Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Decriminalization Of Drug Usage Among Portugal - 1299 Words
Decriminalization of Drug Usage in Portugal Derrick Routon American Government 101 Professor Newman 21 April 2016 Portugal has garnered a large amount of attention since adopting a new method to combat drug usage. They have moved to decriminalize low scale drug possession and usage instead of an incarceration of low level offenders. Many nations have desired to reevaluate their own regimen of substance control and the way abuses were handled. The Portuguese government has collected a plethora of data while the implementation of their drug governance changed. The statistics gathered have shown that current United States policies would benefit from changes in its rabid criminalization of substance abuse. In 2001, the European Monitoring Centre for Dugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) enacted the new drug policy in Portugal. The new law focused on the decriminalization of drug use. In their words, this â€Å"comprises removal of a conduct or activity from the sphere of criminal law. Prohibition remains the rule, but sanctions for use (and its preparatory acts) no longer fall within the f ramework of the criminal law.†Notice the wording focused on the fact that drug use was still a societal obstacle even with the new law. The reason for such a drastic policy shift was due to staggering statics centered on the rise of drug usage. The political reasons for the shift to decriminalization was due to the increases in drug abuse and the other diseases thatShow MoreRelatedDrug Use And Its Effect On Crime1610 Words  | 7 PagesCrime and drug use in Portugal has been a major issue, however after the government instated decriminalization, the number has decreased. 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This approach was taken from a public health perspective and was accompanied by a concurrent increase in treatment and harm-reduction options.2 The combination of decriminalization, taking drug-users out of the criminal justice system, and investment in harm-reductionRead MoreThe Encyclopedia Of Drug Abuse760 Words  | 4 PagesEncyclopedia of Drug Abuse. 2nd ed. New York: Facts on File, 1992. 175-79. Print. Summary: The article in this reference source also offers an overview of what marijuana is, but provides a more thorough overview of its ancient history than the above reference source. What is truly excellent about this article is that it examines the effects of marijuana usage. Also, the article discusses how the effects are highly subjective and dependent on several variables 2. Greenwald, Glenn. Decriminalization in PortugalRead MoreLegalization of all Drugs - Persuasion Essay1645 Words  | 7 PagesLegalization of all Drugs - Persuasion Essay â€Å"I ve never had a problem with drugs. I ve had problems with the police.†This quote, told by Keith Richards, represents a major problem affecting the rights of the American people. Contrary to what former presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan and much of the American population believed, the effects of illegalizing drugs and declaring the â€Å"War on Drugs†have been far more detrimental to the wellbeing of the nation than if all of the drugs on the ControlledRead MoreDrugs : Why They Should Be Decriminalized2049 Words  | 9 PagesDrugs: Why they should be decriminalized Imagine this scenario, you and a friend are at a party. The host offers you and your friend to smoke a joint. Thinking that it’s a cigarette you and your friend both take one, without realizing it’s actually marijuana. You and your friend enjoy it so much thinking it’s a different brand of cigarette that you end up smoking more than usual. Before leaving you grab a handful of marijuana. You and your friend end up driving back home, but you two are pulledRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1714 Words  | 7 PagesEthics 312 18 April 2016 Drugs in the United States There has been controversy centered around the thought of legalizing drugs in the U.S and the effects of legalizing or not legalizing drugs. There are several drugs such as cocaine, heroin, opium, to name a few, with the most common being marijuana. The question raised on this topic is whether we should prohibit drug use, making it illegal or only allow marijuana to be legal. Discussions on this topic mention that drugs will be available in theRead MoreThe War On Drugs, And Sale Of Illegal Drugs1865 Words  | 8 PagesThe usage, abuse, and sale of illegal drugs is an epidemic that has remained an unsolved problem of the United States. The biggest effort that the United States has launched in order to deal with rampancy of drug issues is the War on Drugs that was started by former president Richard Nixon. During its beginning, the War on Drugs was controversial due to the attitudes that were directed to drug users that were cultivated by the policies being set. In the present d ay, the War on Drugs is under scrutinyRead MoreDiscussing Drug Legalization1821 Words  | 7 Pages â€Å"Drugs are bad, mkay.†That’s what we’ve come to learn from Mr. Mackey in South Park (Ike’s Wee Wee). While that is known, what is the best way to combat drug use in society today? It is true the government is spending billions of dollars on the â€Å"War on Drugs,†but if they were to be legalized would that be replaced with money being spent on healthcare due to drug related incidents, or drug treatment programs? It is true that a large amount of crime and the prison population are drug related offenders
