Thursday, October 31, 2019
Diversity Programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Diversity Programs - Essay Example William Sonnenschein also talks about this problem in his book, The Diversity Toolkit: How You Can Build and Benefit from a Diverse Workforce. â€Å"The demographics of the workplace are changing and will continue change rapidly...Workforce diversity... presents one of the greatest challenges facing todays organization†. As different humans could only create a different working culture, the success rate to form a single working culture will be minimal. But, if a common and winnable working culture is ‘operationalised’, through out the organization, the organization will be a success story. And, the script for this success story can only be scripted, by an effective leader or manager. So, if I have been a manager, I would impose my own assumptions as a form of single work culture and thereby will suppress the prevailing different cultures. One of the important first tasks of a leader in an organization is the creation of a common working culture. That is, the task of the leader is to create a working culture, embed the working culture in the working group and environment, sustain it and also rectify it, when faults occur. As leaders are the man in lead, they usually have a major impact on how the group initially defines and sets into an organization. Typically, the leaders or managers will have strong assumptions about the nature of the world, the role that organizations play in that world, the characteristics that make up human nature and relationships, how truth is arrived at, and how to manage time and space. They will, therefore, be quite comfortable in imposing those views and personal cultures, on their partners and employees as the organization copes with challenges and targets. This imposition of founder’s assumptions, as a form of good culture is one of the good leadership traits. The workers mind will always be receptive to the leaders’ or managers’ views, orders, suggestions etc
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Reviving the Milking Devon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reviving the Milking Devon - Essay Example The embryo is a potential organism in that it has the ability of developing into the biological structures and functions needed to generate consciousness and mental life characteristic of that organism (Flynn & Dawkins 635). The frozen embryo must first be thawed. The embryos are removed from their storage canisters and are exposed to room temperature. Cryoprotectant is removed and is replaced with water, but the process should be done carefully to prevent it from bursting. The embryos are the brought to room temperature and transferred, or they may be cultured to multiply before they are transferred. Survival of embryos to the thawing process depends on their quality before freezing, effectiveness of freezing and thawing procedures. After thawing, embryos are evaluated for viability. Some may not be viable due to lack of surviving cells while others may be partial survivors with some cell injury. The damage may not prevent the embryos from resulting into live birth because it was al ready proved that even damaged embryos in the process of freezing and thawing are capable of causing pregnancy (Wassarman & Soriano 38). The best embryos are those that, after freezing and thawing, they survive a hundred percent with all parts of their cells intact, but very few embryos tend to fall in this category. Embryos are checked for the presence of abnormal chromosomes, or problems with genetic coding, which may cause, genetic diseases or miscarriage, and gender of the inborn by carrying out preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (Shermer 365). This involves surgically removing one or two blastomeres from a six or eight cell embryo usually on the third day after thawing. Note that removing a cell at this time does not harm the embryo. The embryos are incubated for a day after thawing until they reach the cleaved stage, and then they are transferred into the uterus of another cow. Since all dairy cattle are dead, any cow including the beef cattle may be used. This process should b e done on the second day after ovulation of the surrogate cow. The cow becomes pregnant and delivers Milking Devon calf. Consequently, Milking Devon can also be revived through somatic cell nuclear transfer technology. The DNA is extracted from nucleus of frozen embryo. The DNA is then reassembled using the genome of any cattle available. Extract the eggs from the ovary of any cow; remove its genetic material from their nuclei and replace them with the genetic material from the extinct Milking Devon. Fuse the nuclei with eggs of the surrogate cow and initiate cell division by treating them with chemicals or shocking them with electric current (Flynn & Dawkins 635). When the embryos have grown to two hundred cells in size, transfer them into the uterus of the surrogate cow. The surrogate cow will become pregnant and deliver the extinct Milking Devon. The frozen Milking Devon sperm can also be used to produce a cross a breed with characteristics similar to those of the original Milkin g Devon (Perry 347). Obtain the mature unfertilized eggs from the surrogate cow and store them in BSS at room temperature. Remove the BSS from the unfertilized egg and mix them with the thawed sperms. Then incubate the mixture of sperms and eggs in appropriate temperature for around fifteen minutes. Sort out the fertilized and unfertilized eggs; unfertilized eggs are incubated with sperms again to ensure that many of them are fertilized.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Satows Perception of the Meiji Revolution
Satows Perception of the Meiji Revolution Between 1853 and 1868, Japanese society underwent a profound and violent societal, economic, and cultural upheaval, the likes of which it had not seen in over 200 years. The ruling military government of Japan, the clan-pure Tokugawa Shogunate and its ancient feudal system of governance, disintegrated under internal pressure to reform to meet the challenges of the Industrial Age, embodied by foreign interests, particularly that of the United States and England, which used the threat of their military and technological superiority to force the Japanese to accept trade agreements. In doing so, the Shogunate wrote its final chapter and set the state for a return to power of the Emperor, a quasi-religious position which since the 1600s had been relegated to ceremonial duties as the spiritual godfather of Japan, while the Shogunate and its samurai warrior culture administered the country’s affairs. TheBritish Empire of the time was preoccupied initially with wars with Russia and China, but observed with keen interest the initial rumblings of discontent and reform within Japan, precipitated by the bold moves of the United States to establish relations with Japan. Once the British wars had been concluded and Americans had done the proverbial dirty advance work of opening Japan up, the British established their own presence within Japan as it underwent a rapid societal metamorphosis. Over time, various representatives of foreign governments, most notably the eminent British interpreter and diplomat Ernest Satow, went beyond active interest to active involveme nt in the internal affairs of the Japanese transformation from Tokugawa Shogunate rule to restoration of the power of the Emperor, known as the Meiji revolution. Some of this involvement was self-serving and destructive; some of it was noble, altruistic, and reflected a genuine appreciation and compassion for the Japanese and their unique, noble, and astonishingly complex culture. As with most chapters in history, it is often difficult to discern in retrospect where altruism and self-interest intersected and diverged; the history of Japan’swrenching introduction into the modern age is particularly messy, but only more fascinating for being as such. In order to explore this era, some chronological narrative is of course required, but a strictly linear structure is not necessarily the most effective way to approach the issues. Therefore, this dissertation will alternate between historical narrative and cultural explication, sometimes moving backwards and forwards in time, and indulging in anecdotal tangents as well as delvings into the personal histories of some of the players in question, all in hopes of painting a full and complex picture of the interlocking forces – Japanese, American, and British, which turned this tiny country upside down in the short space of 15 years and set the stage for its rise to global power. (A full investigation of the Japanese relations with Russia, China, and the Dutch could easily comprise a dissertation of its own, but we will limit most of our focus here to the often tragic, but often edifying interaction of the Japanese with the two aforementioned Western powers.) Lastly, it is importan t to note that no exploration of Japan’s relations with the West during the Tokugama Shogunate /Meiji Revolution era, or any era for that matter, is complete without dwelling occasionally in details of Japanese culture, which are alternately arcane and compelling. Such moments will be interwoven with the historical narratives and observations as required. In 1854, the United States and Japan signed the Treaty of Kanagawa, which opened up Japan economically and culturally to the West for the first time. Up until this point in time, ancient Japanese law forbade trade with any foreign nations other than China and the Dutch, the latter of which were allowed to visit Japan twice a year to do business solely at the port of Nagasaki; even then, the foreigners’ presence was confined to the small island of Deshima. The signing of the treaty was a momentous occasion for both the United States and Japan, but it was not necessarily an egalitarian or mutually beneficial agreement, nor did both parties come to the signing ceremony of their own free will.Commodore Matthew Perry, representing the United States, essentially forced the Japanese into signing the treaty by virtue of the threat of his heavily armed four-warship fleet which arrived in Edo Bay (Tokyo’sharbor; Tokyo was known as Edo during Tokugawa Shogunate dynasty) – a port forbidden to foreigners in July 1853 and refused to depart until the Japanese consented to enter into a trade and peace agreement between the two nations. Perry was acting under orders from the highest authority in the United States, his Commander in Chief, President Millard Fillmore. Perry arrived bearing a letter fromPresident Fillmore to Emperor KÃ…Â mei (who reigned from 1831-1867 and was the 121st imperial ruler of Japan). The letter was an eager one, and contained several passages full of obsequious language: I entertain the kindest feelings toward your majestys person and government, and that I have no other object in sending [CommodorePerry] to Japan but to propose to your imperial majesty that the UnitedStates and Japan should live in friendship and have cornmercial intercourse with each other†¦ The Constitution and laws of the UnitedStates forbid all interference with the religious or political concerns of other nations. I have particularly charged Commodore Perry to abstain from every act which could possibly disturb the tranquility of your imperial majestys dominions†¦ We have directed Commodore Perry to beg your imperial majestys acceptance of a few presents. They are of no great value in themselves, but some of them may serve as specimens of the articles manufactured in the United States, and they are intended as tokens of our sincere and respectful friendship.