Monday, September 30, 2019
Major Assignment
This assignment must be done in pairs; individual assignments will not be accepted. Preferably. You must select a person from within your tutorial group as your assignment partner. 3. Your assignment MUST be word processed. Hand written assignments will NOT be accepted. 4. Ensure that your names, ID No's, tutor's name and tutorial day and time are stated clearly on the cover page, which can be downloaded from Model. 5.A penalty of 10% will be deducted each day or part thereof that the assignment s late. Check late assignment policy. 6. Use proper in text referencing, footnotes and a bibliography. Popularized/copied assignments will be awarded a ZERO (O) mark, 7. 8. 9. Font size of 12 should be used with single line spacing. Word limit for this assignment is 1500 words. All answers will have to be submitted into TURN-IT-IN on model on the due Case Article: Read â€Å"Whininess seeks mining lease extension†by Archon Ala, Fiji Sun 5th March, 2013. [A copy of the article is attac hed on next page] RequiredCompile a based on the following questions, in light of reading the case article and relevant readings. In writing your answers, you may provide quotes from the article to support your answer. Assume that you and your partner have been appointed as consultants and have been requested by the investors of Asia Pacific Resources Limited to provide them a business report in regards to the following: * Explain which underlying ‘accounting assumption' is managing director Mathew Hugging most concerned about and the reasons for his concerns.I * â€Å"For the investors, the Government and the landowners the only way in which to earn income from Whininess is by operating the mine. †* Clearly explain how each party would earn income from the Whininess mine. I * Evaluate whether ‘exploration costs' for mining companies' are assets? Why or why not? I * Evaluate whether the land on which the Whininess Mine sits, is an asset of Asia Pacific Resources Limited or the landowners. * * Evaluate whether the company would have a liability in regards to the damages to the environment as a result of mining.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Terrorism can be defined as threatening use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. It is the act of terrorizing or the state of being terrorized. Most acts of terrorism are committed by terrorist organizations. Terrorist organizations use terror to accomplish their mission or objective. One of the most infamous terrorist organizations is Al-Qaeda. Established in 1988 by militant Islamist, Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda traces all the way back to the Soviet War in Afghanistan. It operates as a network comprising both a multinational and stateless army. It has been designated as a terrorist organization by the United Nations Security Council, NATO, the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, and various other countries. The overall mission of Al-Qaeda is to attempt to overthrow godless regimes and replace them with Islamic regimes. Furthermore, the terrorist organization desires to convert al-Qaeda into an ideology and set of operating principles that can be loosely franchised in other countries without requiring direct command and control. Al-Qaeda also states several other missions which include gathering information about the enemy, the land, the installations, and the neighbors, kidnapping enemy personnel documents, secrets, and arms, assassinating enemy personnel as well as foreign tourists, and freeing the brothers who are captured by the enemy. Other missions also include spreading rumors and writing statements that instigate people against the enemy, blasting and destroying the places of amusement, immorality, and sin; not a vital target, blasting and destroying the embassies and attacking vital economic centers, blasting and destroying bridges leading into and out of the cities. The headquarters of infamous terrorist organization are not known anymore. al-Qaeda has known contacts and activities in the following countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bosnia, Chechnya, Eritrea, Kosovo, the Philippines, Somalia, Tajikistan, and Yemen, and now Kosovo. Additionally, al-Qaida has been linked to conflicts and attacks in Africa, Asia, Europe, the former Soviet Republics, the Middle East, as well as North and South America. All in all, their threat is not limited to these geographical areas because of worldwide connections. The group has targeted American and other Western interests as well as Jewish targets and Muslim governments it sees as corrupt or impious-above all, the Saudi monarchy. Above all, its main target is the United States of America. In 2005, Al-Quds Al-Arabi published extracts from Saif al-Adel's document â€Å"Al Qaeda’s Strategy to the Year 2020†which is a plan for the downfall of U. S. economy by the year 2020. Over the years, al-Qaeda has been involved in many terrorist attacks. The terrorist group has undergone proper military training, and is capable of commanding insurgent forces in order to carry out its attack. Al-Qaeda linked attacks include: The attempted December 2009 bombing of a Detroit-bound Northwest Airlines flight and an October 2007 suicide bombing that narrowly missed killing former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Two months later, another bomber succeeds in killing the former prime minister; Pakistani officials blame Baitullah Mahsud, a top Pakistani Taliban commander with close ties to al-Qaeda. Other attacks include: the February 2006 attack on the Abqaiq petroleum processing facility, the largest such facility in the world, in Saudi Arabia, the July 2005 bombings of the London public transportation system, and the March 2004 bomb attacks on Madrid commuter trains, which killed nearly 200 people and left more than 1,800 injured. On September 11, 2001, Al-Qaeda was involved in one of the most devastating attacks on the United States, hijacking four U. S. airplanes, two of which crashed into the World Trade Center, and a third of which crashed into the Pentagon. 9/11 resulted in over 3,000 deaths and $95 billion worth of damage, lost of taxes, and clean-up costs to the city of New York. In the aftermath of 9/11, Bin Laden issued several messages praising the attacks, but denying Al-Qaeda’s involvement. This was just one example of the terrorist group’s usage of the media. Al-Qaeda has become extremely reliant on media. It uses media to further its cause by garnering publicity towards its cause. The media is used to publicize its corrupt Islamic institutions, organizations, and ideas. All things considered, Al-Qaeda is shrinking. The leadership ranks of the main al-Qaeda terrorist network have been reduced to just two figures whose demise would mean the group’s defeat. Although the terrorist group is shrinking, it is important that the American people stay on alert. There will probably always be a fear of the terrorist group’s reemergence, but as long as we stay a step ahead and do not underestimate the group, the American people will be a-okay.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Salamander Surgery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Salamander Surgery - Essay Example Utilitarian philosophy upholds the principle of equal consideration of interests such that all things being equal utmost consideration should be given to that which would bring the most happiness and benefit and would cause less pain and suffering. This assumes that creatures of equal characteristics should be given equal consideration. Australian philosopher Professor Peter Singer in 1975 in a landmark article "All Animals are Equal" (475) argues that discriminating against animals as different from humans is nothing different from racism and sexism. There is a lack of consideration for others who may be different in some aspects but are similar in some. He calls this "speciesism", originally quoting Dr. Richard Ryder, referring to the attitude of bias towards the interest of members of one's own species and against those members other species. Citing Jeremy Bentham, founder of the reforming utilitarian school of moral philosophy, Singer contends that the capacity for suffering and enjoyment forms the basis for equal consideration of humans and animals. ... If racists violates the principle of equality by their prejudice against those of other races, and a sexist violates this same principle by favoring the interests of the members of the same sex, similarly speciesists, without considering that both animals and humans are capable of experiencing pain and suffering, allows the exploitation of other species for their own species' benefit. However, the utilitarian perspective may also be used to justify the use of animals in research to some extent. This opinion considers the benefit of animal research in the scientific field over the cost imposed on animals. Ironically as opposed to anti-speciesist stance of Singer, it is the significant differences between humans and animals such as higher cognition and language ability that forms the basis of this justification. Critics of this variation of utilitarian view maintain that it is unjust to justify animal research with that argument as it supposes that animals are willing participants in research oblivious of the real costs of their involvement (Kimmel, 251). The Rights Argument The main argument against the use of animals in research as articulated by Tom Regan in his article "The Case for Animal Rights" (1985) is that all beings "equally" share an "inherent value" as living creatures. Recognition of this inherent value as individuals can lead to recognition of animals of their right to be treated with respect and not inflicted with any pain or anguish. Regan as a self confessed animal rights advocate calls for the following goals (481): The total abolition of the use of animals in science; The total dissolution of commercial animal agriculture; The total elimination of commercial and sport hunting and trapping; Regan attacks the
Friday, September 27, 2019
SEE THE INSTRUCTIONS BEWLE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
SEE THE INSTRUCTIONS BEWLE - Essay Example According to Plato, by lying to the inferiors, the superiors gain more control over society so they are able to restore law and order in an otherwise lawless society. Plato believes that lying in this case is noble since the inferiors need something to believe in for them to be guided. For Plato, the leaders must have a means to control the masses and such means may be a â€Å"collectively useful†lie. The general idea of a noble lie is that the leaders formulate the â€Å"collectively useful†lie and the let the people believe in it and benefit from it. Yet, the question now is whether or not the benefit that the people get from the lie is greater than the evil that may accompany that lie. According to Kuznicki, a lie will always be a lie and may have both positive and negative consequences. When the lie brings about positive consequences, the lie may be useful but if the light brings nothing but destruction, it becomes something that is unethical. There are many arguments regarding the advantages and disadvantages of having our leaders lie to us. One of the main advantages is that if a lie that carries with it a positive note, the people who believe in the lie will follow the suggestions made by the leaders. For example, as pointed out by Kuznicki, a person who believes in his religion sincerely will stick to that religion even if others will try to tell him that his religion is a fake. Since the person truly believes that his religion is real, he is more likely to follow the teachings of his church. If the teachings of his church are good, then this person will become a good citizen. Fear for punishment and respect for their religion often keep people from doing something that is against the teachings of their church. The concept of heaven and hell in many religious sectors has often deterred people from committing sins. In this case, even if the teaching of
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Final essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 6
Final - Essay Example Byzantine, the Persian, the Arab and the Ottoman were the most dominant empires that influenced and directed the cultural dimensions practiced in the region. Different countries in the region, however, had their religion, customs, language, and religion. This variation of cultural dimensions left a profound impact of the cultural representation observed today. Various aspects of culture: language and cuisine were exchanged with others from countries within member region. Cuisine varies in different member countries in the Middle East. There are similarities of common dishes in the region, but flavoring techniques differs among member countries. Olives and Chickpeas are used in cooking across the region, while chicken, beef, and lamb are popular foods in many countries. The region largely practices Islamic and, as a result, pork and alcohol is not allowed in many countries. Arabic is a widely spoken language in the region. However, Arabic has many different dialects depending on different countries, which make it difficult for members to comprehend dialects from various countries. Although there is a huge variation of dialects, there is a standard form of written Arabic common to all countries. Muslim is the widely practiced religion in the region and uses Arabic language in its teaching. Iran and Israel use different official languages; Iranians use Persian whereas Israelites use Hebrew and English. Upper-class citizens of most members in the Middle East use French. The cultural dimensions of the Middle East countries are highly influenced by religion. Many institutions in the region incorporate religious aspect, where Islamic stands out to be the most influential. However, there are two sects of Muslims, Shi’a and Sunni, who have theological and philosophical differences. Israel is dominated by Jewish religion and has a different culture from the rest of Middle East countries. Christianity is still practiced sparingly in a region,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Fashion History and Trends Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Fashion History and Trends - Essay Example The essay "Fashion History and Trends" concerns the changes in the fashion history. Our early ancestors didn’t own all the clothes that we do own. Cavemen wore animal hides to fight the winter cold. In warm weather, they wore loincloths. As time passed, new discoveries made it possible to create new fashions. Thousands of years ago, the Chinese created silk from cocoons of silkworm moths. In 1972, Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, which removed seed from cotton. By hand, it took several hours to produce one pound of cotton. The cotton gin allowed workers to clean up to 50 pounds of cotton daily. Today silk and cotton are still used for many fashionable styles. The Europeans in the 1700s witnessed a time of great thought and social change. Historians call that time the â€Å"Age of Enlightenment.†The machines of that era changed the way people earned a living. Many people left their jobs on the farm to become factory workers. Throughout the 1700s and 1800s, several b reakthroughs paved the way for mass production of clothes. In 1733, John Kay invented the flying shuttles for the loom. This machine sped up the weaving process. Perhaps the most exciting invention was Edmund Cartwright’s power loom. His loom used water as a power source. Made in 1785, it was the first loom to produce large amounts of cloth. Following in its footsteps were modern sewing machines. Elias Howe and Isaac Singer made these time-saving machines in the mid 1800’s. Some of the world’s greatest fashion pioneers created styles.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 9