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Environmental Challenges Facing American Auto Industry Essay
Environmental challenges facing American Auto industry Introduction The first gasoline powered automobile was built 1885 in Germany. The first car was engineered by Henry Ford in 1896. He took things a notch higher by establishing an assembly line which enabled him to mass produce the vehicles thus making them affordable to the consumers. The use of automobiles has since increased in the US and other parts of the world. By 1999, the US alone had over 200 million passenger cars and light trucks. The number of cars worldwide grew thrice faster than the human population. The increase in the number of automobiles has become a matter of great concern as it leads to serious air pollution. For instance, European Environment Agency reported that transportation emission presents a huge threat to the environment. Global competition in the industry: During the first half of this century, automobile imports were negligible on American roads. For instance in 1950s, only 21,287 automobiles were imported and local manufacturers ignored their presence in the belief that the imports were small and low quality. However, foreign automobiles have since set the quality benchmark and in 1986 reached an all-time high of 4.1 million units. In 1980s the big three auto makers (Ford, General Motors, and Fiat/Chrysler) formed joint ventures with Japanese automakers in order to capitalize on consumer attitude towards foreign automobiles. In 2004, the automobile manufacturers formed theShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry Essay955 Words  | 4 PagesRunning head: Environmental challenges facing the American auto industry 1 Environmental challenges facing the American auto industry BUS1101 Unit 5 Written Assignment University of the People ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES FACING THE AMERICAN AUTO INDUSTRY 2 Environmental challenges facing the American auto industry The traditional internal combustion engine has been the mainstream automobile power source and even after the next generation vehicle engines made an appearance. The new generation enginesRead MoreEnvironmental Challenges Facing American Auto Industry953 Words  | 4 PagesENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES FACING AMERICAN AUTO INDUSTRY The environmental challenges facing American auto industry is very huge, as a result of large number of vehicles on the road causing air emission, pollution of the environment that has a negative impact to people’s health today, due to the toxicology and the effect of carbon, hydrogen and carbon monoxide emission on the environment. These has also contributed to the climate change, death and disappearing of some species of wild lifeRead MoreEnvironmental Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry Essay775 Words  | 4 PagesEnvironmental Challenges facing the American Auto Industry The American Auto Industry has evolved for many decades with pioneers such as Ford Motor Company. The United States Auto Industry was once upon a time a global leader in the automotive industry but due to knowledge and skills acquisition by other automobile manufacturers such as Toyota, the once American Auto Industry leadership has been surpassed. I will give discuss this following paragraphs. Global Competition in the Industry So far theRead MoreEnvironmental Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry1385 Words  | 6 Pages Environmental challenges facing the American auto industry xxxxxx xxxxxx University of the People Word count: words Abstract This paper covers the current environmental challenges the face the American auto industry as a whole and the impact that has. Environmental challenges facing the American auto industry The American Auto industry is well known world wide with many manufacturers carving a path for their business and brand, most becoming householdRead MoreEnvironmental Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry Essay920 Words  | 4 PagesEnvironmental Challenges Facing the American Auto Industry †¢ The global competition in the industry †¢ New technology for powering the product that industry produces †¢ The effect of emissions on the environment and government reactions †¢ The consumer opinions about the product the industry produces The Environmental Challenges Facing the American Auto Industry According to the Environmental Protection article at, it states that the environmental issues top the list of challengesRead MoreThe Environmental Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry1033 Words  | 5 PagesThe environmental challenges facing the American auto industry. At the beginning of twenty centuries until now the American auto industry has been growing and in demand. Henry Ford innovated mass-production techniques