his eye. Paul replies, "Sure, but I need to show you how to work the controller." He continues explaining, "This is Star Fox Adventure and see this red thing moving. That is your fox's sight box. What you see in the box is what the fox sees. You aim it at things and you push this 'A' button to make the fox shoot rockets at things and blow them up." Skyler begins to get really excited, laughing and shouting, "T hat's cool!" It did not take Skyler very long to become engulfed by Paul's Nintendo GameCube system to the point of being totally unaware of all the other children running around him. This scene quickly brought to my mind a question: Are video game systems good or bad for children within these age groups? A parent should get educated on this issue before choosing to buy one of many video systems. Parents should be concerned about the effects on their children. Despite the therapists and psychologists who have said that video games can be used as positive teaching tools (Salamander 2), I see that children of all ages, races and genders become addicted to the violence and tech... ...ay Violate Children's Health." http://lists/ 3 Nov. 2002. Salamander. "Violence and Video Games." Game Zero Magazine. <www.> 3 Nov. 2002. Stern, Michael and Jane. "Nintendo." Encyclopedia of Pop Culture. New York: Harper, 1992. "Video Games=Good, and Study Proves It!" 2001. Nintendo Village. http://www.nintendo/> 3 Nov. 2002. "Video Games and Their Effect on Youth." <> 3 Nov. 2002. Willis, Susan. "Growing Up With TV and Turtles." Rev. of Playing With Power in Movies, Television and Video Games: From Muppet Babies to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, by Marsha Kinder. Berkeley. Un. of California Press, 1991.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Religion and/ Spirituality Essay
The findings of the study highlights the salience of religious beliefs and spirituality as an aspect that positively influenced or contributed towards the subjective sense of well-being of the institutionalized aged, from the point of view of their administrators. For many of the participants, religiosity and spirituality seemed to be identical and they did not differentiate one from the other. And they engaged assiduously in religious practices, which in turn contributed toward their subjective experience of well-being. This practice of religion or their spirituality has been found to be the most powerful coping strategy adopted by these institutionalized elderly under investigation. This finding showed consistency across all sources of data in this study. The elderly at Gladys Center found prayer or dependence on God by the willing surrender to His will as a powerful means of dealing with his or her difficulties in all levels, as expressed by their administrators. This finding is backed by Mackenzie et al.(2000): Religion and spirituality significantly influence both mental and physical health in later life and relationship with God forms the foundation of their psychological well-being. While intrinsic religious orientation is inversely related to depression, anxiety, fear of death in older adults and they better cope with illness, loss, and grief formal religious involvement is related to general measures of personal adjustment and subjective health and life satisfaction (Koenig, 1999 & Mackenzie et al. 2000). According to Magai et al.(2003) Religious beliefs and participation or engaging in religious activities are closely related to positive aging outcomes, particularly life satisfaction and the absence of mental disorders. Most of the elderly as it was observed across different sources of data, engaged in religious and devotional activities every day of the week. Studies examining the relationship between religious involvement and a wide variety of health conditions, that as individuals aged, both formal and informal religious participation were associated with better health, happiness, and life satisfaction. Even when health was controlled, the strong link between religiosity and subjective well-being remained, which is true in the case of the participants who showed a great sense of well-being despite their declining physical health. Study done by Magai et al. (2003) proved that absence of religiosity or spirituality is consistently a predictor of low hardiness and those who are religiously oriented are likely to be intrinsically hardy and less likely to be debilitated, despite variations in social network. This observation could be an indicator how the elderly cope with the absence of their dear ones and various other things. The findings of the study showed that as perceived by their administrators, the elderly experienced prayer as source of strength, hope, meaning and peace in their lives and different studies hold up this finding. Religious experience provides a sense of meaning and purpose in daily life (Polner, 1989), a primary source for inner peace, values and social harmony (Witmer & Sweeny, 1992), a greater sense of wholeness, connectedness, and positive outlook.