(Fillmore, 1852) However, the letter also contained notable amounts of braggadocioregarding the economic and technological might at the disposal of theUnited States: The [territories of the United States of America reach from ocean to ocean, and our Territory of Oregon and State of California lie directly opposite to the dominions of your imperial majesty. Our steamships can go from California to Japan in eighteen days†¦ Our great State of California produces about sixty millions of dollars in gold every year, besides silver, quicksilver, precious stones, and many other valuable article†¦ America, which is sometimes called the New World, was first discovered and settled by the Europeans. For a long time, there were but a few people, and they were poor. They have now become quite numerous; their commerce is very extensive. (Fillmore, 1852) The subtext was clear. Though polite and solicitous to almost comic fault, Fillmore made it clear that it was in Japan’s best interests to cooperate with the United States in opening itself up to foreign trade, or Japan might meet the same fate as Mexico, which the United States had obliterated and territorially eviscerated in a warning just four years prior to Perry’s visit to Japan. To punctuate the subtext of his letter, Fillmore did not send Perry across thePacific Ocean in a yacht armed only with flowers; Perry sailed into Yedo Bay with an unmistakable symbol of United States might, his state-of-the-art mini-fleet. Why the particular interest in Japan, a relatively small nation? Itwas strategically located, a gateway to the Far East, and influence over/in, and/or control of Japan would greatly expand American’smilitary and economic power. Japan was also a nation of important natural resources that could be used to feed the hungry monster of theWest’s burgeoning Industrial Revolution. As samurai scholar MarcelThach notes, â€Å"after the colonization of China, the Western Powers America in particular turned their eye towards Japan and saw a country rich with coal deposits, one which they could colonize and exploit as they had China and other East Asian nations such as India.†(Thach, 2002) The Japanese were initially unmoved by President Fillmore’s letter, leaving Commodore Perry to stew in the harbor with the expectation that he would simply tire and go home. This was not to be the case, however, as Perry quickly saw fit to turn up the proverbial heat on the Japanese by sending a letter of his own to the Emperor. In it, Perry reiterated some of the niceties expressed by President Fillmore, but then delivered some language of a level of candor to which the Japanese were not accustomed: [I] hope that the Japanese government will see the necessity of averting unfriendly collision between the two nations, by responding favourably to the propositions of amity, which are now made in all sincerity†¦ Many of the large ships-of-war destined to visit Japan have not yet arrived in these seas, though they are hourly expected; and the undersigned, as an evidence of his friendly intentions, has brought but four of the smaller ones, designing, should it become necessary, to return to Edo in the ensuing spring with a much larger force. (Perry, 7 July 1853) The Japanese remained unmoved, provoking Commodore Perry’s temper. Diplomatic subtleties were abandoned, and on July 14, 1853, he delivered an imperious admonishment accusing the Japanese of a sin against God, in effect, and threatened to fire upon the harbor:You have †¦ acted against divine principles and your sin cannot be greater than it is†¦ If you are still to disagree we would then take up arms and inquire into the sin against the divine principles†¦When one considers such an occasion†¦ one will realize the victory will naturally ours. (Perry, 14 July 1853) At this juncture, the virulent and ingrained xenophobia of the Japanese culture was forced to yield to common sense. The Japanese had no navy to speak of, and though Perry’s four ships were unlikely to comprise enough force to cause the Japanese to comply, the threat of an imminent arrival of a bona fide armada induced the Japanese to capitulate and sign the treaty of Kanagawa. (In the wake of the capitulation, the Japanese dispatched an order to their Dutch trading partners to commission the building of a warship, which was named theKanrin-maru and was 49 meters in length, with 12 canons and three masts. It was delivered somewhat belatedly in 1857, but was put to good use as a military training vessel.) It is important to pause here to explicate the amorphous term â€Å"the Japanese.†At the time of Perry’s arrival in Tokyo, Japan was indeed technically ruled by an Emperor, but he was largely a spiritual and traditional figurehead who wielded minimal political power. The locus of decision-making was controlled by a chief shà ´gun (which in Japanese means â€Å"great general†), a direct descendent of Tokugawa leyasu, who in1603 defeated rival warlords to bring a semblance of organizational coherence to a Japanese society dominated by the fractious conflicts between feudal warlords. (In fact, the Tokugawa Shogunate, as the organization came to be known, ruled in relative peace for the next 250 years in what was called the Edo Period, after the ancient name for the city of Tokyo.) From 1603 on, the chief shà ´gun henceforth always carried the Tokugawa clan title, and maintained power by executing rivals and replacing them with family members and trusted allies, w ho were forbidden to marry outside the Tokugawa clan and allowed to rule their individual local dominions with a relatively free and arbitrary hand as long as they loyally served the chief shà ´gun. Furthermore, all other shà ´guns and feudal lords were forced to attend a grand gathering in Tokyo / Edo every other year under the watchful eye of the Tokugawas hà ´gun, where loyalties were reinforced and tested, and suspected traitors ferreted out. Additionally, other lords were required to keep heirs or wives in Tokyo while they were administering to their duties in their respective feudal domains, which was another powerful tool of the Tokugawa clan to maintain its control. A strict hierarchical caste system had also established by the Tokugawa Shogunate; atop this pyramid was the infamous warrior class of the samurai, the subjects of much awe and reverence among Western cultures. Below the samurai were farmers, artisans, and traders. Meanwhile, the Emperor himself resided in Kyoto, accompanied by a few servants and bureaucrats to tend to his ceremonial needs, but he exercised virtually no governing power at all. It was under this repressive cloak that the xenophobic culture ofJapan was cultivated and its restrictive trade policies enacted into law. The third in the Tokugawa shà ´gun lineage, Tokugawa Iemitsu, established the rules forbidding almost all foreign trade and interaction. Only inbound trading ships were permitted, and of the visitors, the Dutch and the Chinese were the only ones allowed. This was not merely an exercise in preserving Japanese culture purity, however. Tokugawa Iemitsu was keenly concerned with maintaining his clans power over the opposing feudal warlords, and he knew that cultural, religious, military, and economic influences from other countries could destabilize the already precarious balance of power.The economic and cultural modernization and maturation within the large cities was, by the 19th century, starting to create conflict within the caste system, which began to teeter under the weight of its own stubborn antiquity. This was the complex environment into which Commodore Perry sailed his four ships in July 1853: a paranoid, secretive, and warlike culture steeped in Byzantine traditions but also militarily and technologically steeped in the past, and thus unable to defend its sovereignty. The forced signing of the treaty was the beginning of a long road of resentment towards the United States and the West that culminated in Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. In the immediate meantime, however, the Treaty of Kanagawa was finally signed on March 31, 1854 after Commodore Perry’s return toJapan. It stipulated that the ports of Shimoda and Hakodate would be opened to American ships seeking supplies, that American sailors who had been shipwrecked would be rescued and well-treated, and agreed that an American consulate would be established in Shimoda for the purposes of negotiating a further and more comprehensive trade agreement. This treaty was the beginning of a succession of agreements forced upon the Japanese that brought about a great influx of foreign investment, trade, and business into Japan, but the economic effects of this phenomenon were not all salutary. One such deleterious effect was massive inflation of the Japanese currency. The caste system under the Tokugawa Shogunate mandated a rigid system of taxation on the peasantry; the taxes were fixed and not fairly tied to inflation or other economic vagaries, and thus the taxe s gathered by the rulingshà ´guns fell steeply in the wake of the Treaty of Kanagawa, causing ironic clashes between the well-to-do working class and their rulers.Arguably better warriors than macro-economists, the shà ´gun were unable to curtail this inflation, and the resultant economic instability and hardships inflicted on the Japanese people caused a popular unrest that could not be quelled for very long, and fact led to civil war. By1867, the Shogunate had been overthrown in what became known as the Meiji Rebellion, which restored the Emperor to true power beyond the ceremonial, and brought about a thorough reform of the organization of Japanese government and society. One of the intermediary steps on the way to the weakening of the Shogunate and the restoration of the Emperor’s rule was another treaty between the United States, The Treaty of Amity and Commerce Between theUnited States and Japan, better known historically as the Treaty of Townsend Harris, named after the persistent American diplomat who persuaded the Japanese to sign it. As alluded to previously, the Treaty of Kanagawa had stipulated the creation of an American Consulate in Japan, which would open up negotiations on the specifics of trade negotiation. President Franklin Pierce, who had replaced President Fillmore in March 1853, dispatched Townsend Harris from New York in November 1855 to establish the Consulate and coax the Japanese into actual trade, not simply the intent to trade. Harris arrived in Shimoda in August 1856, having cannily brought along a Dutch-speaking secretary and interpreter named Henry Heuksen to facilitate the difficult and delicate nuances of discourse with the Japanese.However, the Japanese, in a typical stalling maneuver, asked Harris to leave and return in a year. He refused; the Japanese asked him to proceed to Nagasaki, which he declined to do; then, in a final – and rather creative – attempt to rid themselves of Harris, they asked him to write a letter back to the President James Buchanan (who had succeeded Pierce in the November 1856 election) requesting a cancellation of his diplomatic mission. The indefatigable Harris refused this request as well, and eventually the Japanese allowed him to set up an office at the port of Shimoda. Nonetheless, they continued to stonewall Harris by referring any request or question, whether trivial or consequential, to the Emperor’s palace in Edo.Harris demanded an audience with the shà ´gun in the capital, but over a year passed before Harris received permission to travel to Edo. Harris did not sit idly by, however; he used the intervening time to cultivate favor and good will with the powers-that-were in Shimoda, the local members of the Tokugawa bafuku. (Bafuku is a Japanese word loosely translated to mean â€Å"tent government†and is an arm, during this historical period, of the Tokugawa Shogunate) Harris was well aware that the British had paid a visit to the Japanese in 1854 that did not go well and left a bitter taste in the proverbial mouths of both parties. The British, mired in a conflict with the Russians that led to the Crimean War (1854-1856) had dispatched Sir James Stirling fromChina in 1855 to request that the Japanese deny Russian ships access to their ports and attempt to secure some sort of initial trade understanding with the Japanese. Stirling did conclude a treaty, but it was hopelessly vague and of limited utility, in part because of an incompetent translator (a hitch keenly noted by Harris) and was sent on his way. The British l urched from the Crimean War to the Second OpiumWar with China in 1856, distracting them from immediate focus on Japan,but Harris correctly surmised it would only be a