Supply Chain Management - Essay Example so allow them to supply to the market as quickly and precisely as possible in order to meet the actual demand without being able to consider maintaining a high inventory level. When there is high inventory, there is also high linked up cost with it. Thus, the prevailing structural program of Dell with respect to its recent supply chain strategy ensures a great way of generation of profit as the entire activity minimizes the loss of market opportunity. In other words, the ability of Dell to forecast demand allows it to provide the essential supply to its target marketplace. In order to do this, the company relies heavily on information by maintaining constant flow of data through two information loops (Oracle, 2013). This means that the flow of information should take place between customers and Dell sales team and the other one takes place among sales, procurement and suppliers (Oracle, 2013). Supply chain could be defined as a set of two or more entities involved in the upstream and downstream flow of products, services, finances and information from the source to a consumer (Overbeck, 2009, p.17). It is upstream from the point of view of consumer and the other way around for the source. This definition gives us the idea that the flow of products, services and information is sequential, which means that the output of the first level is the input of the next level. However, due to the existing complexity of relationships involved in the supply chain today, ‘supply network’ was coined (Overbeck, 2009, p.17). According to Hieber (2002), the nature of supply chain is unique (p.130). This is because there is complexity involved within the flow of goods and information between the linked entities in the supply chain. This according to him would require a changing set of priorities from time to time, requiring a high level of responsiveness on the part of the organisation. According to Jones and Tilley (2007), supply chains and management have become potential
Monday, September 23, 2019
How the Police Access Data to Obtain Criminal Information Assignment
How the Police Access Data to Obtain Criminal Information - Assignment Example He lives in California and was visiting us in Miami for a break from his work, about which we knew nothing about. It was a cool evening and we being late for the opening pitch, uncle Bobby was driving way over the speed limit when a police patrol car appeared from nowhere and told us to pull over which we did. My uncle told me to stay in the car while he went out to talk to this big cop. After a few moments the cop reached for his radio and mumbled something into it. After a few minutes to my horror he handcuffed my uncle, checked my license and told me to drive home, just after he told me that my uncle had a warrant out in California. Research How did a cop of MPD know about outstanding warrants in California? I got intrigued and started looking for answers. I came up with a few observations about the digital media and its integration with the modern police force. Firstly, my uncle had previous criminal record in California. Therefore the police Record Management System (RMS) in Cal ifornia had every piece of personal information of an offender in there state properly indexed and catalogued (Raymond, 2005). So now comes the query that even if a criminal has outstanding warrants and all sorts of records in the state of California, how a trooper retrieved that information on a highway from his car through a wireless radio.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Witch-hunt in Scottish society Speech or Presentation
Witch-hunt in Scottish society - Speech or Presentation Example As such, when a new team of leaders took office in the 1649-1650, whereby the new leader Kirk Party attempted to clean out all the sorcery and witchcraft within the society by making it a godly state, these witches faced total extermination (Davies & De Blecourt, 2004: P.150). Any witch identified within the society was brought to court for judgment, and killed through hanging if found guilty. He therefore ordered a continuous hunt for all witches, and those found faced judgment and prosecution at ad hoc courts (Dingwall, 2003: P.78). Most of these witches who found guilty died in the hands of their prosecutors. These ad hoc courts eliminated most f the witches found because they did not have any lawyers to defend them at these hearings. This was the Great Scottish Witch Hunt, which occurred between the periods of 1649-1650, consisting of a number of witch trials across the land of Scotland. This is among the five major witch-hunts identified within the country in the modern days of Scotland that recorded the largest volumes of executions within a single year (Ewan and Nugent, 2008: P.49). This paper covers the events that took place during this witch-hunt period, the effects of these events as well as the challenges and successes recorded at the culmination of these events. A number of resources deal with this topic on the witch-hunt period in Scotland (Goodare, 2002: P.15). However, most of them are not clear as to what exactly happened, i.e. not all of them give a clear account of events as they happened after the radical Kirk party took leadership and empowered the Presbyterians church leaders to hunt out for witches within the community and bring them to justice. This is because they felt these witches and wizards were the main cause of calamities and suffering within the community (Graham, 2008: P.160). One single author by the name Brian Levack produced a complete count of events on the witch-hunt period of the Scottish land, especially dealing with the concepts of law, religion and politics that in one way or another propelled these activities (Henderson, 2008: P.179). In addition, the author covers on some topics the reasons why witchcraft was so widespread in the society, as well as the effects of these black-magic activities on the land (Larner, 1981: P.32). However, there are other sources, though skeptical in a way, that cover the topics raised on witch-hunt in the Scottish land. These topics cover a few concepts on the occurrences during this period as well as put across a clear account on all events that occurred during the period (Levack, 2008: P.92). As such, it was very challenging to conduct this research especially because no single book, article, or journal covered conclusively all the events that took place during the Scottish witch-hunt (MacDonald, 1997: P.358). Most of these resources only provided sketchy topics on the events, or a particular opinion of an individual, which might not necessary portray the real fac tors the led to or caused the events under consideration (Notes and Comments, 2002: P.240). Furthermore, they do not provide the effects of these ad hoc court trials, especially since the accused did not get an opportunity to plead their case. They only chance they have to exonerate themselves from the accusations placed against them were to provide proof of their lack of participation in these activities (Toivo, 2008: P.67). However, this led to even more bloodshed in the society as these accused witches pointed out on their friends and other counterparts, which expanded the witch-hunt in Scotland (Whatley,
Saturday, September 21, 2019
What is popular is not necessarily right Essay Example for Free
What is popular is not necessarily right Essay We are fortunate enough to live in the best democracy in the world. Our society is fantastically tolerant of the enormous diversity of cultures within it. Democracy is fundamentally about protecting minorities. It is not about enforcing the will of the majority on a law abiding, tax-paying minority: at its best that is bullying, at its worst fascism. The huntsmen are undoubtedly a minority. They are becoming persecuted by people who harbour the same sentiments as racists do about coloured people and homophobics about gays. The root cause of these feelings is simple- IGNORANCE. Tolerance and understanding come from education. Education must overcome the knee-jerk hatred exhibited by many anti-hunt lobbyists. The ignorance of most hunt protestors shines through their weak arguments. I do not hunt, it does not appeal to me enough to warrant the expense- both time and money. I can however see the attraction; comradeship, shared excitement, danger, tradition and a deep love of the countryside and animals. I know people who hunt. You only have to see them with their hounds and horses to know the real affection they have for animals. These are decent people, with families and not the faceless, Range Rover driving snobbish elite that the League Against Cruel Sports would have you believe. Hunting with hounds began because it is an effective way of controlling the population of a pest. It remains the most effective way of doing this. Those who advocate other methods are again showing their ignorance, Im afraid. Shooting. This is not as easy as it sounds. Foxes, we all know, are cunning. They have incredible senses of smell, hearing and sight. Their habits are largely unpredictable. This makes getting into a stable firing position without scaring the fox off very, very difficult. The fox is a small animal, making the humane target area (i. e. that which will kill it instantly) very small indeed. On a Stag its small enough, a fox is almost impossible to shoot cleanly. Trapping. Well it doesnt take much brainwork to see how cruel, indiscriminate and dangerous this is. Poison. Again, indiscriminate and painful for the animal affected. If you still do not approve- thats fine and healthy for society. Please think about the point I made at the start of this, unintentionally long, opinion: lets not persecute a small minority, who do not affect the majority of citizens, just because we dont like what they do. I do not like football, or the hooligans that follow it but I do not rant about banning it because at the end of the day it does not really affect me. By making a ban on fox hunting a manifesto pledge the Labour Party is seeking to deny a large minority their liberty and to destroy a proud community in return for short term political gains. I wonder how much influence the i 1 million, given to Labour by the Animal Political Lobby pressure group, bought? Quite a bit, I bet. Education and Tolerance are what I think is needed here.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Sexual harassment in the work place