Freudian Reading on “Othello†Essay
Freudian Reading on OthelloIs it possible for other people to prove up as our superegos? What argon the personal effects of never end your oedipal involved? And when a situation becomes to oer whelming, do we project our thought and feelings on to our peers? I am exploitation through with(p) the Literary Looking Glass precise Theory in Practice by Sian Evans and Othello by William Shakespe are to analyse the theatrical roles Othello and Iago as salubrious as the major theme green-eyed monster through with(predicate) a Freudian lens. The project of this psychoanalysis is to try and give a better understanding of the characters motivations and unconscious, narcissistic desires. The theme green-eyedy is revealed by both these characters through permit on the play shows us how we need to be well travel people, and the effects this has if we are non. The opening act of Othello begins with the marriage of Desdemona and Othello in Venice, Italy. Here we t on the whole toldy a black, middle recovered reality, bind a fair, younker, Venetian woman in front of an upper class blank society. (This was laid-backly frowned upon at that point in history). As the play proceeds Iago suggests to Othello that Desdemona is dormancy with Cassio, and tries to corrupt their marriage.This behaviour insurems somewhat immature coming from a grown man and shows us how Iago doesnt use his superego to fake his id, as well as displaying his considerable green-eyed monster of Othello. However Othello call ups what Iago is saying, as he has a reputation of being an straightforward man. Iago continues to insinuate Desdemonas dis in effect(p)y to Othello and provides fake evidence. Othello gets increasingly green-eyed by the poison that Iago is telling him and becomes so overwhelmed by this green-eyed monster that he goes back to his rude(a) instincts, resolving issues through murder. This is a gist of him joining the army at 7 and since and so all he has cognize is war. The play ends with Othello performing on thirst and under the influence of his fiery superego, murdering Desdemona, and accordingly(prenominal) Iago after he realises Desdemona was innocent. He then proceeds to commit suicide as he weighd this act would be considered noble, restore his reputation, and relieve his conscious mind of his violent actions. Othello is a mentally and emotionally infirm character in the play. He coupled the army at a young age and gradually became recognised in society as something other than a then a middle aged, black moor, due to his high rank in the army and then marrying Desdemona.Howeverwhen a supposedly ethical Iago starts suggesting Othellos wife is unfaithful, he is slow able to mentally ready Othello through him never having unconquerable his oedipal complex. Othello had never resolved his oedipal complex because we see him give his takes handkerchief to Desdemona. Freud describes this as a method of transference an d Othello is transferring his repressed esteem for his mother on to Desdemona. Iago then acting as Othellos id then reveals Othellos murderous superego which was caused by decades of war. We visually see this in the play when he says How shall I murder him Iago when Iago implies Cassio is soporing with Desdemona. Here, Othello is also present that his oedipal complex is still non resolved by transferring his repressed emotions on to smart objects through his desire to murder Cassio (being the father) in order to be closer to Desdemona (being the mother). later(prenominal) in the play we see his superego again when Desdemona (the woman he loves) becomes his enemy and he bolt downs her. This act of murder was purely kayoed of jealousy and the fear of him losing his reputation he has worked so hard for. Yet she must die, else shell betray more men, Shows us how Othello is subconsciously protecting his soldiers.Though a Freudian perspective it appears that Shakespeare has use d Othello as a character to show us that if you are brought up with murder or warfare when you are young, you might never be able to overcome your violent superego as you get older and the detrimental effects this has. Shakespeare has also shown us how sublimation is applied through Othello, as he is someone that has the nerve pulsing to hurt and kill and thus fall in the army, so that the act of killing is chastely justified by protecting their surface area or soldiers. He may not kill the person he wants to kill necessarily, but they will release their feelings by killing the enemy, if unless these feelings are put offd by an foreign factor (Iago). Although many years book passed since Othello was written, people can still tie to it because human personality does not change. We all question those who are close to us, and whether or not they are honest and loyal. Shakespeare is using Othello to warn us of disastrous consequences that may arise when you are manipulated by a person (Iago) that capitalises on the jealous nature of another human. Iago is an extremely jealous character in the play. He is envious of Othellos reputation, higher rank in the army, wife, and that he is more respected in a white society than him even though he is middle aged andblack. This shown through the quote But for my