matter of time before the British turned their attention to Japan again, and used it, albeit with some fictional license, as leverage in his negotiations against the Japanese. Despite managing to offend the chief shogun, the aged TokugawaIesada, and his Court by wearing shoes during his visit to the Palace in Edo in December 1857, Harris’ otherwise impeccable statesmanship impressed the Shogunate sufficiently that they gave their blessing for the treaty negotiations, and they gave permission for Bakufu GrandCouncillor Hotta Masayoshi, with whom Harris had been negotiating, to continue working with Harris to complete the treaty. Harris immediately set to work convincing Masayoshi with a combination of exaltations of American good intentions and fears of an inevitable British arrival on Japanese soil which would demand treaty terms far less generous than that ‘suggested’ by the American. Specifically, Harris preyed on the fears of the Japanese that the only thing standing between Japan and the imperial pressure of the British was their soon-to-be-concluded war against China. The Japanese had long heldChina in a place of cultural reverence in the Far East and had been profoundly shocked at the relative ease with which the French and British were defeating the Chinese in the Second Opium War. Aware of this, naturally, Harris used it to his advantage. In his December 12, 1857 audience with Masayoshi, Harris had this to say: On my way to Japan I met the English governor of Hong-Kong, JohnBowring, who told me that he was about to be appointed an ambassador to go to Japan, and I have received four letters from him since my arrival in Japan. Our conversation was of course private, but in his letters he discusses Japanese Government matters. He says he intends to bring with him a larger fleet than the Japanese have ever seen, and anchor at Yedo, {Edo] where the discussions will be carried on. He says also that Yedo is the only place to hold consultation with the Japanese; that his object is, first, to get permission for a minister or agent of England to reside in Yedo, and, secondly, to get permission to carry on free trade at several places in Japan. If these two things are not granted war will be declared at once. The sending of this ambassador he says is delayed by the war in China. He said he would be in Yedo in the third month, but he has been detained by the war. (Harris, 1857) In another dramatic touch, Harris also asserted that the British intended to addict the entirety of the Japanese population to opium: It appears that the English think the Japanese are fond of opium, and they want to bring it here also. If a man use opium once he cannot stop it, and it becomes a life-long habit to use opium; hence the English want to introduce it into Japan. The President of theUnited States thinks that for the Japanese opium is more dangerous than war. (Harris, 1857) What Harris neglected to mention was that in truth, the British were loathe to try to force an opening into Japan at this particular juncture in time. They had squandered vast military and political capital in pursuit of their war with China, and there was domestic unrest to contend with as well: Despite popular perceptions of British imperialism at this period, official British policy was in fact against the use of force in opening up Japan and British Ministers were mindful of humanitarian considerations that might lead to criticism in Parliament. They instructed British representatives to avoid provocative acts and the threat or use of force. (Cortazzi, 1999) Nonetheless, Harris then went on to claim that the United States had studiously avoided joining Britain in the war against China, despite the fact that newly elected President Buchanan was a veteran diplomat and former Secretary of State who, in his former diplomatic position,and now, as President-elect, was actively working towards mending old grievances with Britain. Harris suggested that if the Japanese come to mutually satisfactory terms with the United States, particularly with respect to the issue of opium trade – Harris suggested that the Japanese could burn any opium which American traders might bring to ports in the future – then in effect, the United States would form a defacto protective buffer between Japan and the European powers, and at the very least, treaty terms with Britain or France could be no worse for the Japanese than the benevolent terms of a treaty with the UnitedStates. In fact, the treaty proposed (in Article II) that in any dispute between Ja pan and European powers, the United States president would serve as mediator. Hotta Masayoshi was no fool, and despite the fact that the Shogunate had responded to Commodore Perry’s presence by commissioning military vessels from its Dutch trading partners, Masayoshi knew the Japanese had little choice at this particular juncture in time but to accede toHarris’ terms. Negotiations on Treaty of Townsend Harris were concluded in February 1858 and the treaty was signed on July 29, 1858.(Ironically, Commodore Perry died in New York City the same day.)Harris, never one to miss an opportunity for some patriotic public relations, ensured that the treaty was stipulated to take effect on July 4, 1859, on American Independence Day. Little did the Japanese know that they had taken another ominous step towards the erosion of their own cultural-economic independence. The treaty provided for the opening of four additional ports to American trading ships: Kanagawa and Nagasaki, on July 4, 1859;Niigata, on the January 1, 1860; and Hyogo, on the January 1, 1863; the port of Shimoda would be closed to American beginning in January 1860.Starting on July 4, 1862, Americans would also be allowed to take up residence in Edo. It provided for tariffs to be applied to American goods imported into Japan and exported to the United States, and forbade the trade of opium between the Unites States and Japan. The tariffs – unsurprisingly favored imported American products with a five percent tax on most goods and raw materials. The treaty stipulated that this tariff was fixed until the treaty came up for revision and renegotiation in 1872, sowing the seeds for the economic instability, alluded to above, that led to the downfall of the Shogunate. In particularly surprising concession, the treaty stipulated that Americans in Japan would be allowed free exerc ise of their religious beliefs, which extended to permission to construct places of worship. This was a significant break with Japanese tradition, which had long been steeped with animosity towardsChristianity. In fact, Christianity was essentially forbidden, andHarris had taken a considerable personal risk by making a show of his Christian beliefs when he visited the Shogunate in Edo in 1858.Despite a clause in the treaty that seemed to forbid Christian proselytizing (â€Å"The Americans and Japanese shall not do anything that may be calculated to excite religious animosity†(Article VII), the influx of Christianity into the Japanese homeland was deeply offensive to many traditionalist and contributed to the erosion of support for the Shogunate. Another interesting stipulation of the treaty is that diplomatic envoys from Japan would be sent to the United States for the purposes of cultural exchange and for a ‘formal’ treaty-signing ceremony. Three Japanese were selected for the journey: Shimmi Masaoki, the senior ambassador, who was only 35 years of age; Oguri Tadamasu, who carried the title of ‘official inspector’ for the diplomatic mission; andMurgaki Norimasa, who kept a detailed diary of the delegation’s visit.Each were samurai warriors, consistent with the ruling class from which they came, and knew next to nothing of American culture or the peculiarities of Western culture, much less the American government;for example, the Japanese found it bizarre that the Americans had gone through three elected leaders in a peaceful transition of power between the time Commodore Perry had paid his infamous visit and the Japanese delegation left to visit the United States. In an attempt to show stren gth and regal power, the three Japanese did not travel alone –their party numbered 77, including six cooks, 51 guards and servants, three doctors, and three interpreters. It was quite a showcase: On February 13, 1860, the ambassadors and their staff sailed from Yokohama with 50 tons of Japanese baggage (including the treaty in its special box), 100,000 readily negotiable Mexican dollars, and a large supply of Japanese food. Appropriately, perhaps, the vessel that carried them from Japan to San Francisco was the navy frigate Powhatan, one of the steam-powered paddle-wheelers Perry had employed inopening Japan. (Finn, 2002) The America into which the Japanese were received in May 1860, was teetering on the precipice of a civil war which would forever alter its destiny, mirroring the dark seeds of revolution which were germinating back home in Japan. To say that the Japanese experienced culture shock was an understatement; it was a precursor to the shocks that would reverberate through Japanese culture in their homeland due to the floodgates of external Western cultural influence that were being opened by the Harris Townsend Treaty that the Japanese envoys signed with President Buchanan on May 18. Upon their return home in November 1860, the Japanese delegation was greeted coolly, as the elements in the Shogunate that had approved the treaty had begun to fall from favor. Murgaki Norimasa and ShimmiMasaoki received promotions but were soon forced into retirement.Oguri Tadamasu went on to become a powerful military leader for theShogunate, but he refused to accept their downfall and the eventual re-ascension of the Emperor; he and his son were executed in 1868. The interior map of Japanese political and cultural power was a tumultuous mess by the time the delegation returned to Japan. The Tokugawa Shogunate had splintered into two warring factions due to the controversy regarding the signings of the two treaties with the UnitedStates and fears of imminent meddling by the British into Japanese affairs. Tokugawa Iesada had become an old and infirm man and was barely able to carry out his duties during the negotiations over the Townsend Harris Treaty. Compounding the fractious debate over whether or not to agree to the treaty was a struggle brewing over who would succeed Iesada, as Iesada had no natural heir. The two leading contenders were Tokugawa Yoshinobu (aka Keiki), and a 12-year old boy, the Daimyo of Kii. In an attempt to solidify the ebbing power of the Tokugawa clan and to end the debate over the the treaty signings, the latter of which he had brokered, Hotta Masayoshi broke with precedent and traveled to Kyoto to visit Emperor Komei to seek his approval for the Harris Treaty and for the ascension of the Daimyo of Kii to head the Shogunate. Unfortunately for Hotta, his gamble backfired. TheEmperor communicated his unhappiness with the treaties and refused to offer his support for Tokugawa Yoshinobu / Keiki. Hotta was humiliated and was replaced in April 1858 by Ii Naosuke, who was appointedTokugawa Regent, making him the effective military leader of Japan and head of the shogun council. Ii immediately approved the Townsend Harris Treaty, effectively snubbing the Emperor, which caused a widespread rebellion amongst Imperial Japanese loyalists who literally revered the Emperor as a god and who viewed action against his wishes to be a mortal sin.Undaunted, Ii then proceeded to arbitrarily appointed the boy Daimyo of Kii as the Shogunate heir, spawning a massive rebellion. Those who opposed his sanctioning of the Treaty and/or his appointment of theShogunate heir were executed en masse, in a bloodbath dubbed the AnseiPurge. Being of tender age, naturally, the Daimyo of Kii – who assumed the name Tokugawa Iemochi was unable to assert his sovereign will or assume his duties, leaving Ii firmly entrenched in power, or so he thought. His rule did not last long; he was beheaded by anti-foreigner, pro-Emperor elements in March 1860. After Ii was assassinated, Tokugawa Yoshinobu, who had been Tokugawa Iemochi’searlier rival for the position of Shogun, assumed eff ective control of the Shogunate by assuming a position of power similar to the one held by Ii and Hotta before him. After Tokugawa Iemochi’s death in 1866, Tokugawa Yoshinobu assumed the official ceremonial title and power of Shogun. He was to be the fifteenth and last Shogun in Japanese history. Certainly, the arrival of the Americans and the treaties they forced upon the Shogunate were a leading cause of their downfall, but the Shogunate was already weakening under its own antiquated weight by the time Commodore Perry arrived in Japan in 1853. Though very stable and consistent, the philosophy and structure of the Shogunate government was change-averse to a fault; it was 200 years old, and had simply outlived its usefulness: The simple concept of the division of classes into rulers, warriors and commoners had little relation to Japan of the 19th century with its teeming cities, rich merchants, restless samurai, and discontent peasantry†¦ Despite the division of the land into a large number of feudal fiefs, the people had developed a strong sense of national consciousness. The growth of nationalism and the development of a modern commercial economy had made Japan ready for the more efficient political forms of the modern nation. (Norman, 1940) To some degree, the nationalism of the Japanese was reflective of the psychology of isolation, i.e., the Japanese,