that became standard, with Ford, General Motors and Chrysler emerges as the â€Å"Big Three†auto companies by the 1920s. Manufacturers funneled their resources to the military during World War II, and afterward automobile production in Europe and Japan soared to meet demand. Once vitalRead MoreEnvironmental Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry Essay900 Words  | 4 PagesThe Environmental Challenges Facing the American Auto Industry This essay seeks to analyse the environmental challenges facing the American auto industry. I will examine the global competition, new technologies for automobile powering, the effects of emissions, and customer opinion about the industry in the following paragraphs. (Select USA, n.d.), have identified the United States as having one of the largest automotive markets in the world, as it is home to thirteenRead MoreEnvironmental Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry Essay1408 Words  | 6 PagesThe environmental challenges facing the American Auto Industry When the automobile was introduced to the public, they immediately fell in love with it. It was a welcome miracle of science, clean, efficient and a reliable machine compared to the horse and carriage which required constant cleaning and a large place for storage. As more and more people acquired these machines, no one noticed the changes it made to the environment. The term smog was first used in California around the 1940’s to describeRead MoreEnvironmental Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry895 Words  | 4 PagesEnvironmental Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry The automobile manufacturing industry is one of the largest industries in the United States and there are some worldwide famous companies such as Ford and General Motors. Henry Ford innovated mass production techniques that became standard, with Ford, General Motors and Chrysler emerging as the â€Å"Big Three†auto companies by the 1920s (Foner - Garraty 1991) (Bland,A).†As I wrote earlier, Ford, General Motors and Chrysler are calledRead MoreEnvironmental Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry797 Words  | 4 PagesEnvironmental Challenges Facing the American Auto Industry The American auto industry faces environmental challenges such as Global competition, technological Issues in the industry, effect of emissions on the environment Consumer opinions about the product your industry produces. Global Competition Today, the modern global automotive industry encompasses the principal manufacturers, General Motors, Ford, Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen, and Daimler Chrylser, all of which operate in a global competitive
Monday, December 9, 2019
Creativity and Innovation Model by Planet Innovation Pty Ltd â€Æ
Question: Describe about the Creativity and Innovation Model by Planet Innovation Pty Ltd. Answer: Introduction: Define the problem The report is basically discussed about the use of creative and innovative models within an organization. In this report, a company named Planet innovation Pty Ltd. has been targeted for the analysis. Creative designing techniques help in developing a more innovative solution for a complex situation that is rather difficult to be resolved through normal course of action. The present report, in this regard, aims to integrate Creativity and Innovation model in a real life challenge faced by organizations (Creative education, 2016). For this purpose, the report provides a critical analysis and examination of business challenge faced by the Planet innovation Pty Ltd of meeting customer expectations through continuous innovation. The report explores idea generation methods and techniques that can be used by the organization for appropriately defining the problem faced and generating possible ideas for its resolution. It also describes various methods that can be used for evaluating and im plementing the idea generated for developing the possible solutions for the problem in context (May, N.D.). At last, the report also provides a reflection on the strengths and limitations of the methods used in the project for resolving the problem identified. Analyzing challenge in Planet innovation Pty Ltd. through application of Applied Creativity Innovation Exploring Innovation Challenge of Planet Planet innovation is capable and continuously growing company of technology design. It is famous in designing of products for biomedical, clean-technology, industrial and commercial market. The company is currently emphasizing on becoming more customer focused through designing more innovative solutions to expand its market share. The main innovative challenge faced by the company in this regard is the new hearing solution app made by the company. The company developed a hearing aid system as a smart phone app and a Bluetooth-enabled programmer named Incus. This app was for those people who have hearing loss. With the help of this app, the patients do not need to meet face to face with anyone (Financial review, 2016). Problem faced by the company can be defined most appropriately through the integration of creative-problem solving approach. As per the creative-problem solving approach, the practice