Sexual harassment in the work place Sexual Harassment in the Work Place The Clarence Thomas Supreme Court case confirmation hearings in 1991 were the first to bring the issue of sexual harassment into increased standing. Anita Hill, a former employee of Thomas, alleged that he had sexually harassed her while she was working under his supervision. Although the allegations where never sustained, the hearing made many people more aware of how often employees are sexually harassed in the work place. This, combined with other events lead to a tremendous increase in the number of sexual harassment complaints bring filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Chapter 3, 123). In addition to the early allegations, there have been more recent incidents that have brought more attention to sexual harassment in the workplace. One major incident took place after President Clinton took office and faced a sexual harassment lawsuit by Paula Corbin Jones. Jones alleged that Clinton sexual harassed her during a business trip in a Little Rock hotel room. This caused the number of sexual harassment complaints to jump in number, again, between 1993 and 1994. However, the number of cases filed has decreased substantially since 2000 (Chapter 3, 123). There are two specific legal definitions of sexual harassment that have been established in employment law. Quid Pro Quo Harassment; this is transferred into â€Å"something for something,†or â€Å"you do something for me and Ill do something for you†(Sexual Harassment, 2009). This happens when unwelcome sexual advances are expected in exchange for certain job benefits. An example of this would be an employee being offered a raise or a promotion if they go out on a date with the particular supervisor. This also happens when an employee makes a decision, or provides or withholds certain opportunities based on another employees submission to verbal, non verbal or physical conduct (Sexual Harassment, 2009). Quid pro quo harassment is just as unlawful whether the victim resists and suffers the threatened harm or submits to avoid the harm (Sexual Harassment, 2009). The Bundy v. Jackson case illustrates quid for quo sexual harassment. Bundy was a personnel clerk with District of Columbia Department of Corrections. She received repeated sexual propositions from Delbert Jackson, who was currently another employee when this happened. He later became the director of the agency. After this she began to receive propositions from two of her supervisors. She took the issue to their supervisor, Lawrence Swain, who dismissed her complaints; telling her that â€Å"any man in his right mind would want to rape you,†then proceeded to ask her to begin a sexual relationship with him (Chapter 3, 123). When Bundy was eligible for a promotion, she was passed over because of her â€Å"inadequate work performance,†although she had never been told that her work performance was unsatisfactory (Chapter 3, 123). The second definition is Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment. This happens when an employee is â€Å"subjected to comments of sexual nature, offensive sexual materials, or unwelcomed physical contact as a regular part of the work environment†(Chapter 3, 123). Normally if this were to happen once it would not be considered hostile environment harassment unless it is extremely outrageous conduct. Under this definition the courts look to see whether the conduct is both serious and frequent. Supervisors, managers, co-workers and even customers can create a hostile environment (Chapter 3, 123). These types of behaviors are also covered under Title VII because they treat individuals differently based on their sex. Also, although most harassment cases involve male on female harassment, any individual can be harassed. For example, male employees at Jenny Craig alleged that they were sexually harassed, and a federal jury found that a male employee had been sexually harassed by his male boss (Chapter 3, 123). In addition, Ron Clark Ford of Amarillo, Texas, recently agreed to pay 140,000 dollars to six male plaintiffs who alleged that they and others were subjected to a sexually hostile work environment and treated differently because of their gender by male managers (Chapter 3, 123). There are three critical issues when dealing with sexual harassment cases. First, the plaintiff cannot have â€Å"invited or incited†the advances (Chapter 3, 123). Most of the time the plaintiffs sexual history, whether she or he wear provocative clothing, and whether she or he engages in sexually explicit conversations are used to prove or disprove that the advance was unwelcome (Elements, 648). The second critical issue if that the harassment must have been severe enough to alter the â€Å"terms conditions and privileges of the employment†(Chapter 3, 123). Many courts have used the â€Å"reasonable woman†standard in determining the severity or pervasiveness of the harassment (Elements, 648). This consists of assessing whether a reasonable woman, faced with the same situation, would have reacted similarly. This recognizes that behavior that might be considered appropriate by a man may not be considered appropriate by a woman (Elements, 648). The third issue is that the courts must determine whether the organization is liable for the actions of it employees. To determine this, the courts normally examine two things. First, did the employer know about the harassment? Second, did the employer do anything to stop this behavior? Normally if the employer knew about the actions and didnt do anything to stop them then the court would find the employer guilty of not appropriately stopping the harassment (Elements, 648). The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) describes sexual harassment as a â€Å"form of gender discrimination that is in violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act†(Abdulaziz, S. 2009). In 1998, the US Supreme Court made employers more liable for sexual harassment of their employees. Since then, the Society for Human Resource Management has reported that 62 percent of companies now offer sexual harassment prevention training programs, and 97 percent have a written sexual harassment policy (Abdulaziz, S. 2009). The number of cases filed with the EEOC has gradually decreased. In 1997, close to 16,000 charges were filled. Ten years later in 2007, only 12,510 were filed. â€Å"A telephone poll done by Louis Harris and Associates on 782 US workers revealed the following statistics: 31 percent of the female workers and only 7 percent of male workers reported they had been harassed at work, 62 percent of targets took no action, 100 percent of female workers were harassed by men, where as, 59 percent of men reported the harasser was a woman and 41 percent said the harasser was another man†(Elements, 648). Remedies for sexual harassment depend on the severity of sexual harassment complaints and findings of the investigator, as well as, the situation. When the person lost an employment opportunity the following could happen: hiring the person for the job or opportunity lost, providing the person with the opportunity with he or she missed to the extent possible, and providing financial compensation for the lost opportunity (Discrimination, 2009). If the person has lost wages the following could happen: all or part of the lost wages or salary would be compensated, lost pension or other benefits would be compensated, lost raises, overtime, shift bonuses, or higher rates of pay which should have been earned by promotion would be compensated, and any lost wages or benefits which can reasonably be linked to the act of sexual harassment would be compensated (Discrimination, 2009). Typically all expenses attributed to the enforcement of the persons rights can be compensated. Such expenses include: medical expenses, such as psychological care, travel expenses for attending physician, preparation of reports and costs of experts attendance at a trial, travel costs to attend a hearing, and wages and/or tips lost as a result of attending a hearing (Discrimination, 2009). Sexual harassment in a work place is any form of unwanted or unwelcomed behavior, or attention of a sexual nature that interferes with your ability to function at work. It is also, largely a form of gender discrimination that is covered under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (Sexual Harassment, 2009).There are many cases that have resulted from sexual harassment and many different forms of remedies of such harassment takes place.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Home Schooling Essay -- Teaching Public Education
Home Schooling Education is a very important concern in the hearts of Americans. . But what exactly is the best form of education. Homeschooling has gradually made its way into the education field as an acceptable and controversial form of education. Homeschooling can simply be defined as educating children at home or the community rather than at school (Withrow, 1999; Cromwell, 1998; Lines, 1995). An alternative definition would be, parents choosing the schooling for their children (What is Homeschooling, 2000). Home schooling started thirty years ago because of two men, Raymond Moore and John Holt. Both men felt that the public education system was wrong and emerged as founders of the homeschooling movement in America. Moore believed that children were being pushed in school to learn things they were not ready to learn. After evtensive research, he concluded that children in schools become extremely dependent on their peers. (Lyman, 1998). John Holt believed that it was beneficial to homeschool children because children were not being encouraged to use their natural curiosity. His negative attitude towards schools is shown when he wrote, "To return once more to compulsory school in its barest form, you will surely agree that the government told you that on one hundred and eighty days of the year, for six or more hours a day, you had to be at a particular place, and there do whatever people told you to do, you would feel that this was a gross violation of your civil liberties." Holt viewed schools as places that produced "obedient, but bland citizens" (Lyman, 1998). Home education is one of the fastest growing alternative forms of education to public schooling (Cook, 1999; Withrow, 1999). Approximately one million children or more are being educated in their homes because of the success of homeschooling. (Two Takes on Homeschooling, 1997) The increase of students does not seem to be slowing down, and with growing concern over the public schools, the growth of the homeschooling movement is inevitable. One of the main areas of concern for homeschooling is the academic performance of students; even though there is much debate on the testing assessments and the data collected, research shows that that homeschoolers achieve academically at the same level, or in most cases, above stu... ... automatically. (Kuntz, 2000) Cost Public schools are free. Low-income families can attend without worrying about money, unlike homeschools that have a cost to buy curriculums, materials, and equipment. Also, in homeschooling one family member must give up their income in order to teach their children, and most families can not afford to do that (Szegedy-Maszak). Homeschooling may deprive a child of vital skills needed to succeed outside of high school and in the workforce. In the public schools it is almost guaranteed that a child will get them; whereas homeschoolers most likely will not. The public school system is not perfect, yet it offers a realistic place of education that is available to all with a promise of teachers that have been certified. ? Bibliography: Guterson, D. (1992), Family matters: Why homeschooling makes sense. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Pennsylvania Department of Education (1998, March). Home education in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Department of Education. 1-15. Pride, M. (1994), Homeschool goes high tech. Retrieved January 27, 2000 from the World Wide Web:
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Tell-Tale Heart: An Analysis Essay -- Analysis Tell Tale Essays Pa
The Tell-Tale Heart: An Analysis      In Edgar Allan Poe’s short-story, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,†the storyteller tries to convince the reader that he is not mad. At the very beginning of the story, he asks, "...why will you say I am mad?" When the storyteller tells his story, it's obvious why. He attempts to tell his story in a calm manner, but occasionally jumps into a frenzied rant. Poe's story demonstrates an inner conflict; the state of madness and emotional break-down that the subconscious can inflict upon one's self.      In "The Tell-Tale Heart", the storyteller tells of his torment. He is tormented by an old man's Evil Eye. The storyteller had no ill will against the old man himself, even saying that he loved him, but the old man's pale blue, filmy eye made his blood run cold. And when the storyteller couldn't take anymore of the Evil Eye looking at him, he said, "I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye for ever." This is the start of the storyteller’s madness, and as the reader listens to what he says, the madness within the storyteller becomes very apparent.      For eight nights in a row, the storyteller went to the old man’s chamber and cast a shred of light upon the Evil Eye that he so hated. For seven nights, it was always shut, and the storyteller could do nothing because it was only the eye that he hated, not the old man. On the eighth, the storyteller accidentally makes some noise and wakes the old man up. As... The Tell-Tale Heart: An Analysis Essay -- Analysis Tell Tale Essays Pa The Tell-Tale Heart: An Analysis      In Edgar Allan Poe’s short-story, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,†the storyteller tries to convince the reader that he is not mad. At the very beginning of the story, he asks, "...why will you say I am mad?" When the storyteller tells his story, it's obvious why. He attempts to tell his story in a calm manner, but occasionally jumps into a frenzied rant. Poe's story demonstrates an inner conflict; the state of madness and emotional break-down that the subconscious can inflict upon one's self.      In "The Tell-Tale Heart", the storyteller tells of his torment. He is tormented by an old man's Evil Eye. The storyteller had no ill will against the old man himself, even saying that he loved him, but the old man's pale blue, filmy eye made his blood run cold. And when the storyteller couldn't take anymore of the Evil Eye looking at him, he said, "I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye for ever." This is the start of the storyteller’s madness, and as the reader listens to what he says, the madness within the storyteller becomes very apparent.      For eight nights in a row, the storyteller went to the old man’s chamber and cast a shred of light upon the Evil Eye that he so hated. For seven nights, it was always shut, and the storyteller could do nothing because it was only the eye that he hated, not the old man. On the eighth, the storyteller accidentally makes some noise and wakes the old man up. As...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Descriptive Essay - The Local Golf Course -- Observation Essays, Descri
Our town is notable for having several interesting golf courses. For those residents whose interests lie in other pursuits, those courses are a waste of large quantities of otherwise useful space that could be better used to construct another mall or store. For the golf enthusiasts among us, however, the preponderance of courses is a delightful benefit of living in this otherwise uninteresting locale, where the only saving grace is the plentiful supply of interesting people. The golf course is an oasis of artificiality in a desert of flat land and unnatural colors. While the surrounding landscape is endlessly flat, with only the trees and buildings obstructing the planar geography, the golf course is a diverse landscape with hills, valleys, lakes and pits of sand flowing from one to an...
