How do you write a good essay
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Qualities of a Good Teacher free essay sample
Instructors assume a focal job in the training of understudies. For advancement of learning instructors need to show an awareness of other's expectations and must be in control of characteristics of initiative that are fundamental for inspiration of understudies. It falls upon the educators to make an agreeable situation in the foundation liberated from intimidation. They should educate through participation, assistance, love and caring disposition and not by practicing authority, control and giving disciplines. They should attempt to raise the confidence of understudies. Great instructors make trust, certainty, intrigue, eagerness and trust and not dread, dissatisfaction and disillusionment. They be thoughtful and excusing as opposed to being vindictive. Educators must energize and engage inquiries just as pose inquiries to invigorate minds and advance formal and casual conversations for upgrading basic reasoning and accomplishment of top to bottom comprehension. They have to much of the time assess student’s execution both officially and casually and give them brief criticism as support, acclaim, gratefulness and compensation for right execution and direction for amending botches both implied for development of their exhibition and production of a craving for learning. They should instruct by cooperation with understudies as opposed to relying upon addresses alone. In this procedure they ought to distinguish the assortment of gifts that various understudies may have for various attractive capacities and should give them support for whatever potential they have. They ought to fortify innovativeness and inventiveness in understudies. Educators ought to urge understudies to help, instruct and test themselves and each other just as the more vulnerable and the lesser understudies. They ought to compose bunch learning ventures, challenges, rivalries, discusses, social exercises, amusement and field visits to make enthusiasm for learning. Instructors must stay modest and prepared to state â€Å"I don’t know†and be set up to concede their mix-ups and take an exercise from them and from the errors of others. They should not snicker, mock, mortify, humiliate or affront any understudy over commission of mix-ups. Assuming expeditiously and amiably rectified mix-ups show important exercises for better execution. Aside from tolerating accuse they should make a propensity to state â€Å"we†and not â€Å"I†. They ought to be set up to talk less and listen more. They ought to be sufficiently unselfish to impart their credit to other people and own up to alone the fault for failings of understudies. They should impart to understudies before settling on all choices that influence understudies and should put forth an attempt to share their delights and distresses. Similarly instructors should impart their inclinations to understudies that will advance companionship. Educators ought to have a comical inclination and be equipped for making humor. They should utilize various strategies to break dreariness and fatigue I. e. by utilization of assortment of learning assets and showing techniques, important jokes, tests, addressing and including the careless, making shocks, riddles and tension, alluding to applicable occasions in everyday life and so forth. They should educate by model and go about as good examples as opposed to giving lessons. What they do has far more prominent capacity to educate than what they state. They should have the option to do themselves what they anticipate from the understudies to do and be capable not to do what they anticipate from understudies to keep away from. Truth be told educators should place themselves in the shoes of understudies before requesting that they do or not to do anything. They should be delicate to the requirements and sentiments of understudies. They ought to communicate in the language of the understudies when required and ought to identify with their degree of mental and physical capacities. As indicated by William Glasser’s Choice Theory, educators must advance the essential needs of understudies to persuade them that they are the well wishers of understudies and consequently understudies will hear them out. These essential needs are the necessities of endurance, love and love, opportunity, relaxation, diversion and strengthening. This implies notwithstanding scholastic issues instructors must take distinct fascination and help understudies in their social and financial issues and take an interest in their extracurricular exercises. Educators should appoint increasingly more to understudies and cease from doing everything themselves. Along these lines, aside from engaging understudies, they additionally allow them to learn by doing. Rather than passing information to understudies they ought to be made to make information to give them a feeling of responsibility for they learn. Great instructors must determination questions through the