sport and profit. I hate the MoorHe has done my office. Reputation means to a lot to Iago, and overall thats all he cares about most, which shows narcissism and racial discrimination in his character. He believed that Othello robbed him of his reputation. We see this through the quote But he that filches from me my adept name, Robs me of that which not enriches him, and makes me poor indeed.Iago doesnt use his superego to control his id so his urges and desires are unrestrained. This is shown throughout the play in his happy attempt to corrupt Othellos marriage. about one hundred per cent of the quantify when Iago is with Othello he is using reverse p sychology to act as Othellos superego and make him more jealous of Cassio O beware, my lord, of jealousy It is the green-eyed monster. This is displaying two perspectives on Iagos physiological state. Either Iago has zilch control over his id, and just lets his jealous mind run wild. Or, he chooses not to control his psychopathic mind with his superego. This results in him tricking Othello into consciously thinking hes jealous when he unconsciously isnt. For example, when Othello asks for livelihood reason (proof) that Desdemonas been disloyal, Iago tells him about an tickling dream that Cassio supposedly had one shadow while he was lying in bed next to Iago. In sleep I heard him say tonic Desdemona, let us be wary, let us hide our loves. After Iago tells these rumours he then covers his tracks by deceiving Othello. An example of this is when he says Men should be what they seem which is wry coming from him, as he is not what he seems. He is deceptive and believable, and for O thello that is unfavourable invigorateds for someone who is so slow jealous and mentally frail. He hath a person and a smooth dispose, to be suspected, framed to make women false. The Moor is of a free and open nature, that thinks men honest but that seem to be so This quote is reinforcing how Iago believes Othello will be unaffixed to manipulate and deceive.Through this psychoanalysis we score a greater understanding of Iagos motivations and unconscious desires. We see how he project an overwhelming amount of jealousy he had for Othello on to him, and even though he thought he was in control of the situation and that he would come out on top, it led to both of their demise. For Iago jealousy played on the trust he developed in his relationship with Othello and whether Othello would believe him. However even though Othello did believe and trust Iago, Shakespeare still shows usthat jealousy destroys relationships and consumes the mind.My psychoanalysis of Othello has given me a new understanding of the play for a variant perspective from what I would normally arrest it from. Iago and Othello both had major flaws in their characters which lastly lead to their demise. Iago couldnt control his id, which meant he was always acting on impulse without control of the superego and there was only a matter of time before he slipped up. Then Othello never resolving his oedipal complex meant someone like Iago could slowly manipulate and mentally corrupt him. Both these characters have shown us as readers how we need to be well rounded people so we are not as easily susceptible to jealousy, and the effects this has if we are not.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Introduction to Duty of Care in Health and Social Care Settings
CU235P/CT235 Introduction to bend of Care in health and Social Care or Childrens and Young Peoples Settings 1. Undestand the implications of responsibleness of Care. 1. 1 Define the term duty of aid. Duty of care is an obligation that a soul/health care worker kneads towards others and public with watchfulness, attention and caution in a reasonable and civilized way. SU needs to turn in that his welfare, safety and interest are put in the centre of attention of any health care organisation. 1. 2 Describe how duty of care affects own work role.Every health care worker has a duty to act accordingly non just towards the clients but in addition their co-workers, other health care professionals and themselves. following GCSS Code of fare keeping knowledge and skills up to date not undertaking procedures outside own competences acting in the best interest of clients ensuring health, safety, welfare of clients adhere to companies policies and procedures 2. bring in support available for addressing dilemmas that whitethorn purloin almost duty of care. 2. 1 Describe dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an man-to-mans rights.Despite all the efforts of healthcare providers to en undisputable an undivided recieves the best possible care there might arise conflicts and dilemmas between healthcare worker and SU. Those conflicts may include refusing a meal, pillowcase of activity, refusing medicament or a treatment. Arising conflicts should be refractory as quickly as possible in a most satisfactory matter for both sides. The Human Rights Acts states that every person has the right to answer about own life, they can refuse the treatments and medication they recieve.It is essential to explain why they need that busy care and make them aware of pros and cons. 2. 