Monday, September 16, 2019
Business related Essay
1. Define Marketing. What is marketing process as set out in your text book. Explain the various elements of marketing process. ( LO1; Assessment Criteria 1.1) 2. Select an organization of your choice, identify the marketing orientation it focuses on and evaluate the benefits and costs of the marketing orientation for the selected organization ( LO1; Assessment Criteria 1.2) 3. The Dunkin’ Donut Case: ( LO1; Assessment Criteria 1.2) For more than 50 years, Dunkin’ Donuts has offered customers throughout the United States, and around the world, a consistent experience – the same donuts, the same coffee, the same store dà ©cor – each time a customer drops in. Although the chain now offers iced coffee, breakfast sandwiches, smoothies, gourmet cookies, and Dunkin’ Dawgs in addition to the old standbys, devoted customers argue that it’s the coffee that sets Dunkin’ Donut apart. To keepcustomers coming back, the chain still relies on the recipe that founder Bill Rosenberg crafted more than 50 years ago. The company is so concerned about offering a consistent, high-quality cup of coffee that managers in Dunkin’ Donut’s â€Å"Tree-to-Cup†program monitor the progress of its coffee beans from the farm to the restaurant. The result? Dunkin Donuts sells more cups of coffee than any other retailer in the United States – 30 cups a second, nearly one billion cups each year. Building on that success, the company plans to more than triple its current number of stores, amassing 15,000 franchises by the year 2015. What marketing orientation does Dunkin Donut follow here and why? Give reasons and justification Learning Outcome/s achieved in the assignment: By completing this assignment successfully, the student will achieve the following learning outcome:Learning Outcome LO1 Understand the concept and process of marketing Assessment Criteria 1.1 explain the various elements of the marketing process 1.2 evaluate the benefits and costs of a marketing orientation for a selected organisation Grading Criteria PASS The student will be awarded a PASS grade if he/she achieves all assessment criteria MERIT: The student will be awarded a Merit grade if he/she The learners evidence shows for : M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions †¢ effective judgements have been made †¢ complex problems with more than one variable have been explored †¢ an effective approach to study and research has been applied DISTINCTION: The student will be awarded a Distinction grade if he/she The learners evidence shows for: †¢ conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work †¢ the validity of results has been evaluated using and justify valid conclusions defined criteria †¢ self-criticism of approach has taken place †¢ realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Tell-Tale Heart
The Tell-Tale Heart In his narrative poem The Tell-Tale heart, Edgar Allen Poe tells the story of an insane madman who is in love with an old man’s eye. The story begins with the madman telling us how he loves the old man but wants to kill him because of his eye. The old man’s eye is like none other and resembles a vulture’s eye. And Poe instills his poem with the same despair experienced by the narrator by using characteristics that are typical of gothic literature such as, High Emotion, Mysterious Atmosphere’s, and Spooky Visions. One gothic element that Poe uses throughout The Tell-Tale Heart is high emotion.This is first apparent when the old man heard someone in the room. The old man sprung up terrified and said â€Å"Who is there? †alert as can be the old man stayed up and put out a terrified groan. The horrific groan of the old man contributes to the high emotion feel of the story. The other gothic element Poe uses throughout The Tell-Tale H eart is a mysterious atmosphere. This was first noticeable when the madman crept into the old man’s room and said â€Å"The room was black as pitch with thick darkness†And within the room the madman had to carry with him a lantern to see clearly.The pitch black room certainly contributes to the mysterious feel of the story. The fact that the old man is asleep and lives in a creepy place makes the story have a mysterious atmosphere. More Gothic elements Poe uses throughout The Tell-Tale Heart are Omens, Portents, and Visions that the mad man haves. These first appeared at the beginning when the mad man said: â€Å"I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and rid myself of the eye forever. †The mad man was having vision of killing the old man.The mad man started hearing a loud unbearable ringing in his ears after he buried the body under the floor and the cops came in. All of these examples certainly contribute the omens, portents, and visions occurrin g in this narrative. Tell-Tale Heart is a classic story about a mad man who stalks and kills someone because of his eye. The madman was so in love with this eye that he would be willing to take the life of an innocent old man. Deep down inside the madman’s conscious wouldn’t let him live.The madman thought everything was going to be okay but the only person that wouldn’t let him go on was himself. As the cops where talking he got an annoying ring in his head and it wouldn’t stop until he came clean. It is not surprising that this narrative poem ends on such an unhappy note, because Poe places that tone throughout the poem. By using things that are typical of gothic literature like High emotion, Mysterious Atmospheres, and Crazy Visions, Poe creates a poem that is wrapped in Mystery. The Tell-Tale Heart The Tell-Tale Heart In his narrative poem The Tell-Tale heart, Edgar Allen Poe tells the story of an insane madman who is in love with an old man’s eye. The story begins with the madman telling us how he loves the old man but wants to kill him because of his eye. The old man’s eye is like none other and resembles a vulture’s eye. And Poe instills his poem with the same despair experienced by the narrator by using characteristics that are typical of gothic literature such as, High Emotion, Mysterious Atmosphere’s, and Spooky Visions. One gothic element that Poe uses throughout The Tell-Tale Heart is high emotion.This is first apparent when the old man heard someone in the room. The old man sprung up terrified and said â€Å"Who is there? †alert as can be the old man stayed up and put out a terrified groan. The horrific groan of the old man contributes to the high emotion feel of the story. The other gothic element Poe uses throughout The Tell-Tale H eart is a mysterious atmosphere. This was first noticeable when the madman crept into the old man’s room and said â€Å"The room was black as pitch with thick darkness†And within the room the madman had to carry with him a lantern to see clearly.The pitch black room certainly contributes to the mysterious feel of the story. The fact that the old man is asleep and lives in a creepy place makes the story have a mysterious atmosphere. More Gothic elements Poe uses throughout The Tell-Tale Heart are Omens, Portents, and Visions that the mad man haves. These first appeared at the beginning when the mad man said: â€Å"I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and rid myself of the eye forever. †The mad man was having vision of killing the old man.The mad man started hearing a loud unbearable ringing in his ears after he buried the body under the floor and the cops came in. All of these examples certainly contribute the omens, portents, and visions occurrin g in this narrative. Tell-Tale Heart is a classic story about a mad man who stalks and kills someone because of his eye. The madman was so in love with this eye that he would be willing to take the life of an innocent old man. Deep down inside the madman’s conscious wouldn’t let him live.The madman thought everything was going to be okay but the only person that wouldn’t let him go on was himself. As the cops where talking he got an annoying ring in his head and it wouldn’t stop until he came clean. It is not surprising that this narrative poem ends on such an unhappy note, because Poe places that tone throughout the poem. By using things that are typical of gothic literature like High emotion, Mysterious Atmospheres, and Crazy Visions, Poe creates a poem that is wrapped in Mystery.
Robert. M. Sapolsky: An Example of Versatility and Dedication
Civilization is a flow of billions of human beings, but it is only few who take up the task of developing it. It is purely their hard work that secures, augments, ramifies and manifests the lives of the rest.Away from the usual buzz of the society or any glitz, these people devote their energy, time and attention on the discoveries of science and art.These hermits, who are usually oblivious of laurels or social recognition, rightfully deserve to be highlighted, as that could inspire many to become their active followers. Hence, this essay focuses on a person who belongs to that rank and file, with a trail of his contribution in the field of biology. He is Robert. M. Sapolsky.The Sparks and Steps Chance collision ruled Sapolsky's destiny. Otherwise, even he didn't imagine that someone groomed in urban settings like Benson Hurst and Brooklyn, could fall in love with Natural History Museum of New York, and subsequently with paleontology – which finally set the mind of a boy of 12 years to explore the lives of primates for the rest of his life.That concrete aim about future made him taking Swahili at the school level, as he was determined to go to Africa! After that, he developed his interest on neuroscience, which propelled his focus on the neurobiological basis of behavior. In this way a roadmap of his activities were made: from field behavior to brain and behavior.He found his mentor in Melvin Konnor (the writer of ‘The Tangled Wing', on brain and behavior), who was the chairman of anthropology at Emory University, whose writing prowess equally attracted Sapolsky. No wonder, he gradually has risen himself to the rank of his mentor, by becoming a researcher per excellence and also one of the finest scientific and natural history writer, save his oratory skills.Otherwise, he received his Ph.D. in Neuroendocrinology from Rockefeller University, before receiving his AB in biological anthropology from Harvard University. Currently he is a professor at St anford University.On the Field The umpteenth number of solitary sojourns in the grasslands of Kenya for 20 years, coupled with uncounted hours in laboratory perhaps took Sapolsky where he is today – most knowledgeable person on earth about baboon behavior, an inveterate researcher of neuroscience, a magnificent orator and a prolific writer, who once made Serengeti as his hermitage.Sapolsky, the Common Man He has two young kids and a zoologist wife. Since the kids are not yet ready to lead a tent-life, he has to shuttle between Manhattan and Nairobi, but that doesn't put up any stress on him – why, he himself is a stress specialist! He misses out nothing, except his piano sessions – though there is a piano in his lab, which was once brought by his first salary – he doesn't get time for it anymore!
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Democratic Individualism in Walt Whitman Poetry
Democratic Individualism in Whitman’s Poetry Walt Whitman will remain as a well-known, superb poet. Clarence Brown stated, the words of someone speaking on Walt Whitman, â€Å"He is the only one of the conventionally recognized American poets who is worth reading†(37). Walt Whitman is a poet that writes with purpose. His poetry seems to attempt to teach the more desirable behavior and traits for Americans. It depicts the ideal American democrat, peace maker, and a well-rounded person, in general. Not that Walt Whitman is only about democracy.He focuses on an important end result which is the happiness and function of the overall body of people. This happiness can be achieved efficiently through democracy and democratic behavior, according to Whitman and his beliefs. John Macy wrote, in The Spirit of American Literature, â€Å"Only one day in the century of American literature is marked by the birth of a ‘marker of poems, an Answerer’-the day when Whitman was born†(210). Walt Whitman was born May 31, 1819 to Walter Whitman and Louisa Van Velsor. Walt was the second of nine children in his household.One can imagine that his life, surrounded by many siblings, was indeed hectic. Their family resided in New York, mostly Brooklyn, during the 1820s and 1830s. Peace and equality could be things that a young boy with eight other siblings would want. His household may have influenced values that would stick with Walt for his entire life, values that would shape his career. At a very young age, twelve years old, Walt Whitman was introduced to the printing trade. This was seemingly the point in his life that influenced his love of words and literature.He taught himself to read and did so very often. His favorite literature or the literature that was frequently available to him was that of Shakespeare, Dante, and Homer. Walt also was fascinated with the Bible. From these pieces of literature, Walt could have taken ideas of love, tragedy, trials and triumphs. This time in his life seems to be most influential to the distinguished events and lifestyle that would take place later (â€Å"Walt Whitman Biography†). Walt took jobs as a printer and a teacher before he chose journalism as a more permanent career.During his time as a journalist, Whitman founded and edited many popular newspapers. Then, the Civil War came along and placed Whitman in chaos. He was devastated by the many that were wounded, including his brother, and he vowed to live a simple life. He purged his life as a way of cleansing out any negativity. He seemed to be a peaceful and serene person. Whitman stayed at hospitals in Washington to care for the injured. While doing so, he accepted a job as a clerk for the Department of the Interior until he was fired for his controversial work in Leaves of Grass, a collection of poems written by Whitman.There were many versions and poems in the collection. From this title alone, one can infer the theme of i ndividuality while being a part of a group. Leaves would be the citizens of Grass, America (â€Å"Walt Whitman Biography†). Walt was a generous man. His success, as stated by Alice Henderson, could be contributed to his â€Å"[†¦] comradeship with all nature and all men†(Brown 35). He lived happily through the joy of others. He was democratic, not just seeing the benefits for himself but how he could help others. A clerk’s salary, at that time, was less than extravagant.However, any extra money that Walt Whitman had was charitably given to anyone that needed the money, usually his patients. George Kateb stated, â€Å"I think that Walt Whitman is a great philosopher of democracy†(545), I agree. Walt Whitman could be one’s ideal democratic American. As stated by Kateb, even one of the greatest poets of all time, Henry Thoreau, stated that Whitman â€Å"[†¦] is apparently the greatest democrat the world has ever seen†(545). Democra cy is about people helping each other. It embodies individuals and their role in the entire group or society.Democracy gives each individual the right to have a role in the world around them. Walt Whitman made his mark in society as a democratic man by giving back to the people that helped serve the country when it was at war. Walt Whitman’s fame is not just about his passion for democracy. Van Wyck Brooks stated that the real reason that Whitman is so relevant is that â€Å"for the first time [he] gave us the sense of something organic in American life†(112) and â€Å"precipitated the American character†(118). However, democracy is about social equality, fairness, and choice.A democratic body is one that works together to achieve things that are beneficial to all. To Walt, the goal that was worth working for was the preservation of those who are ill or injured, especially due to the war. George Kateb wrote about Whitman and the purpose of democracy. â€Å"Wh itman tries to draw out the fuller moral and existential significance of rights. There are rights that individuals have as persons, and that the political system of democracy exists in order to protect, and also to embody in its workings†(546). We appreciate Walt Whitman for explaining the riches of ife while reaping the benefits of democracy. As Kateb stated, individuals have their own identity within the overall body but they also work towards preserving and benefiting the overall body as well. So, when citizens are injured or weak, it is our job to be a support system just as Walt Whitman did many years prior. According to Kateb, â€Å"This responsiveness or