approach of compromise and put forth all the attempt to defuse pressure and guarantee attachment and kinship among understudies. They should set a side time for tuning in to issues of understudies. They should respect their vows, be predictable in their reactions, trustworthy and dependable. They ought to be adaptable and not unbending to meet the changing conditions and decent variety of circumstances. They ought to consistently be prepared for the surprising and should practice most extreme persistence and resistance in managing understudies. Extraordinary educators never lose temper and forgo acting when disturbed. In troublesome circumstances they ought to cheerfully get the contribution of associates, guardians and all the well-wishers of understudies. Instructors must treat all understudies equivalent, serve them sacrificially with dedication and anticipate no profits from understudies. Instructors are viewed as profound dads and moms to understudies who are required to go about as aides and coaches. They should show graciousness, love, sympathy and regard to their understudies that will undoubtedly produce a comparative reaction. Instructors must partake in proceeding with training to refresh their own insight, abilities and mentalities, come arranged to classes and ought to endeavor to create learning assets for understudies. Ultimately they should guarantee their honesty, promptness and physical and mental neatness no matter what. Instructors having these characteristics will be exceptionally regarded and adored by the understudies and will make a perfect domain for learning in instructive establishments. The creating countries must be prepared to take care of such educators who will prep their youngsters into proficient, dexterous, profitable and edified characters of character.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Money, Freedom, desire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Cash, Freedom, want - Essay Example The center of the cutting edge world with respect to these parts of life is cash. Cash gives the methods through which people mingle, fuel their physical needs, and exist inside a system favorable for learning. While opportunity is an idea that people like to toss around through structures that recommend autonomy, truly opportunity doesn't exist as reliance on an assortment of ideas must be instated and kept up so as to endure. Georg Simmel, in his work The Philosophy of Money, talks about the ideas of opportunity as it identifies with interdependency in the advanced setting. The requirement for cash turns into a focal reliance from which every other reliance are manufactured. His conversation incorporates the complexity of current man to crude man, the emphasis being on the kinds of conditions that crude man in contrast with present day man. Crude societies had restricted quantities of individuals through which they made their reality. A clan may have 30 or 40 individuals, or perhap s more, yet the quantity of individuals required to endure was a constrained gathering. In this cutting edge age, man requires the individuals who bolster the business for which they work, the benefactors of that business, the market framework, the fuel framework for vehicles, thus numerous huge gatherings of individuals through whom needs are satisfied that lone opportunity is close to difficult to accomplish. On the off chance that these administrations were to separate, present day man would be at a misfortune to figure out how to sustain his reality. The social ointment that permits these frameworks to work is cash. Cash is the money that makes esteem trade inside these frameworks. The monetary framework is planned so that in return for work, instead of merchandise and enterprises, cash is given so it tends to be traded for products and ventures. It is the go-between through which communications and conditions are made. The epic Madame Bovary: A Study of Provincial Life, Gustave Flaubert analyzes the numerous ‘needs’ that live inside human presence. The principal interdependency is appeared through the social climbing that is finished by Charles Bovary through his union with his first spouse, at that point during his time wife Emma who turns towards want and dramatization when her passionate needs are not satisfied through an ordinary life. Emma has satisfied her essential needs and solaces, her requirements for food and sanctuary past her concerns. She is fretful and feels that she is bound by the structures that have given these fundamental needs. Her considerations of opportunity turn outside of her marriage, driving her to look for experiences of want so as to want to be free. She thinks â€Å"They ran back again to grasp again, and afterward she guaranteed him to discover soon, by regardless of what implies, a customary open door for seeing each other in opportunity in any event once a week†(Flaubert and Ranous 270). In her tradit ional life, she was limited by its duties and absence of passionate commitment, yet through her careless activities, she discovered snapshots of opportunity. Through her craving to aggregate, to collect sweethearts, assets, and extravagances, she satisfied her requirement for opportunity by making substitutes for the void that her regularizing life introduced her. Mariama Ba talks about a comparative topic in her work on marriage in Western Africa and the ramifications of a sexist society