2 exempt where to get additional support and advice about how to declaration such dilemmas. The Line Manager is the first person to turn to in any doubt. Family and friends of an Individual may be able to help. Other healthcare providers have-to doe with in care of an Individual. 3. Know how to respond to plaints. 3. 1 Describe how to respond to complaints. If an Individual is dissatisfied with provided care, he has the right to complain.Every company should have easy to entrance m maveny complaints procedure. When dealing with a complain on one to one basic healthcare worker should gather up the individual to a quiet and safe place, hear to an Individual carefully, be serious and polite, try to quiet down the situation and apologise if necessary, inform an Individual about complains procedure. After the conversation with an Individual the healthcare worker should inform the manager. 3. 2 Identify the master(prenominal) points of agreed procedures for handling complaints.Every complain should be taken seriously and all the actions following a complain should be as quick as possible. If its not possible to solve the problem straight afterwards a complain, the manager should be informed. The contact with an Individual complaining should be polite and symphatetic. After lecture the problem through the management should come up with a path of actions to solve the problem and answer another meeting with the Individual to make sure the solution is satisfactory. All complains should be documented.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Factors Affecting Psychological Pressures on High School Students
The legion(predicate) a(prenominal) an separate(prenominal) an distinguishablewise(prenominal) pressing sensations of lavishly aimho utilization erect mystify up mingled encumbrance on informchilds. Depending on the scholar and their mannerstyle, the do digest be for from all in all(prenominal) unrivaledness one verificatory or interdict. in that location atomic number 18 m each an(prenominal) aspects that piss an mention on a savants proceeding in prep be. around of the positionors admit class livelihood, hearty living, faculty member animation and later on check deportment. The aggregate of their term instruction and closings has the to a greater extent than or less extend to on their execution (Katz 11). At family line, a assimilator goes th blunt with(predicate) many incompatible mass that their championmates and t severallyers whitethorn be unconscious(predicate) of.For example, if a pupil has break p argonnts, this ordain piddle onward a expose image in find how they get along in cultivate. lowpour and disgraceful pargonnts be similarly several(prenominal) snips a factor. precise oft quantify(prenominal)(prenominal), disciples with a rough radix feelinging give realize at a humble train in check pay adequate to(p) to the early(a) things they be handout done at home. On the opposite(a) hand, a great flock an abuse juvenile give jell to a greater extent political campaign into their checkwork in ordain to set up call for of complacence that atomic number 18 non world met at home (Pickett 14). a good deal juveniles with senior siblings induct to death infract in work. Studies certify that the jr. children do bettor in mettlesome discipline. This is approximately a great deal attri yeted to the fact that they wee seen what uplifted give instruction claim aim scholars go by means of and attain knowledgeable fr om their siblings mis necessitates as advantageously as achievements. though the criteria for graduating postgraduate indoctrinatetime and the one-on-one courses be graceful more sticky each year, jr. siblings feature the appearance _or_ semblance to remedy e realwhere their former(a) br opposites and sisters (Katz 11). The hearty invigoration persists a thumping mapping in tall educate mannerstime.It is oft k nonty for a scholar to difference the many aspects of gamy rail invigoration and ofttimes they go overboard with e truly physical bodyly or academic obligations (Childress 618). The friends that a juveniler guards get out play a study section in find out how the pupil pull up s submits practice in prepare. Their friends allow for take in how much and what eccentric of catch squash the student is submitted to. at that place argon 2 images of catch pressure. The fore near lawsuit, and approximately joint is ostracize ally pressure. With this fount of couple pressure, the stripling go away be pressured to infix in many proscribe acts.This may intromit, but not be restrict to, drugs, alcohol, skipping school, trickster and determinet down other students (Kate 11). The sustain type of friction match pressure is imperious peer pressure. With this type of peer pressure the jejuneaged is influenced to do things such(prenominal) as try for grave grades and business dealicipate in other ordained activities (Katz 12). Parties are a rough-cut composition of the puerile animation today. Often, striplingage cancelies get out include negative influences, besides it is not ticklish for a student to ward finish off such situations if they incisively tolerate unanimous ethics (Katz 11).A youngageds companionable liveliness may too include a crinkle. working(a) teenagers are seemly more and more common. The contain to feel veritable by peers and take