receptivity can also be described as a way – a profoundly democratic way – of being connected to others and to nature†(546). Democracy, equality, and choice are all demonstrated in many of the poems that were written by the great Walt Whitman.He was a proud and patriotic man. His love for America is depicted in his work. According to Jason Frank, â€Å"Just as the institutions of democratic contest provide arenas for forming robust individuality, provoke the reader’s own democratic and poetic potential†(â€Å"Aesthetic Democracy†). For example, in â€Å"One’s Self I Sing†and in â€Å"I Hear America Singing,†Whitman showed the importance of equality, democracy, and individuality in his life. Those are obviously values that he held close to his heart. In â€Å"I Hear America Singing,†Whitman painted a glorified picture of America.According to Zimmer, â€Å"Walt Whitman's ‘I Hear America Singing’ receives an invigorating revival in this poetry collection that illuminates the pressures and pleasures of work†(â€Å"STEADY HANDS: Poems About Work†). His America consisted of different types of people in all different walks and social classes of life. He told of the carpenter, the mother, the mason, sho emaker, and many more. When Whitman says, â€Å"Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else†(line 12), he means America does not mention one race or age; it just consists of different types of people that perform their job.One could say that the job is to be an American. Their jobs are to perform their tasks proudly to help the country run smoothly. In line 15, Whitman said that the Americans are â€Å"Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs. †They are singing with open mouths and perhaps open hearts. Singing is attributed to celebration and happiness. The Americans that Whitman wrote about could be those that are joyful because they live in America and because they are doing whatever job makes them happy. They are strong, caring, and joyful just as Americans should be, in Whitman’s eyes.Out of the two poems, in my opinion, â€Å"One’s-Self I Sing†is the most powerful of the two. It is the one that exemplifies Whitmanà ¢â‚¬â„¢s love for America and democracy the most. In the first few lines of the poem, Whitman made a huge impact with few words. â€Å"One’s-Self I sing, a simple separate person, yet utter the word Democratic, the word En-Masse†(lines 1-2), tells us that it is okay to be an individual but to always remember to be democratic. â€Å"[†¦] utter the word Democratic,†in all things be yourself but remember to uplift your country, be considerate and think of the well-being of others.In line 5, â€Å"The Female equally with the Male I sing. †Whitman praises both the female and male as he would like to see those both equal. The last stanza of the poem speaks of â€Å"[†¦] Life immense in passion, pulse, and power†(line 6). It means the passion for one’s country, the pulse and the energy to live one’s life freely, and the power to do anything through freedom. Ultimately, Whitman demonstrates his love for America. From reading a co uple of his poems, one can see the importance of democracy in the upkeep of the country.Democracy is the soul of the country; it gives people a sense of individuality while still being a part of an enormous group. Walt Whitman was not only a poet but also a great example for all Americans. Works Cited Brooks, Van Wyck. America's Coming-of-Age. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1958. Print. Brown, Clarence A. â€Å"Walt Whitman and the ‘New Poetry’. †American Literature 33. 1 (Mar,1961): 33-45. JSTOR. Duke University Press. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. Frank, Jason. â€Å"Aesthetic Democracy: Walt Whitman And The Poetry Of The People. Review Of Politics 69. 3 (2007): 402. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. Kateb, George. â€Å"Walt Whitman and the Culture of Democracy. †Political Theory 18. 4 (Nov, 1990): 545-71. JSTOR. Sage Publications, Inc. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. . Macy, John A. The Spirit of American Literature. Kessinger, LLC, 2010. Print. â€Å"Walt Whitman Biog raphy. †Bio. com. A&E Networks Television. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. . Zimmer, Tracie Vaughn. â€Å"STEADY HANDS: Poems About Work. †Kirkus Reviews 76. 24 (2008): 1313. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Mar. 2012.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5
Hamlet - Essay Example Hamlet feigns insanity to discover the truth, but his character can still be ascertained by closely examining what he reveals about himself through his many speeches and his interactions with others. The fact that he survives until very near the end of the play demonstrates his strength of character while his insane ramblings to some of the other characters reveal his sharp mind. While many have pointed to his lack of immediate action upon learning of the true nature of his father’s death as a sign of weakness, the reasons for Hamlet’s inaction are demonstrated as an intelligent man’s determination to do what’s right. Throughout much of the play, Hamlet’s speeches can be seen to indicate more than one aspect of his character, such as in the Player’s speech (Shakespeare II, ii). This scene has been interpreted as Hamlet trying to remind himself of the need for revenge, trying to prove the need for revenge or trying to stir himself into the action of revenge due to the nature of the play he suggests (Westlund, 1978). At the same time, it shows Hamlet’s tendency to approach life as if it were a play, constantly taking on new roles to fit the action he is confronted with. In his comparison of the roles available to him in this instance, he can be seen to relish neither one. His sense of duty and honor, while it prevents him from willingly taking on the role of a murderer, also prevents him from allowing a foul, underhanded murder go, not only unpunished, but richly rewarded should the ghost happen to be the true spirit of his father. â€Å"One part of him says that he must take revenge, another part finds it horrible; he attempts to reconcile these conflicting feelings by saying that he fears the Ghost may be a devil†(Westlund, 1978: 252). At this point, he can not find a role that allows him to both enact the revenge demanded and retain his own
Thursday, September 12, 2019
BUS Unit 4 DB SA FWP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
BUS Unit 4 DB SA FWP - Essay Example India was the founding member of the GATT i.e. the world trade organization in 1947 as well as WTO i.e. World Trade Organization in 1995 and the main objective was to decrease the barriers of international trade through the decrease of tariffs, quotas plus subsidies (Krueger, 2002). The drift in Indian economic trade policy is a response to the spaghetti bowl effect which is often cited as a problematic of free trade agreements. It refers to the development of overlapping bilateral as well as regional trade agreements (Mukherji, 2011). Nevertheless the average tariffs overdid 200 percent, quantifiable restrictions on imports were widespread, as well as there were stringent restrictions on foreign investment (Mukherji, 2011). India is pushing for extra liberal global trade since protective tariff and of free trade is the foundation of classical economics, it has anticipated a leadership role amongst developing nations (Krueger, 2002). An analysis of trade restrictions in Saudi Arabia displays that various restrictions besides challenges regarding regulatory and bureaucratic management in this country occurs up to now (House K, 2013). It is true that Saudi Arabia is a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Greater Arab Free Trade Area GAFTA, it is an executive program to stimulate the Trade Facilitation as well as Development Agreement (House K, 2013). Import tariffs are only useful for products from third countries. Saudi Arabia also restricts or prohibits importation of certain products and needs licenses for products too. Prohibited items are for example firearms as well as alcohol (House K, 2013). Some examples for products that need licenses from Saudi Arabian authorities are medical devices and religious material that does not relate to Islam (House K, 2013). The procedure for applying for a license can be long-lasting and poses a test for applying in companies. Restrictions that apply to the exercise of certain professions
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Modern Chinese Culture Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Modern Chinese Culture - Term Paper Example  As seen in the work of Dafu, a young Chinese man studying in Japan is drawn with self-esteem issues, distrust, fear, frustration, hypochondria and even solitude (31-55). This man can be related to China in the then period when the country was still caught in the conservative and customary way of life prior to modernization and westernization. China can then be related to the adolescent young man studying in Japan and was awaiting the day when he would emancipate himself from the forms of â€Å"slavery†that were existent in the times. Writers and artists in early modern era have continually lived up to the meaning of the metaphor of China being an adolescent youth reaching puberty. As seen in the work of Dafu, a young Chinese man studying in Japan is drawn with self-esteem issues, distrust, fear, frustration, hypochondria and even solitude (31-55). This man can be related to China in the then period when the country was still caught in the conservative and customary way of life prior to modernization and westernization. China can then be related to the adolescent young man studying in Japan and was awaiting the day when he would emancipate himself from the forms of â€Å"slavery†that were existent in the times. From Dafu’s work, China can be said to be in a state of confusion just like the modern Chinese man in Japan that was experiencing several clashes in his life and was in a fix whether to be liberalized or retain his old lifestyle.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Analysis of the Affordable Care Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysis of the Affordable Care Act - Essay Example Republicans, on the other hand, provided an alternative where employees would buy instead of employers. A stalemate arose and the bill did not pass. Obama introduced the bill again in 2009 and it stipulated a plan that would achieve the needed healthcare plan for the sake of meeting the main ideals of the organization. Universal care was one of the stated goals to assist in pushing the bill into an Act through the two houses (Barr, 2011). Opposition to the bill was overwhelming from Republicans and protests were initiated to fight against its discussion. Voting, however, made the Democrats win by 60-39 vote thereby ending the debate on the bill in December 2009 (McDonough, 2011). Nonetheless, President Obama signed it into an Act on March 2010. Many termed it as the best overhaul of the healthcare system after Medicaid and Medicare (Jacobs & Skocpol, 2010). More people were insured and subsidies lowered costs by 76% for citizens who qualified for subsidies. Insurance companies now had more clients to cater for, but the law was on guard to protect them. More were eligible to Medicaid. The Act reduced the number of uninsured by 32 million, and only 23 million would be uninsured after 2019 (McDonough, 2011). Implementation process was expensive as more people would have to get into the system and the taxpayers had to give more to meet these expenses. Complications also arose as a result of the individual mandate when it comes to the filing of taxes because of the exemption fee offered to those who can afford health coverage (Jacobs & Skocpol, 2010). Options are man but the pricing will differ amongst private companies, and that makes it difficult to equate healthcare everywhere. The tiered healthcare system would only equate healthcare to money, which is damning for the poor. Medicare payments are more for doctors than other payments, making healthcare costlier for the poor (Feldman, 2011). Partisan disagreements in the Congress have made it
Monday, September 9, 2019
Mabel Cooper's Life Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Mabel Cooper's Life Story - Essay Example ‘Mabel Cooper’s Life Story’ is a heroic tale of a very determined individual who survived in society against all odds. Qs. 1. Discrimination and stigmatization that Mabel encountered during her life Mabel was born to a poor and homeless mother on the 10th of August, 1944 in Islington, London, but was moved into care when she was just four months old. Thereafter, her childhood was spent in different care schools and finally she was moved to St. Lawrence Hospital, Surrey, where she spent the next 20 years of her life. Mabel was discriminated and stigmatized because she had a learning disability and had never been to school and moreover she had a very poor background history. Mabel was told that she was not capable enough to study and so was put in a ward where they learned basket making. They also had the option of working in the laundry or workshops or even remain idle if they wished. A learning disability proved to be a real setback for Mabel and besides not being allowed to go to school, she was also not allowed to use her own clothes or shoes but had to make do with the ones given by the hospital. Though dances were conducted on the premises, they were again segregated with males on one side and females on the other. There were a good number of staff and they had to dance in between them. Mabel and her friends were discriminated from society by not being allowed to go out and mix with the regular people. Money in the form of green coins were given to them but it could only be used in their own hospital canteens and not outside. People who ran away were brought back and put in a ward called G3 where they were locked up as punishment. In this manner people with learning disabilities were discriminated and segregated from society in contemporary Britain. 2. Explain the concept of 'social role valorization' and describe how you would ensure Mabel becomes a valued member of the community. Banks, S (2001) in the book, ‘Ethics and Values in Social Work’ sheds light on the contribution of social workers in fulfilling the concept of ‘social role valorization’. Broadly speaking, people with learning difficulties are looked down upon and discriminated by society for the mere reason that they are much less productive and very little use to the community and society at large. 'Social role valorization' (SRV) is defined as "The application of what science can tell us about the enablement, establishment, enhancement, maintenance, and/or defense of valued social roles for people" (Wolfensberger, 1995a). The primary goal of SRV is lending support to people in society so as to enable them to enjoy all the good things that society has got to offer. Some of these good things are love and friendship, respect and dignity, acceptance and belonging, good education and status in the society. In the case of people with learning disabilities, it becomes impossible for them to find a valued place in society since th ey are not in a position to contribute to their community and society and automatically become devalued members of society. Hence being devalued members of society, they are not in a position to enjoy the good things in life. On the other hand, such members are rejected by their community and society, and thereby receive a lot of negative responses and in most cases become objects of abuse and violence. SRV is a response to such groups of devalued members and lends great support in helping them to become