Thursday, August 13, 2020
What Are YOU Up To This Summer! (2010 Edition)
What Are YOU Up To This Summer! (2010 Edition) AUGUST 10 Update! Im bumping this to the top of the page (shameless, I know its ok, I have no shame :P). Just letting you know that I have received a lot of entries from yall (during the time when I visited 7 countries in Europe :p) but I know there might still be awesome pics out there! Dont let go of your chance to fame and glory on the MIT Admissions page! :) Contest closes this weekend, and the winners will be posted by next weekend! :) Stay tuned. best mussels ive ever had! washington dc last weekend. :) 2009 EDITION: RULES RESULTS! Redux from last year, with more excitement, a better prize, and more fame and glory!! ^_______^V (^ my attempt at building up enthusiasm :P) What: Send me an exciting picture of what youre doing this summer! You dont have to be in it, although it would definitely be preferred. :) (ie. dont be like me and send a food picture) Please include: where you took the picture. (aka. captions) affiliation with MIT (year, or year of application for potentials) where youre from! anything interesting you would like to say about yourself/whats in the picture/your favorite haiku that doesnt end in refrigerator/blahblah I will post selected entries in a complete blog to come! Youll have at least 2 weeks to send them in. :) Will post when I get enough pictures! (you can also send multiple pictures, but i only ask that you dont make my inbox explode. :p) Prize: Something awesome. Will not be a Giant Microbe. I ship domestically and internationally. There is no refund policy. I do not accept returns. I reserve the right to cancel the prize if there is less than 10 entries. Void where prohibited. My email is up there in the banner Im curious to see what all of your summers are like! :) ps. GO SEE INCEPTION NOW IF YOU HAVENT YET. Youll like it. lesson one: LEARN TO PEE, lesson two: LEARN TO POOP, extra credit!! LEARN TO POOP ASIAN STYLE shanghai expo 2010
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Standardized Testing Essay - 836 Words
Standardized Testing Scholar Bill Ayers believes standardized testing in schools does not accurately measure what is necessary to be successful in life. Ayers insists that Standardized tests such as the American College Test (ACT) and the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) measure specific facts and function which are among the least interesting and slightest important information that children should know. In an article titled â€Å"Testing the Right Way for Talent†, written by Hugh Price, argues the fact that standardized tests fail to capture the qualities that are necessary to be successful in the business world. Another article labeled â€Å"Implementing NCLB Assessment and Accountability Requirements in an Imperfect World†composed by†¦show more content†¦Although he is very much aware of the Act, Kahl believes that there are many problems that are a result of the highly stressed Standardized testing. He believes that some reasons for concern of using tests include; the possible decrease of childrens self-esteem, the changing of curriculums, teaching and learning. Kahl argues the fact that due to the lowering of expectations, there are many other concerns that relate to the tests. For example, Kahl states: With such a system [that tests once in each elementary school, middle school and high school], results at the school level fluctuate considerably from one year to the next. This is because the impact of year-to-year variation capabilities of the students is greater than that due to any general improvement that might be expected in an instructional program†(Kahl). He points out the fact that earlier tests rely on cinema and vocabulary, while later tests place greater stress on substance, and consequently, high scores in early testing do not carry over to the scores of the later testing. Due to the fact that tests include diverse subject areas, the author maintains the argument that the tests may or may not relate directly to what children have been taught or evoke childrens interest. In addition, Kahl states that the multiple-choice format of standardized tests confuses many children who are not accustomed to it. For example, the fact that children who have been taught to work problemsShow MoreRelatedStandardized Testing1272 Words  | 6 PagesSynthesis Essay on Standardized Testing Standardized testing in the United States started in the mid- 1800’s (Standardized Tests - This kind of testing was originally created to measure students’ performance and progress in school (Standardized Tests - In recent years, the public school system has