of innovation in todays competitive marketplace is not only about developing new produ cts and services for the target customers but involves implementation of new ideas to meet untapped customer needs. In this context, the problem statement for Planet can be defined as arising of innovation challenge for developing new strategies in order to design new app that can become an integral part of Australias innovation system. The company has to continuously drive its innovation efforts so that it incorporates emerging technologies in designing of such useful products for patients (Planet, 2016). Innovative companies like Planet have to constantly innovate for identifying effectively the future needs and demands of the customers for staying competitive. Thus, the main challenge that exists before Planet in this regard is to identify the unknown needs and desires of its customers, patients through implementing the right ideas and then take consecutive action for developing innovative solutions. The main focus of the present report is to explore and discuss creative thinking strategies for developing the most effective solution for Planet to sustain innovation in its workplace (Planet, 2016). Mind mapping techniques of Planet There is a famous techniques named mind mapping techniques for the organizations. This technique was created for the organizations so that they can generate new ideas for the business. Definition Of mind mapping: The process of mind mapping refers to come up with new ideas that branch out from the central idea. It is basically a geographical representation of to sum up the organizational information for the innovation. The mind mappings consist of six hats in different colors for effective thinking (Tonybuzan, 2016). The first one is blue managerial hat whose role is to manage and direct the thinking process. Second one is white natural hat whose role is to collect the data and information regarding to the thinking process. Third hat is red intuitive hat whose role is to use the feelings to find the solution of the problems. Fourth one is black pessimistic hat and it has negative approach. It is also important hat because it helps to understand negative aspects of the thinking. On the Fifth, there is green creative hat whose role is to think innovative and expand the possibilities in unique ways and at last, there is sixth optimistic yellow hat whose role is to think for positive benefit by the logical thinking(Sicinski, N.D.). The challenge before Planet in this regard is to identify the unknown needs and desires of its customers, patients through implementing the right ideas and then take successive action for developing innovative solutions. For the innovative thinking, the six hats of mind mapping can be used by the company. Figure 1: Mind mapping Blue managerial hat Mind mapping for the Planet Innovations Mind mapping techniques help a particular company and a person to think different and innovative. This is very strong tool to identify the information which is interconnected to the innovations. By using mind mapping style in the innovation, the company can change the way of presentation of products and services among the consumers. The team of the company can use the mind map as a source of information and use the map for the further ideas and solutions. The features of the mind mapping can impact the way of thinking and innovation of a company. The acceptance of mind mapping not only influences one person but also focus on whole organization level. Brain Storming Brain storming is a kind of opportunity for the flow of different ideas and thoughts without any barriers for the innovation and creative thinking. The benefit of brain storming is that it encouraged peoples to add the new ideas and thoughts for the innovation in something. The basic work of brain storming is conveying the new ideas and concepts to other peoples. It includes techniques such as graphics, notes and diagrams for capturing the creative ideas and innovative concepts. Six hats and co-relation of each hat with the innovation Mind mapping for Planet innovation has been given for the analysis of the innovation of new products. From the figure, there are five hats in the organization that plays different roles within the business. First hat is blue managerial hat. This focuses in some questions such as what problems are coming with the innovation of new products, how company can sustain its competitive advantage by the innovation, what are the ways to sustain the innovations in the product, how to identify the needs of customers etc. this hat helps the company to identify the exact problem. Second hat is the white hat which helps the company to know that what the knowledge it already has to about the product and what are the requirements of innovations the product is needed. White hat focuses on some questions related to innovation by meeting customers expectations. Third hat is red hat which helps the company to assume some condition with feelings and guts. It focuses on the questions such as based on the feeling, what process company can adopt for meeting the expectations of the customers, and intuitively, will the adopted solution be the right solution