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Pros and Cons of Collective Bargaining Essay -- Collective Bargain
 Discuss the pros and cons of Collective Bargaining and explain their significance for improvements in labour productivity.      â€Å"Collective bargaining can be defined as a process whereby trade unions, representing workers, and employers through their representatives, treat and negotiate with a view to the conclusion of a collective agreement or renewal thereof.†(Morris L. 2002). Collective bargaining may also include the process of resolving minor or major conflicts between labor and management or their agents. Therefore it essentially can be seen as a mutually recognized system of industrial jurisprudence creation. Collective Bargaining can act as an introduction to civil rights in the respective industry, but that can only happen if management is conducted by rules and regulations an not by arbitrary decision making processes. It defines and restricts the traditional authority exercised by management by the establishment of rules.      Collective Bargaining has a number of objectives that are geared towards work life improvement. The first objective of collective bargaining is Workers’ participation, in the organizational decision-making. collective bargaining gives the worker an opportunity to participate in some areas of company direction such as the formation of rules and regulations. Participation leads to the enhancement of the quality of the enterprise condition thorough the employees’welcomed productive suggestions, as the are the ones who are familiar with the actual working realities of the enterprise. This also can assist in the boosting of the employees’ morale, self-esteem and cense of belonging, thus leading to an enhanced feeling of commitment to the organization. The second objective is the resolution of ind... ...e-of-collective-bargaining.html>. References Dessler,G. and Varkkey,B. (2009) Human Resource Management. Eleventh Edition.Pearson Education. Howell, C. (2007) Trade Unions and the state: The Construction of Industrial Relations Institutions in Britain, 1890-2000. Princeton University Press Khan, J. and Soverall, W. (2007) Gaining Productivity. Arawak publications. Morris, R. L. (2002)"Chapter 2 The Collective Bargaining Process." New Issues in Collective Bargaining: A Caribbean Workers' Education Guide. Port of Spain: ILO. Pp 12-22. Print. Salamon, M. (2000). Collective Bargaining. In: Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall (ed), Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice. 4th ed. (pp.321 - 368.) England: Pearson Education Limited.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Langston Hughes’ “Salvation†Essay
Some people may believe that ‘salvation’ comes to those who deserve it. Others may believe that salvation comes to those who seek it. Still, there are those who believe that salvation is not a ‘privilege’ but is rather a free gift for all. But for Langston Hughes, it appears that salvation for him is not what it seems to be. Apparently, Langston projects the image that a child’s innocence may be a way of looking at salvation in such a way that our basic senses and sensibilities are put back to their simplest and uncorrupted state, devoid of fear from non-conformity from dogma and filled with eagerness to experience what is real. Perhaps Langston Hughes is attempting to channel across the message that adulthood or perhaps our ‘matured’ state, so to speak, has dictated so much of what we believe in that we forget that we were once innocent beings eager to absorb what the world was willing to give us. This is the point where I would like to agree with Langston Hughes. In the many events in our lives that shape who we are and what we wantâ€â€apart from the things that we want to wantâ€â€our daily experiences have largely contributed to our personality and character. Sometimes an encounter with an atheist will strike your faith and religious beliefs and be put aback into a state of doubt, weighing odds at both ends and figuring out if your faith is strong enough to resist the temptation of atheism. Or perhaps an encounter with a tribesman living in a far-off, desolate forest may change the way you look at life, especially in terms of material possession. Whether or not we have already encountered these things, it can hardly be doubted that our personal experiences shares a large role in shaping our identities as individuals. As we grow, we start to acquire more of these experiences. Not surprisingly, our earlier knowledge is replaced with fresher ones, relieving ourselves of the burden of having to carry the weight of obsolete beliefs as we go on with our lives. This is the point where Langston Hughes may very well agree: we have grown to a point that we can remember all but oneâ€â€our state of innocence. It does not surprise me at all to see individuals busy with the complexities of life. After all, people change and so are the things we experience. The evolution of humanity, apart from the scientific sense, has paved the way for more of these complexities. And sometimes we are prompted to lie or to deceive ourselves out of innocence in order to blend together with our environment. In order to convince other people, Hughes lied which made others reaffirm their belief in salvation. No doubt the believers would believe all the more in cases where their beliefs are reaffirmed at least by what they see. But sometimesâ€â€in fact, many timesâ€â€what they see is not the one we or others see. In the end, we are confronted with the startling feeling of self-deception after convening and bending to what others believe in. We mourn over our ‘mistakes’ and hope to convince ourselves that all will be well although it simply cannot be the case after our actions have been committed. Salvation is such a broad concept that it simply cannot be confined within the closed spaces of churches and congregations alone. If, indeed, salvation is free for all then why must there be a need to encroach ourselves into religious orders? And for God or Allah’s name, where among these hundreds, if not thousands, of religious dominions are we to find salvation? Langston Hughes’ â€Å"Salvation†embodies these important points and the rest of what has been said here. Maturity betrays us in such a way that our innocence is hindered from allowing us to view the world outside the box detached from whatever it is that ties us to dogma, delusion and self-proclaimed salvation. Reference Hughes, L. (2007). Salvation. Retrieved November 7, 2007, from http://www. courses. vcu. edu/ENG200-dwc/hughes. htm
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Feng Shui Essay
Feng shui traces its origin to ancient China. Although it was often utilized by the ancient Chinese to predict the future, feng shui was more than that. Literally translated as â€Å"wind water,†it was fundamentally a part of their beliefs concerning nature – specifically the anchored on the principle that when man elects to live with nature, he and his environment both benefit by his actions. This is in contrast to what happens when he is living against nature where his activities destroy either himself, nature, or both. (Carroll, 2007) According to Feng shui man is greatly affected by his physical and emotional surroundings. In other words, a man who finds himself in the midst of a negative atmosphere like noise, ugliness, or death is debased, while he who surrounds himself with things associated with the positive such as beauty, music, kindness, and sweetness joins the ranks of the virtuous and the noble. (Carroll, 2007) The so-called experts in feng shui claim that they utilize their knowledge about the five elements of nature (wood, water, fire, metal and earth) and the two energies called chi and sha to sense â€Å"metaphysical energies†and predict the directions of their flow. This is what occurs when they arrange the furnishings inside a house, recommend the best directional position that a building should take, or where to locate it within a piece of land before construction work starts. For instance, these masters would position the beds in every room in certain ways, they would tell the homeowners where to locate the dining room or bathroom, where the appliances should be, what kind of paintings or framed pictures to hang and where, or even which direction the house should face – all of these after using their â€Å"sensors†to tell which way the good energy flows. The objective of the exercise, according to feng shui masters, is to make optimum use of the good energies and avoid the bad energies. For some people, however, feng shui is nothing but superstition. (Carroll, 2007) Reference Carroll, R. T. (2007). feng shui. Retrieved September 23, 2007 from http://skepdic. com/fengshui. html
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
MASSED PRACTICE AND DICTRIBUTIVE PRACTICE1 essays Running head: MASSED PRACTICE AND DICTRIBUTIVE PRACTICE The Effects of Massed Practice and Distributive Practice on Motor Skill Task. Queens College/ City University of New York Over a century scientist have wonder if massed practice conditions are superior to distributive practice conditions or visa versa. According to a mete-analytic review scientists have researched this very phenomenon and have concluded that distributive practices conditions are superior to those of massed practice conditions in a variety of situations. These results are supported by Maureen Bergondys experiment on team practice schedules as well as William C. Chaseys experiment on distribution of practice on learning retention and relearning. This experiment deals with the relationship between conditions of massed practice and distributive practice with respect to task performance. The motor skill task performed by subjects in this study wrote the English alphabet upside down fifty times. One group was given the massed practice motor task; while subjects from the five other groups practiced the motor task under five different distributions of time. However, our findings do not support those of previous findings. Our mixed factorial experiment with 51 subjects indicates that neither massed practice conditions or distributive practice conditions were superior. Therefore, the subjects acquisition of the motor task did not improve as a result of massed or distributed practice, but rather as the result of practice alone. Massed Practice and Distributive Practice Massed practice conditions are those in which individuals practice a task continuously without rest. While distributive practice conditions are those in which individuals are given rest intervals within the practice session. This mixed factorial experiment with 51 subjects deals with the effects of massed practice and distributive practice with respect to acqui...