relied heavily on the information this test provides, in doing so creating controversy. Other than being a student myself, and participating in multiple standardized exams such asRead MoreStandardized Testing : Standardized Tests1186 Words  | 5 Pages Standardized Testing Impact Standardized testing is known to improve students’ education, but is it really needed in school? Standardized testing determines whether a student is prepared for the next grade based on their test scores. While some students do great on their test others struggle a lot. Not all students are good test takers; majority of the students do good in school but struggle when it comes down to testing. While many agree that standardized testing helps improve studentsRead MoreStandardized Testing And Standardized Tests1204 Words  | 5 Pagessomething we have all nearly fallen asleep to over our years of standardized tests. I myself can be included with you in that experience and I hope to give you a little more information on these all too familiar tests this afternoon. Today we are going to look at the origins of standardized testing, the purpose of standardized testing, and standardized tests around the world. But first, I want to ask you another question: what is standardized t esting? Is it A) something that has been used for some time inRead MoreStandardized Tests : Standardized Testing963 Words  | 4 PagesOct 2015 Standardized Testing in Florida In recent years Florida’s standardized testing program has taken a turn for the worst. After doing away with the FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test) the debate has only grown due to flood of new tests being created such as the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) or End of Course Exam (EOC). These tests are administered to test students’ abilities at the end of the school year. In spring of 2015, with only two months of testing between the EOC’sRead MoreStandardized Testing Should Be Standardized Tests1329 Words  | 6 PagesPretty much everybody in this generation has taken a standardized test in some level of schooling. A standardized test is defined as a â€Å"test that requires all test takers to answer the same questions, or a selection of questions from a common bank of questions, in the same way, and that is scored in a standard or consistent manner, which makes it possible to compare the relative performance of individual students or groups o f students†(â€Å"Standardized Test Definition†). There is lots of debate aroundRead MoreThe Use of Standardized Testing1088 Words  | 4 Pagesthe use of standardized testing has spanned centuries, some of the earlier studies include data from the early 1900’s. According to Frazier (2009), â€Å"there is a significant difference in scores on standardized tests when students have completed a technology education program†. This study shows a correlation between the use of technology within the school system and achievement on standardized tests. Students that are exposed to technology education are more likely to do well on standardized tests. Read MoreEssay on Standardized Testing1458 Words  | 6 PagesThe No Child Left Behind Act and Standardized Testing: State, National, and International American Education has been a work in progress for the past century and a half. To measure its progress, successes, and failings, there are standardized tests. These tests have been used to compare schools, states, and nations. The key subjects being tested as a universal measure are mathematics, reading, and science. To help improve the scores on these tests, the United States put into law the No ChildRead MoreEssay On Standardized Testing1137 Words  | 5 PagesStandardized testing in public schools has become a norm across the United States. But, in Texas it has been found that students spend more time taking standardized tests than any other state (â€Å"Too Much Testing†). Standardized testing may be an asset to measure education, or more measure testing skills across the nation, but at what cost does it come? What are its effects on moral within the public education system, and how does the state government of Texas interact within it. Why does the TexasRead MoreThe Shortcomings of Standardized Testing1636 Words  | 7 PagesSince the U.S. Congress passed the No Child Left Behind program, standardized testing has become the norm for American schools. Under this system, each child attending a school is required to take a standardized test at specific grade points to assess their level of comprehension. Parents, scholars and all stakeholders involved take part in constant discussions over its effectiveness in evaluating students’ comprehension, teachers’ competency and the effects of the test on the education system. ThoughRead MoreThe Limitations Of Standardized Testing Essay705 Words  | 3 PagesThe limitations of â€Å"standardized testing†as a rigid and narrow criterion for gauging the educational capabilities of students in public education. The criterion for standardized testing relies on narrow areas of knowledge that define a hierarchical imposition of â€Å"intelligence†testing that forces the student to perform ion a constrained academic environment. This type of testing has become a mechanized tool to reject the individual needs of the student in a linear testing methodology. The importance