for the growth of the company etc. Fourth hat is black hat which enables the company to think on the danger and drawbacks of adopted process for the innovation. It includes some questions such as what will be the drawbacks from new innovations, how many ways are there to fail of new product, and what are the risks associated with the new innovations etc. further, fifth hat is yellow hat shown in the diagram. The yellow hat enables to think the company about the ways and approaches for the new innovations. It includes the questions such as what can be the best process for innovating new products, how can the process work logically, and what will be the positive outcome from the customers by new innovations etc. Now, the last one hat is green hat which allows the company to think on another way for the innovation. It always takes a sec ond side of thinking such as could innovation can be done from another way, what alternatives are there with the choose ways for the innovations of new products (the thinking business, 2016). The six thinking hats of mind mapping is the best tool which improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the thinking method of the company. By using the mind mapping method, Planet innovation will be able to identify the needs of the customers. Along with this, company will also be able to identify the best possible ways to bring innovation in the products so that it would meet the requirements of the customers. The six thinking hats will help the company in problem solving, overcome from challenges, finding out the solution, getting the answers and opportunities to get competitive advantage (businessanalystlearnings, 2016). Fishbone techniques Fishbone techniques refer to the analysis of existing process for determining the available opportunities for the improvement in the business. The technique can help the organization to generate objectives for the work and allow developing an action plan to achieve those objectives. The objectives of fishbone technique are to set the goals and rank the ideas which are most important to achieve those goals. After that the technique moves to work on the key ideas for creating innovation. Ideation: Generate ideas Innovation process consists of the creation and identification of new ideas. The success of idea generation depends upon the best opportunity which is identified. When the company generates ideas, it makes choices about creative problem solving process (Insead, 2008). There is an idea generation model which describes the cycle of idea generation used by the company for the growth of the business. By this model, designer of the company generates the ideas, refines the ideas, research and represent the ideas. Figure 2: Idea generation model (Source: Herring, Jones Bailey, 2009) The model consists of three dimensions i.e. refine, research and represent. All three dimensions encompasses by the category inspiration. Designers search for the inspiration by focusing on refine, research and represent the ideas. The process of idea generation starts with the research. In the research part, Planet innovation research on the ideas that which product needs modification and innovation. The problem in the company is that how the company will sustain its image among the customers by innovations. Research will generate the various options of diverging ideas. After doing research, company represents the ideas physically among the customers. When representations of the ideas get success, company gets starts to evaluate and refine the concept of idea. The refined concept inspires the company to do more innovations and research for the further process (Herring, Jones Bailey, 2009). This is the continuously process for the idea generation and is helpful for every innovation. Design: potential solution Design thinking refers to the methodology which is used by any company to solve the problems and challenges and to find out the proper and appropriate solution for the problem. Design thinking includes building up ideas, drawing logic, imaginations, and identifying the possibilities of the problem (Brenner Uebernickel, 2016). It offers a structural framework for the innovation in the products. In the case of Planet innovation, by adopting the design thinking in the app company is able to identify the real value of the customers. When the company starts to make product, it makes the design for the upcoming product for the customers who will use that product. Design enables the company to identify the requirements of the customers (Planetinnovation, 2016). Implement the solution Implementation of ideas and solution in the business operation is the most crucial part of the business. Implementation will be successful if there is proper idea generation for the problem (Baumgartner, N.D.). Planet innovation produced many useful products and apps for the customers. It has framework for the production so that it can identify the needs and requirement of the customers and can develop the products according to those requirements. It implements the techniques of mind mapping and framework of idea generating. By the proper use of the model of mind mapping, company gets able to know that what type of