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Proof Mayan Language Exists Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Proof Mayan Language Exists - Research Proposal Example It also included the Yucatan Peninsula, the northwest to the Isthmus ÃŽ ¿f Tehuantepec and southwest into Honduras and El Salvador (Brainerd 7). The Maya culture had interesting aspects in their civilization or that they accomplished over time. The important aspects ÃŽ ¿f the Mayas are their physical characteristics, how they dress, their social organization, the agriculture, art and techniques, religion, god and goddesses, architecture, trade, mathematics and government. The physical characteristics ÃŽ ¿f the Maya culture are the following; they were short, long-bodied, and chunky, with good muscle development and a tendency to gain weight. The heads were broad, lips prominent, noses had a high convex bridge and curved pendulous tip. The chin and forehead were somewhat receding, eyes had a mongoloid cast with heavy lids and cheekbones were prominent. Skin color varied from medium to dark-brown, and the hair was black, straight to rarely wavy (Brainerd 9). A greater physical variability among the highlands Maya, the language diversity, and the historical accounts all suggest that they have been subject to much more outside influence than have the lowland peoples. (Robinson 2002) The Maya language is spoken by most Yucatecans. But many ÃŽ ¿f them do not speak Spanish. There is evidence ÃŽ ¿f impoverishment ÃŽ ¿f Maya vocabulary over the last 200 years, but the language is still in good form (Brainerd 10). In the warm climate ÃŽ ¿f the Maya area, clothing as protection from the elements had never been a necessity. Maya clothing was used as decoration and the most spectacular clothes were for the priest. The Maya personages wore large earplugs, necklaces, breastplates, ornaments attached to the nose, lips, waist, legs, arms, all were used for resplendent effect (Brainerd 68). Mayan peasants wore very little. The men had a simple loincloth or rather a band ÃŽ ¿f material that went once around their waist and then between their legs.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
EESC LOG501 MOD 2 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
EESC LOG501 MOD 2 SLP - Essay Example The chips and light snack industry is highly competitive and is characterized by stiff rivalry. With large competitors such as Kellogg, Kraft and General Mills increasing their activities in recent times, the snack industry has become a tough industry to play in (New York Times, 2012). The model Extended enterprise supply chain refers to a model of supply chain wherein it is extended to the sources of the raw materials. Davis and Spekman (2003) have been of the opinion that supply chains that extend beyond the enterprises are normally characterized by trust, shared vision, alignment and commitments among the parties involved. Furthermore, the authors (Davis and Spekman, 2003) have noted that extended enterprise supply chains should be externally oriented on processes, systems, and metrics of the chain. The key target for this type of supply chain should be the creation of value in the market place. The main aim for extended enterprise supply chain is to better align the supply chain along the process. Also, the business process improvements are aimed at identifying what improvements may be made to be effected system wide. The relationships created through these supply chains are normally cross organizational by nature (Davis and Spekman, 2003). ... The flow of supply chain of Frito Lay is as follows: Figure 1: Frito Lay Supply Chain model The company’s supply chain in light of the model However, in the context of the present study, extended enterprise supply chain model may also benefit Frito Lay just as it would do to any company. However, in order to come up with an extended enterprise supply chain model for Frito Lay it is imperative that we first determine the raw materials used by the company for the various products it manufactures and distributes as well as sells to its customers. Given the rich array of product offerings that Frito Lay has, it is nevertheless imperative that most of their products are made mainly out of potato, corn, wheat and flour. However, various flavours are added to these base ingredients to given them the final shape. Since the products Frito Lay specializes in are mainly light snacks served or had in between meals, it is also imperative that these products are characterized by heavy adver tising and promotion. Thus, packaging is one of the key ingredients for which they have to purchase materials of outside. Thus, there are many ingredients needed to come out with the final products that Frito Lay produces. A comprehensive list of all the most widely used products or key ingredients would be as follows: Potato Corn Wheat/Flour Nuts Tortilla Oil Onions and garlic Flavouring agents Now it may be noted that they have already started growing special potatoes exclusively for their chips. This obviously refers to an extended enterprise supply chain model that Frito Lay has already put in place. However, the details of what Frito Lay does in terms of growing potatoes is but backward integration and under this scheme they provide
Friday, September 6, 2019
Physical Fitness and Nutrition Worksheet Essay Example for Free
Physical Fitness and Nutrition Worksheet Essay In order to obtain optimal health, it is critical to be physically fit and eat a healthy and balanced diet. Becoming knowledgeable about what it means to be physically fit and learning how to evaluate the nutritional value of what you eat may greatly increase your ability to improve your health and wellness. In this three-part worksheet, you identify the five components of health related fitness, critique a recipe for nutritional value, and respond to two short answer questions about nutrition. Completing this assignment is a step towards gaining the knowledge needed to better manage your physical fitness and nutrition. Part 1: Five Components of Health Related Fitness Table Complete the table below. The first row has been filled in for you as an example. Components of Physical FitnessDescriptionHow to Incorporate in Your LifeBenefit(s) Cardiorespiratory FitnessBeing able to exercise at a moderate to high intensity for a long period of timeWalk 2 miles at a brisk pace every day.Reduced the risk of heart disease, hypertension, and high cholesterol. Muscular StrengthMaximum force able to be exerted by single contraction of a muscle or muscle groupStart out with crunches, lunges and squats.The ability to carry out tasks easier that like yard work. Muscular EnduranceAbility to perform high-intensity muscle contractions repeatedly without fatiguing Do push-ups to build up muscular endurance.Increased metabolism, Reduced fatigue, fewer injuries, and fewer back problems. Flexibility Ability to move joints freely through their full range of motion Start with stretching or yoga to help with flexibility. Being able to keep joints flexible and ability to reach or move. Body CompositionThe amount and relative proportions and distribution of fat mass and fat-free mass in the body By exercising, eating right and managing my time. Living longer and feeling good about one’s self. Part 2: Critique a Meal For this part of the assignment, you critique the nutritional value of a meal. You will select this meal from the USDA website. Follow the instructions below: †¢Access the USDA Recipe Finder search tool at o(either click on or paste the above link in your internet’s address bar) †¢Search for a recipe using one of the available criteria: oType in ingredients; oType in a recipe name, or; oChoose options from the available categories †¢Select a recipe to critique from the generated results. Review the nutritional information provided for the recipe you selected or added and answer the questions below. Each response should be 75 to 125 words. 1.What is the name of the recipe you are evaluating? The name of the recipe that I am evaluating is Baked Chicken with Vegetables. 2.Which essential nutrientsâ€â€carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and mineralsâ€â€are included in the recipe? The essential nutrients that are included in this recipe are saturated fats, carbohydrates, Fiber and protein. Also included are Vitamin A that adds carotene and helps with the eyes; Vitamin C which is important for growth and development; Calcium needed for muscle, bones and nerves. Iron helps with distributing oxygen to the body. Vitamin E helps body tissue from damage. Vitamin K makes proteins for bones and tissue also helps with clotting to not bleed too much. 3.Which ingredients are providing each nutrient? Potatoes have vitamin C, potassium, and carbohydrates. Carrots have vitamin A, E, and K. Onions have potassium, Vitamin C and sodium. Chicken there is vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and iron. If the body is missing any vitamins the body will start to deteriorate. 4.Does this recipe include a good balance of essential nutrients? Explain your answer. I believe it does have a good balance but not to the full extent that it could be. Anything could be added to have the extra missing vitamins and minerals that a lot of people do not get on a regular basis. 5.How could the recipe be altered to include more essential nutrients? The recipe could be altered to include more essential nutrients by adding mushrooms, cheese, nuts or eggs. These items would add vitamin D and E. Vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium and magnesium. Vitamin E is similar to vitamin C in helping protect the body from damage and helps with red blood cells. So adding the items in one way or another would add to the nutrients that one’s body. 6.Do you consider this a healthy meal? If not, what is a healthy alternative? Yes I do consider this a healthy meal in the fact that it does have quit a few vitamins and minerals that our bodies need on a regular basis. It is low in fat and calories and will still fill someone up in one meal. With the chicken, carrots, onions, and potatoes there is not too much more that would be needed to supplement the body.
Proud to Be an Indian Essay Example for Free
Proud to Be an Indian Essay India, a country with a culture having more than ten thousand years has enriched the global scientific, educational, economic and cultural scenario significantly. That is the reason why mark Twain has stated â€Å"India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grandmother of tradition.†Being born in such a great country, you have millions of reasons to feel proud as an Indian. Some of them are : 1 . Indian culture is the best in the world The very word culture started from the country India. When the people of today’s developed nations were wandering like nomadic, Indians built Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, the first ever planned city of the world. India is the home to four major religions of the world. The first epic of the world was written in India. Sanskrit, according to a major group of linguistics is considered as the mother of all European languages. Forbes magazine has rated Sanskrit as the most suitable language for software applications. 2. First university of the world was established in Takshila(in Modern Bihar) in the year 700BC. More than 60 subjects were taught here to near about 10,500 students who came from different parts of the world. 3. We have never invaded any country in the entire history of 5000 years. Rather, Buddha and Gandhi taught the world the power of non-violence and truth. Recently, American president Barak Obama has openly admitted that Gandhi is an ideal for him. 4. Till 1896, India was the only known source of diamond in the world. Tremendous wealth of India attracted several invaders and traders. Till the invasion of British East India Company, India was the richest country of the world. 5. Number system is the greatest contribution of India to science in general and mathematics in particular. Indian Mathematician Aryabhatta invented zero. Bhaskaracharya, in fifth century, calculated the time taken by earth to rotate around sun exactly. Budhayana calculated the value of pi. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus had their origin India during sixth century. 6. Ayurveda, the earliest school of medicine has its origin in India. Surgery was done for the first time India by Sushruta 2600 years back. 7. India taught the art of navigation to the world on River Sind 6000 years back. Proof to it is the derivation of the very word navigation from NAVGATIH (a Sanskrit word). 8. Just like Indian culture and lifestyle of India , Indian Food has also been influenced by various civilizations and Regional Cultures. Traditional Indian food is not only famous worldwide for its spicy and lip-smacking taste, but also popular for its importance in the direction of maintaining a healthy life style. Indian food is both delicious and good for health. It matches to the requirements and taste of both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Indians like hot, fresh and nutritious food in their daily diet. However, each part of India has its own unique cuisine and way of preparing recipes. In North India, Roti is proffered over rice. Use of cheese, curd, milk and vegetables in preparing different dishes is primarily marked in North-India. Tandoori is one of the most important dishes of North India which has a pan -Indian acceptance. Use of oil in preparing tandoori is minimal and only selected Indian spices are added while preparing any tandoori recipe. In south India, use of tamarind and pepper while preparing recipes is common. Here, people prefer to eat rice over Roti. Use of coconut oil in preparing dishes is marked in several south Indian states. Dosa is one of the most popular South Indian foods that have a pan-Indian appeal. In eastern part of India, people are generally fond of rice and fish. This is due to the availability of fish in abundance. Fish recipes of several types are vital aspects of East Indian food. In the western-part of India, spicy food is the first preference of people. Here also you can mark dominance of cheese while preparing dishes. Both rice and roti are popular in western India. 9. Family is the longest surviving institution of India irrespective of the ages, transformations, religious and political views compared to any other country and it shows how rich is our Indian culture. 10. I am proud to be Indian because of our country’s achievements in space and missile technology. India has launched a number of satellites in space for helping us in weather forecast, communications, medical research, and education. The missiles such as Agni, Prithvi strengthened our nation’s security and ensured a place in the elite group of the world’s powerful countries. Moreover, our scientists have lifted India’s pride by placing our Tri-colour on the moon and are now looking for landing in the planet Mars. 11. India is a country where people respect elders live in peace and harmony. India is the only country where there are people of different languages, religions and race, but all of them live together in harmony. There are 22 official languages a nd over 1600 dialects spoken. Nearly 650 different recognised tribes reside across the country. 12. India is the largest democracy in the world. It has a civilisation that is more than 5000 years old and boasts of multiple cultural origins. There is an emerging global, scientific and technological superpower. 13. It is a land of holy rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Cauvery,Mahanadi etc and beautiful mountains spread densely in north and eastern india and dense forests scattered all over india . We find many seas in the South of India. There is natural beauty in our country. 14. My country with its rich heritage and tradition I say is the most beautiful nation. We are also recognised for being the world’s second largest in population. But unity in diversity is the main reason for my pride in being an Indian. We have different languages, different cultures, food, clothes, and traditions and yet we stand united. Non violence, democracy, intelligence based on our high standards of education, our natural wealth, harmony, festivals, family, system, caring for the aged, service and sacrifice are some of the things that I am proud of our land. 15. Among the finest institutions this country has produced are the Indian Armed Forces. It is the world’s third largest standing army comprising over 1.1 million men in uniform. 16. I am proud also of the education provided by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institutes of Managements (IIMs) which can boast of standards equal to the best in the world at far less cost. Products of these institutions now head global organizations and play a major role in organizations like NASA. Indians are familiar as doctors and scientists in many developed countries. 17. We Indians are the wealthiest among all ethnic groups in America , even faring better than the whites and the natives. There are 3.22 millions of Indians in USA (1.5% of population). YET, 38% of doctors in USA are Indians. 12% scientists in USA are Indians. 36% of NASA scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians. 28% of IBM employees are Indians. 17% of INTEL scientists are Indians. 13% of XEROX employees are! Indians. 18. Chess and Hockey was invented in India. I have got tons of reasons to love my country, but the most important thing is I love my country and I need no reason for it. Jai Hind! I am proud to be an Indian !