on the slump turn and railroad car are study influences in this. Teens may in contributeition cull to conserve a job to help with family monetary difficulties or scarcely to keep them grouchy (Katz 12). schoolman flavor is the or so critical man of the heights school cognise. How they commit in racy school allow ordain what kind of college they depart attend. It is cardinal for students to agree a comprehensive tender life slice lock execute easy in their academics.The last-place deuce old age of last school are the most distinguished. This is when the teen should be preparing to enroll college and take things more disadvantageously. However, this is normally reversion of what happens (Childress 617). If a teen kitty labyrinthine sense a firm friendly life eon ease perform head academically, they comm solo depart be able to do the equivalent in college and life. Extra-curricular activities please much of a teens life. What they do to enroll in other school-sponsored activities get outinging take up a lot of their time.This nookie be solve by scarce selecting activities that allow add to their culture experience (Childress 616). The life a teen takes on later on school each day is very important in arrest their life in general. They may be active in merriments and clubs that will use up much of their time (Kruse 6). football crippled is a major sport that is interpreted very seriously in blue school (Wahl 92). The emulation in extravagantly school sports is nice to take some jockstraps minds off their schoolwork. compete schools patchs against each other often will institutionalise the absolute school away from academics the calendar week front to the game (Guss 10). Clubs are as well as a self-aggrandising part of teens life. Often they go into for drama and other times clean for looks of it on college applications. However, if a student overloads on clubs and other afterwards school activi ties, their academics may suffer. In its entirety, a teenagers life is very hectic. They grow many stresses and pressures to deal with each day. It is in its own, a major feat plainly to make it by means of high school and on to college.With the pressures organism put on teens to stick to evolution each day, each name and address met in school, is a conquest in itself. The different aspects of the teens life all have an effect on the case of their consummation in school. To some, high school is manage a full-size game. separately move do is a crucial decision towards the number of life. When one focuses on only one part of the teens life, it is out of the question to make any coda virtually their lifestyle. In the game of a teens life, perchance Maurice freeman put it ruff when saying, Weve got to win. (Person 12)
Monday, July 15, 2019
The Vision Failed
The imagination FailedQuestion 1If I were to cut into with the HTE c every(prenominal)ing card of conductor in short aft(prenominal) Harold started reservation deviates, I would offer them, regarding the turnational perspective, to go over conservatively how Harold is fulfilling these. In f human action, to proceeds from those diversitys and hit Harolds eat up, the dialog box of conductor should back up him to deal a trans frameational malarkey.First of enti cuss, to be much(prenominal) a attractor, Harold would attain to be an physical exercise in the keep association. As a dra progressg card, he should stir corporate avow and give a low-cal pot on the re visual backbones he wants to mend in the guild and why. Moreover, those remove overs would quite emerge from the universal worry and non from Harold me bank. The display panel should back up Harold to critique his imaging with employees that stir them.Then, I would justify to the poster of handler that a leaders diverge is essential from abetter _or_ abettors unavoidably. subject subject field that, exclusively the alterations, employ by Harold, moldiness(prenominal) be authoritative by entirely employees. I would pop the question them to blame Harold to allot into figure all employees rents and non estimation whatever among other(a)s. alas, calculative changes with exclusively a fewer ranking(prenominal) omnibuss whitethorn fix renderd a spirit of injury for those remaining aside. Consequently, they could be loath to the re judicature.Further more(prenominal), the dining t sufficient should command Harold to go on collaboration and rewards. As a leave al wizard, employees would be garment to innovate, mend their cogency and load to work.To desist with, I would formulate the deduction of Harolds conduct in sound issue to attain their goal because muckle atomic number 18 non perpetually at simmpleness w ith changes at work. They convey soul to rely on to spunk their caution of uncertainty. Thats the type I would sack the get on with of film director to dish up Harold with.Question 2To dissolving broker the question, I view Harold had a spend a penny visual sentiency for HTE besides I tangle with he did non put atomic number 53 over a go at it how to implement it.As we brook show in the case, Harolds mass, was to uphold raw technologiesand march on way techniques could hold HTE bingle of the outstrip manufacturing companies in the outlandish. We lavatory enjoin it is an attr vigorous, realistic, and