products the company should develop, and hat are the needs of customers. Along with this, mind mapping framework allows the company to identify the risks associated with the new development and innovations. By implementation of the process of research, represent and refine, the company is able to find out the new ways and ideas for the future innovations so that it can mai ntain its position in the market by satisfying its customers (Kraus, Barton, N.D.). Conclusion The report provides a critical analysis and examination of business challenge faced by the Planet innovation Pty Ltd of meeting customer expectations through continuous innovation. It describes various methods that can be used for evaluating and implementing the idea generated for developing the possible solutions for the problem in context. The company is currently emphasizing on becoming more customer focused through designing more innovative solutions to expand its market share. Problem faced by the company has been defined most appropriately through the integration of creative-problem solving approach. The problem is arising of innovation challenge for developing new strategies in order to design new app that can become an integral part of Australias innovation system. The report has been mainly focused report on exploring and discussing creative thinking strategies for developing the most effective solution for Planet to sustain innovation in its workplace. Company finds new way s with the alternative solutions so that product will not fail in the market. By the above discussion of mind mapping framework, idea generation model, designing and implanting the ideas, it has been analyzed that the company has to continuously drive its innovation efforts so that it incorporates emerging technologies in designing of such useful products for its customers. Recommendation There are some recommendations that company can use for innovation in its product: Company should design effective mind mapping framework to overcome the innovation challenges. Company can use proper fishbone technique to analyze the available opportunities. Company can use new strategies for exploring creative thinking. Idea generation model should be followed before the producing any new product. For continuously driving new innovation efforts, company should incorporate new technologies of designs. References Barton, D. N., Kraus, W.A., (N.D.). Implementing new technology. Retrieved on 15th September 2016 from, J. (N.D.). The Creative Idea Implementation Plan. Retrieved on 15th September 2016 from, W., Uebernickel, f., (2016). Design Thinking for Innovation: Research and Practice. Germany: SpringerBusinessanalystlearnings, (2016). Mind mapping. Retrieved on 15th September 2016 from education, (2016). Creative problem solving. Retrieved on 15th September 2016 from review, (2016). 50 Most Innovative Companies 2015. Retrieved on 15th September 2016 from, S.R., Jones, B. R., Bailey, B.P., (20 09). Idea Generation Techniques among Creative Professionals. Retrieved on 15th September 2016 from, (2008). Idea generation and the quality of the best idea. Retrieved on 15th September 2016 from, R., (N.d.). 5 Steps to Developing an Innovative Solution to a Problem. Retrieved on 15th September 2016 from, (2016). Retrieved on 15th September 2016 from, (2016). Strategic Innovation. Retrieved on 15th September 2016 from, (2016). Design is more than skin deep. Retrieved on 15th September 2016 from , A., (N.D.). HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS USING THE SIX THINKING HA TS. Retrieved on 15th September 2016 from thinking business, (2016). Mind mapping. Retrieved on 15th September 2016 from, (2016). What is mind map. Retrieved on 15th September 2016 from
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Catcher In The Rye! Essay Example For Students
The Catcher In The Rye! Essay The TitleHolden sees his purpose as protecting children from a world that does its best to ignore them. He sees himself as the catcher in the rye, saving kids from the unknown. Eventually, Holden realizes that he cannot protect children from the adult world and that they must grow up, and learn by making their own mistakes. Eventually, he will realize that he must enter the adult world too. The CharactersHolden CaulfieldHolden is both the main character and the narrator of the novel, everything I learned is filtered through Holdens consciousness. I only know of Holden what Holden himself chooses to tell us, and what he chooses to report of what others say about him. Holden is sixteen, thin, wears his hair in a crewcut, doesnt eat much, smokes too much, and is somewhat out of shape. Holden is thoughtful, sensitive in his treatment of others, and that his family is quite rich. Its also evident that Holden is friendly, but seems very lonely. Holden feels most comfortable relating to children, especially his younger siblings Allie and Phoebe. Only children have the honesty and lack of prejudices that the idealistic Holden expects of the world. Grown-ups inevitably disappoint and show themselves to be hypocrites, like his older brother D.B., prostituting his talent in Hollywood, or his former teacher, Mr. Antolini, a drunk stuck in a loveless