Monday, October 21, 2019
4 ways your job can impact your health
4 ways your job can impact your health It’s one thing to dislike your job, but it’s another if it’s making you sick. If you’ve been feeling physically and mentally worn down lately and can’t seem to shake it, maybe it’s time to take a hard look at your work life to see if it’s the cause of your health issues. Of course you have to go to work, but recognizing where problems exist and making even small changes can start to put you on the road to wellness. Are you sedentary all day?According to a study done by the American Heart Association (AHA), even if you fit exercise into your life, sitting all day every day can negate the health benefits you’ve gained. The solution? Move even more- as much as you can. Make sure to get up and walk around every hour or so. Walk to the kitchen for water once an hour. Take an office lap every other hour. Get up and get your blood flowing whenever possible.Does your commute stress you out?If you’re spending a ton of time getting to and from work, it’s likely taking a toll on your life attitude. One study done in the United Kingdom earlier this year found people with long commutes are more likely to suffer from depression and work-related stress. If your commute is longer than 10 miles by car or 30 minutes by bus or subway, then it might be negatively impacting your life. You can’t help where your office is located, but do everything you can to make the travel time as restful and enjoyable as possible: try downloading a fun podcast or listening to music that will start your day off right.Are you way overworked?If all your waking hours are spent thinking about work or being at work, you’re likely neglecting all other aspects of your life. In fact, according to a recent study, if you work more than 39 hours a week, your mental and physical health will start to decline. Even if you’re on your couch in pajamas, if you’re logged in and constantly monitoring your work emails the n you’re not getting proper rest. Dedicated time to focus on yourself, your friends, and your family is crucial to maintaining balance- at some point, you need to be able to shut things off and not be at work.Are you surrounded by germs? (You are.)Did you know that your keyboard, mouse, mousepad, and even I.D. badge are all germ factories? Scary but true: your keyboard in 20,000 times dirtier than a toilet seat. And then there are all the hands you shake and doorknobs or faucets you turn in the course of a day. You’re in an enclosed space with tens or hundreds of people every day- start carrying around that hand sanitizer. And if your office is open plan? It might encourage more collaboration, but it also encourages sharing whatever bug is going around. You might find you’re getting sick more and more often, just by coming to work. Take your vitamins, keep your space clean, and get fresh air when you can throughout the day.Notice a theme here? If you take mom ents out of your day to make sure you are taking care of yourself, your overall health will start to improve.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Top 5 Recommendations for Report Writing in 2012
Top 5 Recommendations for Report Writing in 2012 Reports are critical business writing documents. They typically convey your company's value to potential clients (proposals) or convey your product (consulting recommendations). Therefore, business decisions are based upon them. If content is missing or wrong, it is disastrous to your reputation. Here are my top five recommendations for report writing, based on discussions in our report writing training this year. Put adequate focus on planning your report, before you attempt to write one word. Are you concept mapping your report? You should be. A tool we often recommend for mapping structure and content is FreeMind. It is simple to use, free, imports fairly well into other tools, and exports as both an image and a pdf document. This ten-minute tutorial will have you up and running with this useful tool quickly. Make sure the report is framed for the audience, not what you best know or want to talk about. This applies to both content and language. Too often, we write from our perspective, instead of what our audience needs, and that is a mistake. Don't information dump. Be sure reports are delineated, and that you segregate and sequence business implications from minor factoids. Once you are certain content and organization are strong, hone the language. Be sure it is is clean, free of jargon and beaten to death gobbledygook, and grammatically correct. Then, hone it again until meaning is crystal clear. Reports are typically a business person's best opportunity to drive sales and convey value in business writing. Sharpen your skills writing this key document, and you will solidify your business value.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Discuss how you think we should approach globalization Essay
Discuss how you think we should approach globalization - Essay Example Additionally, this essay presents the role of that the government and international institutions should play in a globalized world. Finally this essay presents a conclusion of the findings from the discussion supported by critical readings of available sources and material from the textbook and lecture. International businesses have significant responsibilities in a global economy, such as, provision of fair business systems across the borders. In the present day, as companies struggle to reach the international market, they are faced with a number of challenges that rise above their ordinary goals. It is clear that international companies have a significant role to play in the social and environmental spheres, labour settings and human rights (Palmer 4). Primarily, these international companies set principles that help them conduct businesses across borders as responsible businesses of the society. Most of all, international companies ensure that they respect the legal obligations set by the countries they carry out their business activities (Palmer 4). According to Varia (2007), the responsibility of international businesses, not only lies within the original countries, but even across borders. It is clear that many international businesses have put emphasis on the utilization of available resources and workforce while leaving out the need to avert risks involved by going across the borders. In addition, a number of international companies abandon their local resources in search of international resources (Varia 5). It is, therefore, important for these international companies to focus on developing local capacities or business ties with local firms and industries. According to Palmer (2002), it is the role of international businesses to participate in societal building activities and initiatives when called upon. Many people are forced to work under unfair work circumstances in foreign
Friday, October 18, 2019
Parents Should not be Punished for Their Childrens Crimes Essay - 7
Parents Should not be Punished for Their Childrens Crimes - Essay Example They believe that the behavior that children have comes from many sources such as school, friends, media and neighborhood (Rude 1). These groups of people argue that parents are not to blame, children learn from each other and they tend to have more influence on each other compared to the influence that parents may have on them (Rude 2). For instance, my 8 year old nephew had a problem in school. He broke a glass in the school’s restroom and when 8-year-old kid him ‘why did you do that?’ he said, ‘my friend told me to do that!’ Therefore, he acted according to what his friend told him and not what his parents might have taught him. This is an indication that children may not always follow what their parents teach them, they have a lot of influence from other sources (Rude 2). Although Children do not have sufficient knowledge on what is good or harmful for them, it is the responsibility of the parents to adequately guide them. For example, most of the time, children will say what they hear, regardless of whether it is good or bad. However, older people know what is good or bad and should offer guidance. If a child knows that they are likely to be punished for saying or doing certain things, they will not do them. Although it may be hard for them to know the difference between right and wrong, parents are old enough to evaluate everything and they should guide them. Thus, parents should not be totally blamed for their children’s mistakes, even though they remain the most influential people in a child’s life (Rude 1).