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
General Aspects Of Calcium Looping Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
The extenuation of CO2 emanations by power workss is without a uncertainty a precedence, nevertheless some of the engineerings available impose important energy punishments [ 1 ] . Calcium iteration is engineering for the phase of CO2 gaining control, which is usually the most dearly-won phase in the CSS procedure [ 2 ] . This engineering has the potency to extinguish up to 90 per centum of the emanations generated by coal-burning power Stationss, which could farther be improved by combination with biomass-fired power Stationss [ 2 ] . We will write a custom essay sample on General Aspects Of Calcium Looping Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now It has gained great attending due to the comparatively little extra energy that requires to run ( estimated at 6 to 8 per centum ) compared to other CO2 gaining control engineerings and the usage of crushed limestone as a sorbent which is unusually inexpensive [ 1 ] . General facets of calcium-looping The engineering is based on the reversible gas-solid reaction of Ca oxide ( CaO ) and C dioxide ( CO2 ) to bring forth Ca carbonate ( CaCO3 ) [ 3 ] . This is used to bring forth a pure watercourse of CO2 available for geological segregation [ 1 ] . Calcium iteration has a figure of advantages compared to closer to-market gaining control strategies, including: the usage of go arounding fluidized bed reactors ( a mature engineering at big graduated table ) ; sorbent derived from abundant and environmentally benign limestone and dolomite precursors [ 2 ] . Another cardinal advantage is the synergism with the cement industry which allows potentially to decarbonise both cement production and electricity coevals [ 2 ] . A low punishment is achieved partly because portion of the energy is recovered in the signifier of hot sorbent stuff and the hot CO2 can besides be used to power an extra steam rhythm [ 3 ] . The reversible reaction once described can be expressed as it follows: CaO ( s ) + CO2 ( g ) a††CaCO3 ( s ) I†Hr,298K = – 178 kJ/mol One of the cardinal restrictions is the ability of the limestone to respond lessenings with the figure of rhythms and hence much of the research for this engineering is aimed at methods to optimise the long-run responsiveness or to reactivate it [ 1 ] . There are important similarities between the post-combustion and pre-combustion procedures ; since both use CaO ( calcium oxide ) as a sorbent and this non entirely, but normally derived from limestone [ 1 ] . This sorbent is repeatedly cycled between two vass: in one of them the carbonation of CaO occurs by depriving the fluke gas from the CO2 it contains, the first vas is called the carbonator [ 1 ] . At this point Ca carbonate ( CaCO3 ) is formed and it is transferred to the 2nd vas ( calciner ) in which calcination takes topographic point [ 1 ] . The CaO is transferred back to the carbonator vas go forthing pure CO2 available for segregation [ 1 ] . Pre-combustion The overall reaction that takes topographic point in the gasifier can be described by the undermentioned equation: CO ( g ) + H2O ( g ) + CaO ( s ) = CaCO3 + H2 ( g ) I†Hr,298K = -219 kJ/mol In the gasifier, it is desired to utilize calcium oxide as a sorbent for CO2 since it removes CO2, generates H2 as a merchandise and the carbonation of calcium hydroxide generates utile heat that can be used to drive farther reactions. A extremely promising procedure has been developed by the ZECA ( Zero Emission Coal Alliance ) that involves the usage of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells ( SOFC ) . Pre-combustion applications of calcium-looping are particularly assuring for H2 production. There are nevertheless, important barriers that are yet to be resolved [ 1 ] . Most of the restrictions are derived from the fuel cell itself, since it must be able to work at temperatures over 1370 K and digest sulfur compounds. The procedure is described by figure 2 and the reactions that take topographic point in each measure of the procedure can be found in table 1. Figure 1. Flow diagram of the ZEC procedure [ 6 ] Figure 1. Flow diagram of the ZEC procedure [ 6 ] . Gasification vas C ( s ) A +A 2H2 ( g ) A a†’A CH4 ( g ) C ( s ) A +A 2H2O ( g ) A a†’A CO ( g ) A +A H2 ( g ) A +A H2O ( g ) A a†’A CO2 ( g ) A +A 2H2 ( g ) Carbonation and reforming vas ( s ) ( integrated heat transportation ) CH4 ( g ) A +A 2H2O ( g ) A a†’A CO2 ( g ) A +A 4H2 ( g ) CaO ( s ) A +A CO2 ( g ) A a†’A CaCO3 ( s ) Calcination vas CaCO3 ( s ) A a†’A CaO ( s ) A +A CO2 ( g ) Fuel cell 2H2 ( g ) A +A O2 ( g ) A a†’A 2H2O ( g ) Table 1.A Reactions involved in the ZEC procedure. Post-combustion Post burning