marriage. Holden associates agin g with hypocrisy and death, and this explains his appreciation of the innocence of children and also his own resistance to becoming an adult. We will write a custom essay on The Catcher In The Rye! specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The plot revolves entirely around Holden, the action of the novel is Holdens adventures while unchaperoned for three days, and other characters are only important in as much as they are important to Holden. What is most interesting about the novel, however, Holdens psychology through the course of the story. The two people Holden says he likes are Thomas Hardy and his younger brother Allie Caulfield. Both are dead. Allie has died of leukemia, and Holden has witnessed the death of a classmate as well. Holdens parents are distant and seemingly unconcerned with their children: instead of getting parental attention he is shipped off to boarding school after boarding school, and when ten-year-old Phoebe admits to smoking a cigarette her mother hardly bothers to scold her. Phoebe CaulfieldPhoebe is ten years old, with red hair she wears short in the summer and long in the winter, skinny (Holden calls her roller-skate skinny), sensitive, affectionate, and mature for her age, but very emotio nal. Phoebe goes to the same elementary school in New York City as Holden did; in her spare time she writes stories about her alter ego, a girl detective named Hazle Weatherfield, and skates in the park. In Holdens descriptions she is almost a prodigy, but in her reported conversations she seems simply to be an intelligent and sensitive little sister. Ackley StradlaterAckley and Stradlater are the two schoolmates of Holden who receive the most attention, and are in many ways flip sides of the same coin. Robert Ackley is a tall, pimply, slouching, slovenly kid (a virgin if I ever saw one, Holden says) who is always hanging around Holdens room, but who instantly disappears whenever Holdens roommate, Ward Stradlater, shows up. Stradlater is the same height as Holden, but is much stronger, more confident, and less thoughtful. He is also arrogant, lazy, and successful with women. Holden himself is somewhere between these two extremes, and tries to mediate between Ackley and Stradlater. J.D. Salinger seems to use this dislikable pair as character foils for Holden, presenting Holden as the happy medium. .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4 , .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4 .postImageUrl , .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4 , .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4:hover , .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4:visited , .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4:active { border:0!important; } .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4:active , .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4 .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud9ecebf88f714197bd27974a483667e4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Martial Arts Influence in Indonesia EssayThe StoryHolden Caulfield is both the narrator and main character of The Catcher in the Rye. He opens the novel by announcing what happened to him over the course of a few days in December, a few months before. Holden had just gotten kicked out of Pencey Prep, a boarding school in rural Pennsylvania, only a few days before Christmas vacation. It is Saturday afternoon when the action begins, and Holden plans to stick around at Pencey until Wednesday, when Christmas break begins. He stops to say goodbye to his favorite teacher, who lectures him on finding direction in life. Holden returns to his dorm room, and thinks about his brother D.B., a talented short-story writer whos sold out to write scripts for Hollywood. After a while Holdens roommate, Ward Stradlater, returns from the football game to get ready for his date. He happens to mention that his date, Jane Gallagher, knows Holden. Holden remembers Jane quite well: he spent a whole summer with her the year before. Stradlater suggests that Holden go downstairs and say hello, she is waiting for Stradlater downstairs. Holden, however, declines, although he thinks about her and considers calling her throughout the book. When Stradlaters leaving he asks Holden if he will write a composition for him for English class. Later that evening Holden writes the descriptive composition for Stradlater, deciding to write it about a baseball glove his little brother Allie had owned. Allie died of leukemia several years before, and Holden describes him as the smartest, funniest, nicest person he ever knew. Holden took it very hard when Allie died, broke some windows with his hand, and spent some time in the hospital recovering. Holden thinks about Stradlater with Jane, on whom he seems to have a crush. When Stradlater returns and wont tell him how the date went, Holden tries to fight him and quickly loses. After Stradlater is asleep, Holden decides to leave tonight rather than wait for Christmas break. He plans to get a hotel room in New York until hes expected home on Wednesday. After getting off the train in New York, he gets a hotel room, and goes to the bar