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Analysing Case Studies Of Mercedes Benz Tesco Marketing Essay
Analysing Case Studies Of Mercedes Benz Tesco Marketing Essay INTRODUCTION Extremely fierce and highly competitive globalised work environment has intensified the apprehensions of business organisations pertaining to the development and implementation of prudently designed business strategies that can ensure their long-term survival and enduring success in the market. It has been observed, that despite of designing smart strategic plans, many business organisations fail to maintain their survival in the market and this is only because of their inability to operationally devise and enact these strategic decisions (Mills, Platts, Bourne and Richards 2002, p. 112). Operation management is strategically important for the business organisations as myriad day-to-day operational activities are responsible for determining the extent to which the key strategic objectives are executed and thereby, constituting long-term organisational success. It has been studied that operation management is all about defining, organising and directing organisational aims and objecti ves through strategically employed operational procedures concerning the organisation (Slack et al 2004, p.67). Several constituting factors including price, quality, service, flexibility and tradeoffs are meant to develop the operational strategy (Slack and Lewis 2002, p. 221) and in order to improve quality, enhanced organisational receptiveness and cost-effectiveness, a wide-ranging operational paradigms have been emerged in recent times (Anderson 2006, p. 56). Supply chain strategy is the crucial element of operation management through which the core operational processes including transportation, logistics and procurement activities are integrated by pulling materials in response to demand patterns and hence, demand uncertainty is avoided and supply chains, inventories and service levels are significantly improved (Slack and Lewis 2002, p. 226). Business organisations also utilise optimum resources and systemic managerial approaches to support quality and innovation in their products and services for which they integrate key operational, procedural and functional systems. Organisations can achieve total quality within their business operations when positive cultural shift is established by knitting strong relational bonds between human capitals and maintaining long-term partnerships with suppliers (Hayes, Pisano, Upton and Wheelwright 2005, p. 119). Operation management paradigm also encompasses the concept of capacity planning through wh ich the organisational management exhibits its competency to foresee the unprecedented events and strategise in advance to circumvent the chances of protracted fiscal damages (Ferguson 2000, p. 65) whereas, the evaluating the extent of orders and thereby, monitoring and determining the required inventory levels and stock replenishment is covered by inventory management model (Anderson 2006, p. 59). The study is designed to illustrate these concepts in a report format by evaluating the comprehensive operation management paradigm. 1.1 Aims Objectives Organisations can achieve enhanced fiscal benefits and customer satisfaction by triggering the process of transforming inputs into outputs with intent to add value to the organisational goals in terms of producing improved products and services (Giannakis and Croom 2004, p. 28). This not only enables in gaining control over systemic planning and management activities but also results in attaining sustainable competitive advantage by maximising organisational productivity. The main objective of this study is to investigate the key concepts and theories of operation management which is considered as the core contributor to the long-term organisational success. The study aims to analyse the corporate and marketing strategies of one service-based and one manufacturing organisation i.e. Tesco and Mercedes by critically discussing the theoretical principles and frameworks covered in operation management paradigm. Moreover, the study also intends to evaluate the blend of theoretical concept s based on the case studies of each organisation in order to assess the relative impacts on their long-term competitiveness, innovation and sustainability. 1.2 Rationale of the Study Operation management is a multidisciplinary approach encompassing the decision making process pertaining to the design, planning and management of all the factors influencing the operational capacity of an organisation (Ferguson 2000, p. 68). Globalisation has shrunk the geographical boundaries and the consumer world has now been exposed to generous information and alternatives to the products and services which have made it extremely intricate for the business organisations to stand-out (Giannakis and Croom 2004, p. 30). The role of operation management becomes crucial in terms of creating, transforming and controlling the productive resources to generate saleable products or services. The scope of this study is to contribute some value to the existing literature pertaining to operation management as the theoretical underpinnings of the subject and the evaluation of case studies are designed to facilitate in developing advance understanding of managing the deployment of operational resources within the incessantly changing globalised business environment to gain competitive advantage. The significance of studying operation management paradigm is equally beneficial to the academia, operations practitioners and contemporary business organisations. Structure of the Report This segment is designed to explicate the structure of the report that is primarily based on comparing and contrasting the theoretical approaches of operation management by prudently evaluating the corporate and marketing strategies based on case studies of two selected organisations. The report is creatively structured and divided into five distinct segments. Initial segment of the report is the introductory part that is meant to develop the foundational grounds of the study by explaining the key objectives and scope of conducting the research. Second segment of the report begins with presentation of company profiles of two selected organisations i.e. Tesco and Mercedes by critically evaluating core operational and transformational processes to assess the adequacy of their strategically devised corporate and marketing initiatives for gaining competitive advantage in the market. Theoretical concepts and frameworks of operation management including supply chain management, capacity pl anning, inventory management and total quality management are appraised in the third segment of the report which intends to justify the arguments by linking the theoretical underpinning with the information extracted from case studies. Fourth segment assesses the application of theoretical concepts on the case studies of selected organisations, in order to investigate relative impacts on the organisational competitiveness, innovation and sustainability in a longer run. The report is terminated in the fifth segment which is designed to logically conclude the overall arguments in a consistent manner. OPERATIONAL TRANSFORMATIONAL PRACTICES Contemporary organisations ought to adapt with the consistently changing trends of the trade world and globalised economies as consumers buying behaviours are gravely affected by the modern operational and transformational procedures. Today, the entrenchment of innovativeness, technology and advance quality of products and services have become crucially significant to the operation management process for gaining competitive advantage in the market (Anderson 2006, p. 57). 2.1 Case Study I: Mercedes Benz The strategic alliance of Daimler-Benz with Chrysler in 1998 lead to establish DaimlerChrysler AG, which is now recognised as one of the leading and most promising automobile companies across the globe. The luxury German car manufacturing company enjoys its humungous presence by operating in 104 countries whilst selling its products in approximately 200 countries through more than 13,000 sales outlets within the globalised economic arena (Mercedes 2011). Mercedes is primarily engaged in the manufacturing, distribution and sales activities related to its wide range of uniquely designed and technologically advanced automotive products including passenger cars and commercial vehicles and on the other hand, the company also offers financing solutions (Mercedes 2011). In accordance with the key statistics as illustrated in its Annual Report (2002), the company has generated revenues of  £130.80 billion and employs more than 365,600 employees worldwide (Mercedes 2011). The world renowned BMW, Lexus, Toyota, Volkswagen and General Motors are amongst its core competitors. 2.1.2 Analysing the Corporate Marketing Strategies The corporate strategy of Mercedes Benz is focussed on enhanced quality and reliability of its products and services by stressing on The best or nothing strategy (Mercedes 2011). Presently, the company has been observed to raise its profile in fleet car sales by 17% in 2010 and further 11% by 2011 with intent to prevail over every operational segment unlike its premium rivals that are focussed on tax-cutting low CO2 models within market that is tightly up just under 2% (Mercedes Annual Report 2008). Studies suggest that the operations tasks can be articulated by identifying five operations performance objectives as for instance, lowering the pricing strategy necessitates substantial reduction in operational costs or speedy customer services require swift operational procedures and; as improving product quality demands for advancement in the areas concerning innovation, design and technology (Slack et al 2004, p. 119). Mercedes have been experiencing quality control problems due to it s batteries, alternators and brakes integrated in its several models made since 2001, that were quiet obvious especially after the biggest product recalls in 2005, indicating that the company is exceedingly losing its loyal consumer base (BBC 2006). The company has introduced technologically sophisticated gadgetry in its S-class cars range in parallel to its pledge for being the market leader in terms of quality and reliability however; several business analysts have identified the electronic gremlins might further impair companys image by alienating its existing consumer base (Mercedes Annual Report 2007). With respect to its marketing strategy, Mercedes is focussed on Ambition to lead by particularly emphasising on 6Ps of marketing i.e. product, price, promotion, place, people and process. Massive improvements have been observed in its product designs and technologies especially in E and S class ranges by introducing higher-rate springs, stabiliser audio, navigation, trip computer and telephone consoled steering wheels (Bilich and Neto 2000, p. 9). Pricing has also been revised to attract people from middle class and the strategy is complimented by moving its manufacturing and operational units in Asian countries to reduce the production and distribution costs. Aggressive promotional strategy has been embraced by the company whilst targeting wide-ranging consumer base through effective marketing campaigns that are focussed on product features including CLS or Blue-Efficiency campaigns and on the other hand, marketing campaigns are exceedingly supported by comprehensive print, TV, online and media communications (Holweg, Disney, Hines, Naim 2005, p. 514). 2.2 Case Study II: Tesco Plc. Deeply penetrated within the competitive retailing sector in UK, Tesco celebrates its substantial existence by covering approximately 90% of UK market alone with an annual turnover of more than $1 billion which makes it the largest online grocer across the globe (Palmer 2005, p. 25). In accordance with the Nielsen/Netrating audience panel for September (2007), that investigated 25,000 demographically representative households in the UK for the top supermarkets, Tesco leads the online market share by holding 27.1% followed by Asda, Sainsbury and Waitrose holding 10.1%, 6.9% and 4.2% shares respectively (Nielsen/Netrating 2007). On the other hand, Tesco was again spotted at the top position with 30.9% offline market share followed by Asda and Sainsbury having 16.9% and 16.4% shares respectively (Nielsen/Netrating 2007). The company principally deals with food and grocery items and has also diversified into non-food ranges including clothing, books, electronics, dieting clubs, flights a nd holidays, music downloads, gas and electricity (Palmer 2005, p. 27). Asda, Sainsbury and Waitrose are the core competitors of the company. 