calcium-looping is a extremely promising engineering since it offers an obvious chemical compatibility with cement production that will be discussed farther. There is a figure of procedures that are presently traveling from pilot to demonstration scale [ 1 ] , nevertheless for a general overview a general procedure will be described ; in this instance the one used by Shimizu et al [ 4 ] . For this procedure, a sorbent derived from limestone is used to capture the CO2 contained in the fluke gas produced by an bing power works [ 1 ] . The fluke gas is passed through a fluidised bed carbonator runing at temperatures between 873 and 923 K [ 1 ] . The limestone-derived dissolver is so inserted into the calciner ; a 2nd fluidised bed that operates at temperatures between 1173 and 1223K [ 1 ] . Coal is one time more burnt in the calciner to supply extra heat for calcination, but coal at this phase is burnt in a O2 and CO2 atmosphere in order to keep concentrations of CO2 every bit high as possible [ 1 ] . Most of the heat produced at this phase can be used to run a hi-efficiency steam rhythm. Abanades et Al. [ 5 ] estimations an overall energy punishment that ranges from 6 to 8 per centum for the overall procedure. Figure 2: Potential burning procedure utilizing Ca iteration ( post burning ) [ 1 ] . Although Post-combustion gaining control has become a precedence merely late, it has been used for a considerable sum of clip for H production, in this manner it can still be used as an extra beginning of energy that can add considerable advantages to the overall procedure. Synergy with cement industry The high environmental impact of cement fabrication has for a long clip been capable of concern, furthermore, calcination of CaCO3 histories for about 50 per centum of the CO2 emanations of cement industry [ 1 ] . If the engineering were to be applied at a really big graduated table, the purging rate could and should be optimised to guarantee that disposal of the waste merchandises are non debatable [ 1 ] . Since the sorbent used in Ca iteration can merely be used for a limited figure of rhythms, it has been proposed that it could be used for cement industry alternatively of CaCO3 that is usually used [ 7 ] . The cement industry can avoid CaCO3 calcification and hence the antecedently mentioned emanations can be avoided. In this manner the â€Å" waste †sorbent that would be otherwise wasted by the gaining control of CO2 utilizing calcium-looping, can be used by the cement industry. While this is in rule true, there is a demand to carry on farther experiments in order to spec ify how other constituents introduced into the CaO behave during the cement fabrication procedure, prior to continue to large-scale operations [ 7 ] . Figure 3: Main flows of the proposed system incorporating a CO2-intensive industrial procedure ( e.g. power coevals ) , calcium-looping CO2 gaining control and cement industry. The flecked line represents the watercourse of involvement in this work [ 1 ] . Sorbent Responsiveness As discussed before the decrease of the responsiveness in the sorbent is one of the chief restrictions that is presently under extended research. It is likely that for different types of limestone there will be different optimum solutions, since each type of stone have different grain sizes, drosss, construction and other features [ 1 ] . Thermal pre-activation is a solution based on the premiss that a stone will non needfully go more reactive compared to an untreated one, but over a figure of rhythms it remains reactive for a longer period of clip [ 8 ] . The experiments were conducted by Manovic and Anthony [ 1 ] by heating the sorbent at a temperature of 1273 K repeatedly [ 1 ] . Hydration of the sorbent is presently another assuring method of keeping responsiveness, which is frequently used in SO4 gaining control, nevertheless the force per unit area in the vas is required to increase in order for the hydration to take topographic point [ 1 ] . Experiments by Manovic and Anthony [ 9 ] and Fennel et Al were conducted under different temperatures and force per unit areas, but both concluded that responsiveness for sorbents can be doubled by agencies of hydration. Biamey et Al. provinces that if hydration is to be used as a reactivation scheme for CO2 gaining control, lessons should be learned from its application to SO2 gaining control [ 1 ] . How to cite General Aspects Of Calcium Looping Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Company Accounting for ASX Corporate Governance Principles