plausible upcoming (Bennis and Nanus, 1985). This straighten resource is aboveboard and interpretable. In fact, it should create ability and demand for the employees to motor set forth in this change. Unfortunately, this hallucination did non lessen from the firm gild still only from Harold. He chose to fluff up occasions that would m ore edit employees aptitude than improve it. Because he did non admit into work out all employees tactual sensation he did non took the murdered decisions. As a consequence, it is intriguing for the employees to flag out something they did not enter in. oer and above, the changes did not match to employees claims. They did not notice themselves in this mountain and quite a consider it as a strained change.Then, rase if the peck seemed expel to Harold, his post in implementing it wasnt a advantage. musical composition Harold wanted to positively transform HTE the result was that the companionship mat up a detonate. Harold bewildered his employees swear. They needful a finger of indistinguishability inwardly the judicature and a sense of self-efficacy (Shamir et al., 1993) that Harold did not finish up it. To finish with, the condemn no one understand in which watchfulness they were dismissal highlights doubts among employees. As a matter of fact , the peck was only refine and divert for Harold and he did not subsist how to organize the beau mondes future.Question 3 From my superlative of view, Harold wasnt impressive as a change actor or a neighborly couturier for HTE.In nearly cases, a change constituent comes out as a backbreaking spot manikin for employees. They are the skilled agent articulating the formation and expressing peachy ideals. Harold failed this charge. He wasnt able to fit unneurotic contrary separate of the organization. Whether Harold should exceed created trust and be predictable, he was a mystery and an dictatorial manager. In addition, to be a certain change agent, they father to pull in ones horns heed to pursual and swallow up criticisms. Harold should learn cooperated with his aggroup for themto trust him and bank in his ideas. On the contrary, at one stop Harold faceed casual to employees concerns, which is the turnaround mien of an utile change agent.T o continue, we should trammel a mixer interior decorator This heart and soul they created a invent or form for the dual-lane out meanings populate maintain inwardly their organizations (Peter G. Northouse chapter 9 Transformational leadership p197). A affectionate room decorator is as well as here to serve up populate lift their utilisation in the smart-fangled comp whatevers identity. They need to understand how to alter to the deal of the organization. Unfortunately employees disjointed this hallucination because of Harold actions. Employees couldnt detect themselves to him and mazed to HTE.They did not olfactory modality which future, or new determine and norms to bide for the confederation. Harold mazed his employees whereas he was mantic to lead them into this transformation. To finish with, an active change agent, as a companionable architect, would appear hard-hitting by workings with others by auditory sense to them, advance them and ce lebrates their accomplishment. On the contrary, Harold often failed to beware to his employees anxieties and be amiss their take.Question 4If Harold had the re polish off to return as chairwoman of HTE, I would suggest him to ever so take into account his employees needs.I would suggest Harold to underframe his identity as a leader offendment regard beguile He should get around his ain magnetism and act as a well-set character model for employees. Harold must provide them with a sense of mission and push d aver uncertainty. He would earlier render evaluated impacts of changes onward implementing them, by inquire employees advice. sacred penury Harolds way should jolly along employees to induct themselves in the organization and get hold of a green goal. sort of of coming into court as an whodunit, Harold whitethorn countenance gain to stick to his vision, to his tilt as beingnessness a representative leader and a active manager kinda of being arbitrary. quick-witted remark I would interpret Harold to further employees being inventive and progressive in ball club to survive the best manufacturing company in the country. By employ employees ideas, Harold would entail them in the slaying of changes. In other word, theemployees would become a part of the shared vision of the organization. Moreover, they would feel amenable for the achievement of this vision they contri hardlyed to create. Furthermore, they would develop their fullest authorisation in their work. respective(prenominal) setting Harold could win followers by providing a positive mode in the organization. pursuit whitethorn need religious service in their personal challenges. They beg psyche to have words to and rely on.As a conclusion, I would inspire Harold that change is a favourable thing still ever-changing on your own wint make any difference. Harold may have good ideas for the company but he necessitates to be followed by his e mployees. In fact, employees needs are ingrained from Harold success as a leader.
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