on the first floor. He tries to get a drink but cant and dances with some women twice his age. Then he goes to another bar. When he arrives back at his hotel, he accepts the elevator boys offer to fix him up with a prostitute. The prostitute arrives but Holden doesnt feel like sleeping with her. In the morning, the elevator boy comes back with the prostitute and beats him up, taking the money he supposedly owes. The next day he arranges to go to see a theater show with a girl named Sally Hayes, and buys a record for his kid sister, Phoebe. On the way to the show, he and Sally kiss and he suggests they elope to some little cottage in New England. Afterwards, they quarrel and Holden leaves. He meets up with a former classmate at a bar that night and gets drunk. He thinks about his brother Allies grave, but he never visits it because he hates to think of it getting rained on. He walks across Central Park, accidentally breaks the record for his sister, and decides to go home to see his sister. Phoebe is happy to see him, but gets mad when she realizes hes been kicked out of another school. Phoebe asks him what he wants to do whens hes grown up, and Holden says he pictures a big field of rye, with lots of children playing in it. At one end of the field is a giant cliff, and Holdens job is to catch the little kids if they get close to the edge, so that they dont fall off the cliff. Holden calls a former teacher of his, Mr. Antolini, who says he can spend the night there. Holden sneaks out of his familys apartment without his parents realizing he has been there. .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5 , .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5 .postImageUrl , .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5 , .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5:hover , .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5:visited , .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5:active { border:0!important; } .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5:active , .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5 .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1818ee1409197c14de2875c67313ffe5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Gender Stereotypes In Advertising EssayMr. Antolini has been drinking, and lectures him on his direction in life. Holden falls asleep on the couch and Mr. Antolini makes a pass at him. Holden leaves and sleeps at the train station. That morning, Holden goes to Phoebes school to arrange to meet her at lunchtime to say goodbye. He decides to take off to go out west and live in some isolated cabin away from New York and from school. While there, he rubs off where someone has written Fuck you on the wall, worried that some kid might see it. On his way out he sees another Fuck you, and realizes that he cant rub them all out and cant protect all the children. When Phoebe meets h im at lunchtime she wants to go with him and cries when he says she cannot. He eventually relents and gives up the idea. He buys her tickets and she rides on the Central Park carousel while he sits on a bench and watches her. Whats the author trying to say?I think the story is about his life. I think he used different events in his life, made up some characters and made a book out of it. I think what he is trying to say is that so many bad things can happen in your lifetime but instead of worrying about them, think about the good things that can happen in the future. The characters I liked. I liked Ackley. He just seemed like a funny guy. I have allot more then just one friend but he has my kind of personality. He liked to go through things and ask questions about them which is something that I love to do. He also is very quiet when he is around people he doesnt like very much, which is another thing I seem to do allot. The characters I didnt like. I didnt like Stradlater. He wasnt a very good person and he liked to use girls for sex and other stuff like that. He is the type of person that I hate, allot. He didnt have a very good personality. He was very demanding, like when he told Holden to write that essay. Holden wrote it for him but didnt write what Stradlater wanted him to write about. So he got angry at Holden. He should have appreciated the fact the Holden wrote anything despite the fact he was getting kicked out of school. I also didnt like Holdens parents. You really didnt hear much about them but they just didnt seem to care about their children at all. They just shipped them off the boarding school without a care, which makes them really bad parents. How the story relates to my life. The story didnt really relate to my life at all. I mean I have good friends who treat me with respect, I never got kicked out of school or anything like that. Holdens life is allot different from mine, his whole outlook on life seems so different and in parts of the story wrong to me. I mean, children do look at the world in a whole different way but when you see the reality of it as you get older, the thing to do is to not let it get you down, but find the good in all of it. Which is technically what a child pretty much does.
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