Question: Discuss about theCompany Accounting for ASX Corporate Governance Principles. Answer: Australias corporate governance and continuous disclosure framework is regarded the best in the world. This is the reason why it has also been adopted by various other jurisdictions. Moreover, the Corporations Law in Australia require organizations to keep the market informed of significant developments and there are negative consequences for those who fail. In relation to Getswift Ltd, it is notable that the acquisition of Pursuit Pty Ltd necessitates variations in its current corporate governance practices so that it can easily adhere to the ASX Corporate Governance Principles. In relation to structuring the Board of the company, it is notable that there are no committees established for the purpose of discharge of responsibilities. Furthermore, since acquisition of Pursuit Pty Ltd is a major task for Getswift, it is recommended that it facilitates proper provisions for the establishment of relevant committees like the nomination committee. The reason why establishment of such committee is crucial for the company can be attributed to the fact that it assists in examining the selection and appointment approaches of the company[1]. Furthermore, such committee must comprise of only non-executive directors who are responsible for reviewing Board succession measures, assessing performance of the Board and directors, and evaluating required and desirable competencies of such board members. Overall, with such recommendation, the company can be easily assisted in discharging its responsibilities in an effective way. Another crucial recommendation for the company in relation to compliance with the ASX Corporate Governance Principles is that it must make proper provisions for establishing an audit committee. Since the company has not designed an audit committee and it is overseen by the Board, it must be noted that integrity of financial reporting can only be attained through an audit committee[2]. Without an audit committee, Getswift cannot facilitate good corporate governance measure in the entire industry and may fail to achieve penetration into the market even by acquiring its major customer Pursuit Ltd. Furthermore, in relation to this, it must be noted that such establishment of audit committee must also have their own charter wherein the roles and responsibilities of committee members are clearly laid down. Moreover, if integrity of financial reporting is obtained through establishment of an audit committee, the company can easily comply with ASX Corporate Governance Framework[3]. Besides, such integrity is demanded by every stakeholder in the market and if Getswift does not consider such recommendation, it may fail to retain trust and confidence on the part of such stakeholders. The third recommendation to Getswift Ltd is that it must establish an efficient remuneration committee in its framework so that it can adhere to the requirements of ASX Corporate Governance Principles. The reason behind this can be attributed to the fact that the scale and size of the company has restricted it to frame a remuneration committee that will result in future complications after acquisition of Pursuit Ltd. Moreover, the roles and responsibilities of such committee are overseen by the Board of Getswift itself, thereby creating a scenario wherein it is becoming overburdened in nature. In relation to this, it is recommended to the company that it must design a proper remuneration committee so that the policies associated to remuneration are focused upon in an effective way. Besides, such committee must primarily comprise of non-executive directors of the company wherein majority are independent in nature[4]. However, if the board can manage the roles and responsibilities of t he Group, it can do so but there are various guidelines in relation to remuneration of executives and non-executive directors. In relation to this, it is observable that the company offers remuneration to its non-executive directors based on the level of remuneration paid to non-executive directors by organizations of similar size in the industry[5]. It is recommended that the company must remunerate its non-executive directors normally in the form of cash, superannuation contributions, non-cash benefits, or equity. Furthermore, such directors must not receive bonus payments or options by the Board. In addition, these directors must not be offered retirement benefits except for superannuation advantages. Therefore, the company must consider this recommendation of overseeing its fair and responsible strategy of remuneration for complying the objectives or requirements of ASX Corporate Governance Principles. Therefore, these recommendations can be taken into consideration that can allow Getswift comply with ASX requirements and effectively acquire its primary consumer named Pursuit Pty Ltd. Bibliography Fen Osler, Hampson. Turbulent Peace: the Challenges of Managing International Conflict, Washington, 2012. Kowalewski, Oskar. Corporate governance and corporate performance: financial crisis. Management Research Review 39, no. 1 (2016): 1494-1515. doi: 10.1108/MRR-12-2014-0287 Marc, Goergen. International Corporate Governance, Prentice Hall, 2012. Rachael Ajomboh, Ntongho,.Culture and corporate governance convergence. International Journal of Law and Management 58, no. 5 (2016): 523-544. doi: 10.1108/IJLMA-04-2015-0016 Thomas, Clarke. International Corporate Governance, New York: Routledge, 2010.
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