2.1 Analysing the Corporate Marketing Strategies Unlike others in UK, Tesco is the only retailer that has successfully managed to survive and expand in the contemporary globalised economies by maintaining its corporate strategy closely knitted by a six dimensional approach for enhanced growth in worldwide market (Data monitor 2003). Tesco embraces the strategy of designing its products by carefully analysing the local market needs and remain increasingly adaptive to the environment of indigenous markets. Tesco believes in highly focussed and long-term strategies with multi-format approach and shared knowledge structure. The most crucial aspect of its corporate strategy is the deployment of time and patience to build the brand image without being distracted by its growth pattern in its primary market. Followed by its corporate strategy of aggressively expanding in the international market, Tesco became the first UK retailer to break through the  £2 billion profit barrier (Data monitor 2004). The marketing strategy of Tesco is high ly innovative in terms of introducing reward points to the customers during shopping which can be later exchanged by valued products. In addition to this, the company has significantly acknowledged the need for integrating e-technologies within its marketing campaigns and thereby, launched Tesco applications that has made its products instantly accessible to the targeted consumer base through mobile phones and also keep them updated with new deals and discounted offers (Data monitor 2004). Tesco diet is another interactive web page which is meant to educate the consumers about healthy eating and thereby, unconsciously persuading them to buy the food items offered by the company. Tesco also improved its out-bound logistics by hiring cheerful and highly cooperative staff for online delivery orders, which serve as the face of the company and are also trained to market their products and new offers in a cataleptic manner (Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders and Wong 2001, p. 169). The company a lso employs print and electronic media for the marketing of its products and also utilises social networking websites and blogging as integral tools of promotions in the contemporary business world. The most significant aspect of Tescos marketing mix strategy is its personalisation strategy as the company has maintained a separate online marketing department that is meant to send personalised messages via emails and sms to ensure that their customers never miss their latest offers and new products (Palmer 2005, p. 33). THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATIONS BASED ON CASE STUDIES Operation management is all about interlinking a wide-range of processes and procedures including manufacturing, distribution, marketing and all other significant methods to maximise sales and achieve core organisational objectives. Size and nature of business operations are extremely significant in terms of determining the operational, functional and transformational capacity (Handfield and Bechtel 2002, p. 371). This segment of the report is aimed to critically analyse the theories and concepts pertaining to operation management paradigm whilst analysing the capacity planning, supply chains, inventory control and total quality management in each of the selected organisations. 3.1 Evaluating Supply Chains of Mercedes Tesco Closely knitted web of manufacturing, distribution and other production activities forms the supply chain of an organisation with intent to obtain the manufactured materials, modify them into finished products and distribute them in the targeted market in order to meet the consumers demand (Holweg, Disney, Hines and Naim 2005, p. 512). Literature suggests that business organisations can significantly benefit by creating four dimensional values in their supply chains including customers, planning and performances, processes and intangible resources (Kaplan and Norton 2004, p. 102). Whilst catering condense market segment, Mercedes has been focussed on creating value in its supply chain, primarily by embracing three main supply chain strategies including just-in-time, lean manufacturing and built-to-order strategy for a larger consumer base that is unwilling to wait for two to 3 weeks delivery time thereby, enhancing customer satisfaction (Holweg et al 2005, p. 512). On the other hand, the company has also adopted a plan for catering lower-income customers by producing affordable car ranges and espousing cost-effective manufacturing process. Tesco has also been vigilantly focussing on creating value in their supply chains by low-cost leadership, synchronisation and lean thinking, employee-empowerment initiatives and customer-centric approach (Griffith 2002). Capacity Planning by Mercedes Tesco The continuously evolving business trends of contemporary globalised economies have made it extremely significant for the business organisations to improve their aptitudes for capacity planning. Through capacity planning, organisations gather, maintain and analyse the optimum information regarding the utilisation of its tangible and intangible resources to meet and exceed their core organisational objectives (Anderson 2006, p. 93). However, it is crucially important to determine the investment required for capacity planning (Gox 2002, p. 62), as it has been studied that underinvestment in capacity can substantially reduce revenues whereas, an overinvestment might result in excess capacity which may produce serious consequential effects on the fixed costs (Henderson and Cool 2003, p. 397). Mercedes has successfully employed capacity planning initiatives by investigating North American region for the feasibility of producing luxury sports utility vehicle which significantly minimised c ombined labor, shipping, and components cost and further reduced the penalties associated with currency fluctuations (Holweg, Disney, Hines, Naim, 2005, p. 518). On the other hand, Tesco expanded its order-processing capacity by foreseeing its rapidly growing online sales and integrated BizTalk system that process 5,000 orders per hour which remarkably increased performance efficiency without the need to expand hardware configuration and also reduced system maintenance costs (Norris 2007). Mercedes Tescos TQM Strategies Quality has been recognised as the most critical element of the operation management and is considered to be a macro function of organisations that has to be entrenched within the decision making process, allocation of resources, definition of priorities and most importantly within service delivery (Bilich and Neto 2000, p. 5). It has also been studied, that survival of the organisations in the contemporary business world necessitates total quality management established at all levels (Djerdjour and Patel 2000, p. 26). Mercedes core organisational values heavily rely upon quality, safety and reliability however; the companys image was seriously threatened when its position dropped to 26th spot in quality segment of auto manufacturing (Business Week 2003). It has been observed that the Mercedes significantly deviated from its core strategies and was more inclined towards innovation and technology which has tremendously shaken its loyal consumer base indicating the unfavourable implica tions of undervaluing quality management approaches. The TQM strategy of Tesco is primarily focussed on two main areas including: (i) process improvement by systemic approach and; (ii) development and standardisation of management systems for functional activities throughout the organisation (Delaney-Klinger, Boyer and Frohlich 2003, p. 187). By analysing the TQM strategy of both the organisations it can be instituted that the benefits of TQM can be maximised by entrenching it within the internal and external organisational processes, resources and facilities (Djerdjour and Patel 2000, p. 34). Mercedes Tescos Approach towards Inventory Control The role of inventory management is extremely significant as lower inventory levels can increase the transportation outlays followed by smaller and irregular loads. Business organisations can effectively reduce the costs to logistics through supply chain optimisation by planning to meet the demands of consumer base. It has been studied that ineffective routing and scheduling of orders can adversely influence transport costs (Cooke 2000). In accordance with its inventory management approach, Mercedes identified approximately 100 sites in 35 state of US which is closer to its primary market and since major part of its products were intended to export therefore, the company chose the sites near seaports, rail lines, and major highways to control the costs for transportation (Holweg, Disney, Hines, Naim 2005, p. 523). Studies suggest that transportation is the single most prominent cost category in logistics which can dramatically facilitate in cost saving (Giblin 2001). On the other han d, Tesco being market leader of retail business in UK, necessitates embracing technological advancements in terms of maintaining its position within the extremely concentrate market. Therefore, Tesco has embraced smart shelf technology by adopting RFID system which enables the staff to locate the items in real-time and also improve the on-shelf availability by timely replenishments thereby, saving time and costs for additional staff (Thomas 2003). APPLICATION EVALUATION OF OM THEORIES ON STRATEGIC MIX This part of the report is aimed to highlight the strategic mix pertaining to the concepts and theoretical frameworks of operation management as applied on the competitiveness, innovation and sustainability of selected organisations. The effectiveness of operation management strategies is usually determined by evaluating the key factors like cost, quality, delivery and flexibility (Mills, Platts, Bourne and Richards 2002, p. 130) however, it is important to note that the contemporary business world that has now liberated from the limitations of geographical boundaries needs the integration of advanced technological solutions to stand-out in the global markets (Khamalah and Lingaraj 2007, p. 976). 4.1 Competitiveness Mercedes manufactures high-valued and technically advanced cars by particularly focussing on the development of car engines and producing wide-ranging transport facilities from cars to jeeps and other commercial vehicles which enables the company to cater almost every segment of the market. Merger of European and American companies makes Mercedes well acquainted by the consumer markets belonging to two different tastes and culture (Elvin, Hendricks and Singhal 2001, p. 274). The company continues its competitiveness by its remarkable supply change management as it maintains close ties with its key suppliers for instance, during the worldwide fiscal turmoil in early nineties when organisations were obligated to negotiate pricing strategy, it was quiet obvious that both the company and its suppliers shared equivalent dependability on each other (Hayes, Pisano, Upton and Wheelwright 2005, p. 133). Despite of operating in a highly concentrated market, Tesco has achieved a leading positio n as the company has radically improved its operation management strategies by adopting lower pricing and absolute quality control through compensating full costs of the product, if found damaged (Tesco 2010). The company also maintains its competitiveness by proffering secure transaction opportunities in case of online shopping, timely delivery of products at the door-step and efficient staff that is adequately trained to offer excellent customer services. 4.1 Innovation Mercedes allocates a humungous investment of more than $47billion on its research and development which substantiates its organisational objectives to meet and exceed the consumers expectations pertaining to advanced technology and innovative solutions. The company is also exhibiting keen interest in developing contemporary designs within competitive price whilst maintaining its assertive and risk-taking behaviour which indicates its thirst for improved quality in its products and services (Kaynak 2003, p. 426). The innovativeness of products characterised by radio frequency identification system of tagging its products or advanced data processing system; Tesco exhibits its commitment to enhance the consumer buying experience through innovation (Norris 2007). By introducing highly interactive and advantageous innovations like Tesco club cards, Tesco applications, talking Tesco and Tesco diet; the company has notably penetrated within diversified consumers market segments. 4.3 Sustainability The strong market presence characterised by more than 25-30 dealerships in each of its operational territories, Mercedes ensures that its within the consumers reach (Bilich and Neto 2000, p. 7). In addition to this, a luxurious brand image of Mercedes along with its quality standards, enhanced security and tremendous reliability for many years has established a loyal consumer base. The company principally operates in economies of scale and as the level of sales rises the unit cost decreases which substantially circumvent the threats of new entrants in the market thereby, accentuating its long-term sustainability (Bilich and Neto 2000, p. 13). On the other hand, Tesco has not refrained from diversifying into non-food categories and has expanded its operations into other market segments including clothing, electronics, financing and others which determines that the company has the aptitude to take risk and maintain its survival on long-term basis. Tesco maintains a strong brand value w hich has been indicated by its tremendous rise in profitability by 78% through successful operations in Europe, Asia and Ireland (Usunier 2000, p. 177). CONCLUDING REMARKS The report has critically appraised on the theoretical frameworks pertaining to operation management by explicating its key components including inventory control, supply chains, capacity planning and total quality management. Case studies of one manufacturing company i.e. Mercedes and one service-based company i.e. Tesco; have been profoundly investigated to evaluate the impacts of operation management theories and application; on the innovation, competitiveness and sustainability of these organisations. To conclude, it can be stated that both Mercedes and Tesco are market leaders within their territories and the analytical report suggests that their success lies within their strategic deployment of operational and functional processes.
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