Criminal Law. Problem Question. R v Danny Johnson Essay
Criminal Law. Problem Question. R v Danny Johnson - Essay Example The burden of prove lies on the shoulder of the defendant concerning cause of death of the victim. Here, mentioned points are worth consideration: a) whether the defendant responsible for the victim's death b) can he be caught in accordance with law c) whether the victim’s death cause of inflicted injury or some other intervening act d) whether the victim receive proper medical treatment e) whether the attempted escape of defendant cause victim’s death. In this respect we may cite here the case of R v White [1910] 2 KB 124. The defendant diluted poison in his mother’s glass but she died due to heart failure. The cause of death was heart failure and not the intake of the poisonous drink. He was tried and convicted of attempted murder2. In another case of R v Smith [1959] 2 QB 35, it was held that the defendant's operating and substantial cause of death is the cause in Law. There are circumstances wherein the intervening acts of the defendant attributes to the caus e of death of a victim. As per law, defendant cannot be accountable provided the victim died due to the acts of other’s misdeed. It does not mean that in every case of intervening acts that cause the death of a victim, defendant will be absolved from its liability. Following grounds can be considered to get hold of the defendant causing death of a person: a) if the death caused to multiple reasons wherein the defendant’s role was operating and substantial, he / she will be liable for punishment under the law. Let us examine the case of R v Malcherek (1981) 73 Cr App R 173. Wherein the woman had received fatal injuries for which she had to place on the life supporting machine. Taking into account the clinical death and found no hope of recovery, doctors decided to disconnect the life supporting machine that caused her to death within half an hour. The defendant charged with attempted murder, tried and awarded death sentence. He subsequently went on to appeal against the judgment of the trial court to the Court of Appeal on the plea that the doctors had broken the cycle of life by deliberately switching off the life supporting machine. The plea was dismissed. It was held by the Court of Appeal that since the operating and substantial factors involved that cause the death of wounded woman which was initially inflicted upon by the defendant. The court was of the view that since the role of life supporting machine was confined to keep the injuries in suspension, therefore, as soon as the machine went off the original wounds came on the surface causing death of wounded woman3. Apart from the above, the badly wounded person may succumb to injuries as a natural consequence of the defendant acts. In the mentioned scenario the defendant got hold of death. Suppose a person is attacked and left in the lurch on the road side. The attacker will be liable for punishment if the wounded person dies of oozing out blood, for infectious wounds of him, run over by th e speedy vehicle. The other way round, defendant would not be accountable provided he / she killed by another murderer or killed under the debris of a collapsible building due to hell of a tremor. Nonetheless where Human intervention meant for self-preservation / in execution of a legal duty does not hamper the chain of cause of incident. Study of the case of R v Paget (1983) 76 Cr App R 279
Pastoral Epistles Authorship Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Pastoral Epistles Authorship - Term Paper Example In the book of ACTS of Apostles we learn about how Paul was converted to an individual believing in Jesus Christ. In the ACTS he is portrayed as a cruel man who persecuted and killed those who believed in Jesus Christ. In the Acts of the Apostles the speeches of the apostles seem to advocate for Christianity as a religion for every human being. Paul in particular says that salvation was not meant for the Jews but also for the Gentiles (Harrington, 2008). The apostles talked of the Holy Spirit and how he guided most of them during trials before roman authorities and while preaching. In reference to Towner (2009), the apostles were categorical about prayers and insisted on prayers as a way to reach the father through His son Jesus Christ. It is especially important to note that Paul spoke about oppression of the weak and marginalized in the society .we draw that Paul passed a clear message that as much as Christianity was universal everyone deserves a better treatment (Towner, 2009). It is because of Pauls faith that he was imprisoned by the Romans. Paul bore witness to Jesus Christ of whom the Jewish authorities refused to accept as the promised messiah. He was deeply concerned with the manner in which the Christians conducted themselves and the qualifications an individual had to posses in assuming any leadership position in the early church (Liefed, 1999). It was difficult for new convert to stand firm and deep rooted into Christianity. Paul had to guide them all the way. It is here that the Pastoral Epistles came about. Liefed (1999) asserts that when Paul was released by the Romans he travelled to Asia Minor. He passed through Ephesus and Crete. It is in these places that he left Timothy and Titus to be pastor’s respectively. Paul was concerned about the organization of the church. This portrays him as a person who upheld order (Harrington, 2008). From both
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Reaction Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12
Reaction Paper - Essay Example This disregards the claims that African slaves were resilient to tropical diseases and harsh climates.1 The enslavement of Africans was cultural based, and the name was associated with people from a particular race. The Europeans did not enslave their fellow Europeans. The means through which Europeans acquired slaves had an impact on the way different communities understood the meaning of slavery. In some communities, those who deserved slavery were non religious groups. Also, it had problems in the way Muslims in North Africa understood and in the same Christians had different perceptions of the meaning of slavery.2 Therefore, although some people believed that slaves were supposed to be black Africans this was not true because the term slave meant different things to different communities. Eltis’ argument seems more logical because it dismisses the claim that the reason for enslaving Africans were because of â€Å"cheap labor for their plantations†this is very interesting because the European populace was greater than that of Africans and due to shipment expenses Native Americans and Europeans would provide cheap labor for the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Global warming caurse genetic changes Research Paper
Global warming caurse genetic changes - Research Paper Example These changed seasonal relations are explicable totally as temperature-responsive reactions (McDonald, 2). Climate changes on diverse geographic scales and timescales. Climatic changes monitored over a few decades associates with alterations in living populations and species. Some speculative grounds for anticipating types of climate-driven changes in species and populations that we observe nowadays to play out as hastened speciation over the timeline of thousands or millions of years exist (Barnosky& Kraatz, 3). Global warming is moving at a quicker rate at more northerly latitudes, which is leading to less cold stress caused by extreme winter and longer growing seasons. Species of animals have been enlarging their range toward the limits and populations have been developing, migrating or reproducing earlier over the past 40 years. Phenotypic plasticity or the capability of characters to change their behavior, morphology or physiology in response to modified ecological circumstances have attributed to these developments and changes (Connor, 2). Many species are changing to the lengthened growing season caused by the slight rise in standard global temperatures over the past century. Seeds are sprouting, birds migrating and frogs regenerating earlier. All of these however are not lasting genetic transformations but changes in individual behavior (, 1). Numerous studies have indicated connections between climate drifts over the past 50 years or so and changes in population density, in the geographic variety of species or in other parameters that affect the number of offspring produced. Such effects have been monitored in different mammals such as moose, deer, African antelope, bighorn sheep, caribou, musk oxen and foxes. Therefore, it appears likely that climatic changes influence how animals are distributed on
Reaction Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12
Reaction Paper - Essay Example This disregards the claims that African slaves were resilient to tropical diseases and harsh climates.1 The enslavement of Africans was cultural based, and the name was associated with people from a particular race. The Europeans did not enslave their fellow Europeans. The means through which Europeans acquired slaves had an impact on the way different communities understood the meaning of slavery. In some communities, those who deserved slavery were non religious groups. Also, it had problems in the way Muslims in North Africa understood and in the same Christians had different perceptions of the meaning of slavery.2 Therefore, although some people believed that slaves were supposed to be black Africans this was not true because the term slave meant different things to different communities. Eltis’ argument seems more logical because it dismisses the claim that the reason for enslaving Africans were because of â€Å"cheap labor for their plantations†this is very interesting because the European populace was greater than that of Africans and due to shipment expenses Native Americans and Europeans would provide cheap labor for the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Consumer Behaviour Essay Example for Free
Consumer Behaviour Essay Problem recognition is defined as the perception of a difference between the ideal state of affairs and the actual situation (stream notes chapter 1 Schiffman et al. (2011). Needs recognition is the first stage of all consumer decision process. The problem recognition for buying a RADO watch is initially my want for being able to wear a watch. However I know I want a luxury watch of high value and class, this makes the purchase of a high involvement highly complex and an extensive problem solving decision as it is very expensive. I will be very motivated in the next step which is the search for information. Being of such a high priced purchase I want to find out as much information as I can, not just about the product but also the effect of wearing a RADO watch. Firstly I will do an internal search of information, this is a quick sweep over the mind on what I can recall about the product and is done as soon as a problem is recognised. With lower interest or motivated purchases this could be deemed enough and I would move onto the purchase. However, as this is a complex purchase I want to know more information, this is called an external information search. By including an external investigation I will better understand the risks involved with buying a RADO watch. Such as functional risk, will the product work as expected? Physical risk, is the watch safe? such as reactions to the materials it is made from. Financial risk, is it worth the price? will I gain enough satisfaction to warrant such an expensive item. Social risk, am I going to embarrass myself or not fit in? Physiological risk, what effect will wearing a RADO watch have on myself esteem, will I feel good? and lastly time risk, the amount of time and effort spent on the purchase decision, was it a waste? The amount of time spent on an external information search all depends on the value of the product to the consumer. In this case I would undergo a very detailed investigation where I invest a lot of time because of my student financial situation. When doing external research I am soon effected by marketers and exposure to outside stimulants. For example when doing my search I wanted to see where I could purchase a RADO watch from . When I visited the RADO website I was soon drawn in by the instant look of class and wealth which appeals to my personality and realize by purchasing a new RADO watch I would be fueling my ego and moving towards my ideal self image. I also satisfied my need for knowledge and information about the product, I learnt what they were made out of, what new technology they include and what celebrities and events endorse the products, which to me shows they are of a popular status and could create a positive image about myself. Therefore I will move on to the next stage of the decision model, evaluation of alternatives. By using the conjunctive decision rule I am able to set a degree of cut off standard. The Executive watch market is very competitive and includes other brands such as ROLEX, TISSO and MIDO. All of which offer a similar product but I believe a RADO watch provides a better experience. Its combined features such as having a reputation of being scratch free, sleek and an industry leader for design and new materials match its personal experience portraying a high social class, wealth, success and confidence. After all Andy Murray wears one. After being satisfied with my choice and research I then purchase the RADO watch from either the Christchurch or Auckland supplier. However Purchasing the product IS important it is not the final stage of the consumer decision model. After purchasing the product a consumer then evaluates the effect, while wearing my RADO watch I evaluate its effect, has it meet all my expectations. Consumers will try to reduce post purchase cognitive dissonance by seeking support that they made the right decision, either from peers, advertising or other customers. After purchasing my watch I felt it did meet all my expectations of class and image aswell as functionality however I was not happy from the price I paid. RADO watches are very expensive ranging from over $1000 for the cheapest. After investing so much money I feel that it is not worth the satisfaction or wellbeing I gained. Therefore I would take the final step in the model by divestment. I would claim back my money from the watch by reselling it. Divestment is the remarketing, reselling or disposal of the product or packaging after use. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ My purchase of a Manual tooth brush is allot more simple and would be considered a habitual decision with low involvement as I would always choose the cheapest brush. The first stage, needs recognition would occur when my current tooth brush became worn out and I need a replacement. When undergoing an information search I would solely rely on an internal method and would feel satisfied that I know enough information about the product choices. The reason I have a low involvement outlook is because I see the product as low risk as there is no strong design difference or any features between the choices that effect social, financial, psychological, or time risk. they all seem indifferent apart from a slight price difference. This comes from a recollection of past experiences where I get the same satisfaction from any brand, The next step in the model, pre purchase evaluation of alternatives would solely happen at the single shop I went to when I am actually picking my product from the shelf. As a tooth brush is of low involvement and value to me I have no motivation to visit any other outlets and want to get the purchase done as fast and easily as possible. The next step is to purchase the item, which I will do by picking the cheapest one from the shelf, pay then leave the store to consume the product. When I consume the product I don’t have many standards that need to be meet. Therefore this brush easy for fills my requirements and I am satisfied. Being of a low involvement purchase the post purchase evaluation will be limited and not as extensive of such as the RADO watch. I will continue to re purchase this brand but only if it remains the cheapest, I have no brand loyalty and will switch to alternative brands if there are opportunities such as a sale. The final stage in the process is divestment. After use, both the product and its packaging will be disposed of as rubbish because it holds no further value for resale, unlike the watch which is still valuable because of its high price. cant try it on rado †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ The standard consumer decision process model by Engel, Blackwell and Miniard is very useful for marketers as it is a road map of consumers minds which takes a journey through the different steps of consumption, starting with problem recognition then information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase, consumption, post consumption evaluation and lastly divestment.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Gender Inequality In Educational Sector Of Pakistan Sociology Essay
Gender Inequality In Educational Sector Of Pakistan Sociology Essay Education is considered to be the most valuable possession for every human being today. Gender inequality is more pronounced in Pakistan. Women are disadvantaged with respect to the outcomes of schooling. My literature review incorporates all the questions regarding sex differences and I have mainly focus on the issues that are central to the questions of gender inequality in educational sector. Research remains focused on secondary information. Literature review consists of 10 articles as follow. The introduction to this article( the status of women in Pakistan,1988) written by HAQ, attempts to state that women constitute the majority about 52% of the worlds population, yet many societies discriminate them and Pakistan is one of those. The article mainly discuses that women in the rural areas are made to work as long as 14 to 16 hours without payments. Their status is mainly based on local custom rather than QURANIC verses. In a traditional society women occupy really low status. There is a history of female in the subcontinent that women are expected to function within their frame work before marriage they had to obey their fathers and brothers and after marriage their husbands. Most of the women live in the state of withdrawal deprived of their identity and this is because of the lack of education and Pakistani women are denied due to social prestige and economic activity. The variables that are extracted from this article are local custom and lack of awareness. The author define these variables in such a manner that he focuses on reducing gender disparity, should be the priority of the society and this gender disparity can be reduced by eliminating the traditional practices that are held in a society for example women should have equal participation in the decision making and increase women knowledge on family planning as the article states that average number of live birth is 5.8, maternal mortality is very high at an estimated 500 out of 100,000 births. The article discusses the status of women in Pakistan and due to gender discrimination how they are lacking in education. Educated and independent women are more enthusiastic towards life and are capable of understanding modernized changes rather than illiterate under nutritive dependant women .furthermore the article discuses that gender discrimination is mainly because of the traditional customs they are following especially in the villages. Hypothesis: the status of women in Pakistan should be enhanced or not This article gender inequality in education written by Nelly P.Stromquist in 1990 focuses on womens access to education, both in terms of the decrease in the rate of literacy and in years of schooling attained, the article says that there has been improvement over time. Compared to their mothers and grandmothers, women today have more education than ever before. The enrollment of women in primary and secondary school has improved in the last 30 years, and women have registered a slightly greater rate of growth, as women have increased their average years of schooling. Despite all these fact, women still continue to face lower levels of education than men. Women in the third world countries are considered to be feminine and weak in terms of reward and social prestige. The author states that there are still a sizable number of countries that do not collect statistics by sex, particularly at higher levels of education, indicating thereby that they do not consider the improvement of wome ns education a priority. The rate or level of women participation in educational sector reveals that it is the women from low-income groups and low status, ethnic affiliation who register the lowest levels of education. Above stated are the variables that were extracted from the article: low income group, low ethnic affiliation, rate of dropping out. The author defines the variables in a way he says that most of the gender disparity which is observed across the societies is a result of class difference that fully explains why the gender disparity exists and persists. Furthermore the article discuses that there have been few studies that specifically distinguish inequalities due to gender from those due to class or race. A study by Rosemberg (1985) showed that the discrimination by income was more pronounced than the discrimination by race. There is a difference in the education of different social classes. The particular article is relevant to the topic in such a way it states that the schooling of daughter is not deemed worthwhile in front of the schooling of a son. And another major reason of women lacking in education is of high dropout rates of girls in primary and secondary schools. And this is mainly because of early marriages. Insufficient places in secondary school, co education cost of education and low quality of education of girls. Many of the studies in this category do not ask why it is that womens education is considered less important than that of men or why it is that the education of women is so pervasively linked by social norms to their role as wives and mothers. The methodology that was used in the article was viewing different theories about social inequalities in education, are those that are derived from either the functionalist (or consensual) or the conflict (or neo-Marxist) approaches. Hypothesis: is women education considered less important than men The article class and gender in education-employment linkage written by Hanna Papanek focuses on the impact of global economic and political changes on low income nations. Poor families that depend entirely on returns to labor in order to survive are most likely to require participation in wage labor (or labor exchange arrangements) by all household members, including men, women, and children. Under these circumstances, educational participation becomes very difficult for both male and female, but because males generally have a wider range of earning opportunities, they are more likely preferred than females to be allowed to attend school. On the other hand at class and income levels where families are less dependent on female wage labor, womens education is preferred little bit. Family status has a direct bearing on access to economic and political resources that enhances education facility in women. Another factor that is discussed in this article is the family honor and these are the variables extracted from this article INCOME in terms of FAMILY STATUS. The author defines the variables in such a way that differences among classes are signaled by the extent of control over women which is family honor. In some cases girls may not be permitted to attend middle schools located outside the village because it would injure family honor and compromise marriage over it. In other cases, the attainment of secondary or tertiary education may confer so much prestige on the family that the possible status loss associated with daughters living away from home is offset. Marriage chances may also be enhanced when a daughter is sufficiently educated that she can just read and write her name and which can make her earn minimal amount of living. In Egypt as it is a highly stratified society, formal education for both men and women has long been associated with class and status. Higher education, in particular, has played an important role in the reproduction of the bourgeoisie , although not always in the predicted fashion. In Egypt, not all illiterate women can be presumed to be from poor families; at least some proportion of this group, especially among older women, comes from families that do not permit women contact with the outside world. The overwhelming majority of illiterate or barely literate women, however, are from poor families. The article is base from a comparative regional study in Asia that is now under way and from research in a nearby country (Egypt) that is similar in many respects to the countries included in the regional study. Many of the nations in the ongoing study have large Muslim populations (Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Malaysia) etc. concluding the article female educational participation, especially at higher levels, is a consequence of higher family status rather than a means to upward mobility. Hypothesis: do females have less access to both schooling and employment than males do. This article Muslims, markets, and the meaning of a good education in Pakistan was written by Mattew J. Nelson in (October, 2006) examines the nature of local educational demands in Pakistan and show that parents favor religious education usually for girls. Girls access to education in Pakistan has been restricted. Despite improvements in the last 20 years, underlying factors still make the state education system inefficient and the current male to female literacy ratio is still at 65:40. And this is mainly because people wrongly assume that our religion dont permit girls for normal education. Girls are usually preferred to go to maddrasas which most of the parents in rural areas think is a better and accessible option and more convenient option for them. Furthermore the article describes the market and the meaning of good education in Pakistan. Families of middle class who can afford primary education of girls still prefer sending their girls to religious schools which cost them ver y little and prefer their boys to enjoy all the privilege of higher education because they think that it is in our religion that girls are suppose to stay at home. The variable that was identified from this article is religion (Islam). The author defines the variable in such a way that he himself carried a survey and a Questionnaire in which two type of people were questioned one for whom the local madrasa (Islamic religious school) was most important Secondly parents were selected from a variety of economic circumstance. However the outcome was that out of 112 respondents 91 were in the favor of madras for girls. The article is relevant to the topic in a way that it discusses about the how the choice of religious education for girls is forming a disparity in educational sector of Pakistan. The article mainly discuses the, substantive features of local educational demand and religious demand Hypothesis: is demand in favor of religious education rather than local The article Girls Are Boys Are: Myths, Stereotypes Gender Differences written by Patricia B. Campbell, Ph.D.Jennifer N. Storo in 2006 mainly discuses, how much the gender counts in education the author of this article states that Sex is not a good predictor of academic skills, interests or even emotional characteristics. The author discusses about the different myths that are related to girls for example biologically girls cannot handle the stress of higher education. Due to these myths parents have lower expectations from girls and they become gender biased and the variable that was extracted from this article was MYTHS AND STEREOTYPES. Now author further more discuses why myths persist based on gender and race. The history of myths will explain how author has defined the variable it is a common belief that men are principal producers and bread earners of the family so they should enjoy all the privileges and this is a primary reason why their education was considered more importan t than girls. And it was considered that women are property of husband and her only job is to produce children. Furthermore many of the people use to believe and still many of them do is that women reproductive capacity will destroy if her intellect is going to improve. Which in other words mean that women with better education will not listen to men. For example it was concluded that women in their menstrual cycle if uses their brain lose their mammary functions. This particular article is relevant to the topic in such a way as many of these myths are still believed and practiced in Pakistan when it comes to education specifically. This was both quantitive and qualitative form of research in which graphs, charts and theories were used to measure different type of myths Hypothesis: Is there a biological bias for sex differences The article The Impact of Gender Inequality in Education on Rural Poverty in Pakistan written by Imran shareef chaudray and Saeed ur rahman in 2009. The main purpose of this article was to identify the gender inequality in education on rural poverty in Pakistan. The article basically discuses that gender inequality in education persists in almost all the poor countries and Pakistan is one of those. Strong gender disparities exist in the rural and urban areas of Pakistan. Pakistan is one of those societies in which women suffer all sort of discriminations. There are countless issues of education in Pakistan including low level of investment, cultural constraints, poverty, gender and regional inequalities in budgetary allocation to education, low enrollment rates due to poor condition of public schools, high population growth producing more illiterates and poor, lack of implementation of educational policies. Violence against women, class discrimination, poverty, lack of educational fa cilities, and various parallel education systems in government and private education are the major emerging issues which should be dealt with curriculum reforms and effective educational policies. Above mentioned are all the variables extracted from this article but the major variable that I highlighted is POVERTY. Logit regression analysis on primary data was used to reach the conclusion. However it was concluded that poverty has adverse effects on gender disparity in education. Hypothesis: effect of poverty on education This article DOCUMENT TO DEBATE AND FINALIZE THE NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY written by JAVED HASAN ALY in December 2006 is intended to stimulate discussion of major policy issues concerning Education Sector in Pakistan. The educational status of women in Pakistan is unacceptably low, in fact, amongst the lowest in the world. Development, only 19% of females have attained education upto Matric, 8% upto Intermediate, 5% Bachelors degree and 1.4% achieved a Masters degree. 60% of the female adult population is illiterate. Of the 3.3 million out of school children, 2.503 million are girls. 73.6% of primary age girls attend school, compared with 92.1% of boys. Although education has been seen to add value to a female worker but in Pakistan for female education is considered as a abuse. Different policies have been recommended to eliminate this gender gap in education but the fund allocation and human resources that were provided by the government to implement the policies. So the variables that were extracted from this article are Low level of financial allocation and inefficient utilization of resources. The author describes the variable in such a way that since 1947 the emphasis on girls education is laid down and many policies and reforms have been made to practice it but due to lack of financial resources Pakistan is still facing gender discrimination in education. The article on whole is relevant to the topic because it is discussing the policies and their effect on educational sector of Pakistan The particular article THE FUTURE OF GIRLS EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN written by Dr. Humala Shaheen Khalid Dr. Eshya Mujahid-Mukhtar: August 2002 discuses that although most children do get admitted to primary schools, but the major problem is their retention in primary classes. Given the poverty, high opportunity costs of children attending school (as sometimes they are required to contribute to the familys economic activities or towards daily household chores such as fetching water, fuel or sibling care), parents low perception about education, poor quality of education, teacher absenteeism and/or childs bad health, a very high proportion of students drops out from primary school. Reasons cited for leaving primary school varied between boys and girls. While most boys left school due to child not willing Most girls said they had to help at home. During the past decade, several policy initiatives were undertaken, each with a strong component for improving girls education in the country. Besides two educational policies, namely, the National Education Policy (1992) and the National Education Policy (1998-2010), the Government of Pakistan launched the Social Action Programmed (SAP) in 1993/94 which focused on improving the social indicators for girls and women. But none of these policies was followed properly so the variable that was extracted from this article was lack of of financial allocation and Lack of encouragement by government and lack of school facilities. The government of Pakistan is lacking way behind in providing educational facilities Great care needs to be exercised while portraying the future of girls education in Pakistan. Female education is subjected to the forces of both demand as well as supply barriers such as poverty, lower status of female in society and her security concerns, coupled with lack of school facilities, teaching materials and inadequacy or absence of female teachers. More importantly, there are strong linkages of the education se ctor with other sectors. The Study is based on secondary sources. National statistical sources have been extensively used which include the Population and Housing Census 1998; the Economic Surveys (various issues) and the reports published by the National (and provincial) Education Management and Information System (NEMIS). The Study also relies heavily on other data sources and relevant research reports issued by the Central Bureau of Education, Academy of Educational Planning and Management (AEPAM) and the Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS). Hypothesis: future of girls education in Pakistan This article ROLE OF WOMEN IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF PAKISTAN written by Jehan Qamar in 2000 is about the importance of role of women in economic development. And it contains a lot of information about state of women in education and their employment. This article also lays emphasis on political and cultural instability that is affecting the status of women in Pakistan. And this political and cultural instability are also the variables extracted from the article. Furthermore the article discuses that the implication of cultural norms are affecting the education of women a lot different policies made by the Pakistans government were reviewed before writing this article and whether there implication is active or not and how it is affecting the economy. However it was concluded that the role of women in economic development can be enhanced if women provided with proper education Hypothesis: role of women in economic development of Pakistan The article DISTANCE EDUCATION AS A STRATEGY FOR ELIMINATING GENDER DISPARITY IN PAKISTAN written by à ¢Ã‹â€ -Dr. Irshad Hussain in 2008. The article discuses about the role of distance education in addressing the issue of gender disparity in Pakistan The study was descriptive in nature and the researchers adopted survey approach. The study was conducted in Punjab province. The study consisted on three populations: (i). B.A level female students, (ii). their parents and (iii). academicians of Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad. Researchers adopted stratified and convenient sampling technique for collecting data from students their parents and academicians respectively. The samples of the study comprised of 600 students, 60 parents and 60 academicians .The article starts with describing that gender discrimination is one of the major issue in Pakistan at present as we all know that the Pakistani society is male dominated and males enjoy all the privileges where as female population is a very small and neglected community of Pakistan. Unluc kily gender gap is wide and demands immediate attention to address the issue. However distance education is one of the solutions and incentives which provide girls an opportunity to study even in culturally restricted areas. It can cater educational needs of the society at the doorstep on equal basis and frees learners from time and place restrictions. Keeping in consideration the above characteristics Allama Iqbal University is offering different programs through distanced approach. As a result admission rate has increased specially in Allama Iqbal University. Hypothesis: Is distance education effective or not
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Kids Vs Kids :: essays research papers
KIDS VS. KIDS The average child witnesses eight thousand murders and one hundred thousand acts of violence by the time he or she finishes elementary school. In the past fifteen years school violence has become a clear but present danger. It used to be children were involved in fistfights, or other types of squabbles. They may have received a black eye or bloody nose. Now they are armed with not fists but sawed off shotguns and malice. This is a serious issue that needs to be observed and resolved. These need to be taken in to consideration, home environment, society, and school policy. These are the key issues that are causing children to act out so violently. In the early eighties we were not having the problems with school shootings that are happening now. Home environment is the big factor that’s been children are for most of their life; the influences that come from here are powerful. Hopefully parents are teaching their children to be good people, to have compassion for others, but in some cases this is not happening. Society has evolved in the past fifteen years. Things are a little different. More mothers were at home raising their children and not out in the workplace. The Internet was not available to the population until 1989-1990. With out this being monitored for students it could be very harmful. The Internet is full of wonderful information, but also potentially dangerous material. School policy was different because they were not having such violent problems. There were problems in schools in the eighties but not so many, so often. From nineteen eighty eight to nineteen ninety-two the homicide rate increased by fifty percent, assault by forty eight percent, robbery, forty nine percent and rape fifteen percent. At these rapid increasements they crept into schools with a bang. The average home in the nineties is, both parents working forty hours a week, tired and might not be so observant to what their children are doing and learning. The home environment is so important and vital to the solving of this problem. The Internet is available at home, or in most libraries. This needs to monitored especially for younger users. In hope to help eliminate the shootings most schools in the U.S. have adopted the zero tolerance policy. The zero tolerance policy is helpful in keeping order and does not tolerate much else.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
the bomb :: essays research papers fc
     August 6th 1945, 70,000 lives were ended in a meter of seconds. The United States had dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima then on Nagasaki. Today many argue over whether or not the US should have taken such a drastic measure. Was it entirely necessary that we drop such a devastating weapon?      First look at what was going on at the time the decision was made. The US had been fighting a massive war since 1941. The outcome was obvious but both sides continued to fight, and both were determined to win. Obviously the best thing would have been to bring the war to a quick end, with a minimum of casualties. In a meeting on the 18th of June the Joint War plans Committee gave Truman projected death rates ranging from a low of 31,000 to a high of 50,000. This number is much lower than estimates from other sources. AC Snow, a News and Observer editor, wrote â€Å"The invasion was expected to be the Armageddon of world war II. Some historians project that a million or more lives would have been lost.†President Truman and secretary of war, Henry Smitten, said that dropping the bomb was a military action that avoided the loss of many lives in the upcoming invasion of Kyushu.      I wonder what would have happened had the A-bomb not been used? The most obvious thing is that the war would have continued for much longer. Us forces therefore, would have had to invade the home island of Japan. Some historians say the number of casualties could have reached a million us soldiers, dead or wounded. Also, our forces would not only have to fight off the Japanese military, but they would have to defend themselves against the civilians of Japan as well. The Japanese would have continued to fight the US with all they had.      No one can say exactly what would have happened, because let’s face it, no one knows. It’s possible Japan was just about to hand over its unconditional surrender, but most evidence would not agree with that. One thing that points to the Japanese not surrendering would be Kamikaze pilots. Kamikaze were â€Å"suicide†pilots. They would load an airplane up with explosives and try to nose-dive it into an enemy target. The Japanese Soldier would fight until the end, for his Emperor and his country. They scary thing about this is the majority of the Japanese’s military thought this way. The fact that the enemy is ready to die as long as you die with him is not something that a soldier wants to think
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